Tag Archives: Toxic

The Mythos of “Unconditional-Love”


Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated:

“Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way).”…”Beware of loving anyone extremely, because 1-Day you may have to hate them.”.

(ibn-Hibbān&al-Bayhaqī, at-Tirmidhī)

When anyone pontificates/claims that they love “unconditionally”, they literally make me cringe…for Several-Reasons:

a. Most-People confuse Love with Infatuation/Lust.

b. Countless-People claim to love Others they don’t even respect & it’s literally impossible to love anyone/anything which is unrespected.

c. Countless-People only manifest Weak-Love.

Love is in fact conditional, and it’s something very easy to prove:

Allah literally establishes the Fact that They Themselves have Love-Limits. So, if the Creator/Lord of the Universe has Love-Limits: how dare you pontificate/claim that there exists “Unconditional-Love”?!!! Allah literally states whom They hate/unlove via The Qur’ān Word4Word. Allah states They hate/unlove those whom don’t believe in Allah, those whom oppress, those whom’re arrogant, those whom’re flamboyant/extravagant, those whom’re wasteful, etc.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.3, V.32; Chpt.4, V.18; Chpt.6, V.141; Chpt.7, V.31; Chpt.31, V.18)

Allah is the Creator/Lord of the Universe: no one/nothing via the Universe could possibly be “More-Loving” than Allah. So, by virtue of this…since Allah manifests Conditional-Love, who’re any Creature/Being think they are to pontificate/claim that they’ve “Unconditional-Love”?!!! Make that Goofy-Shit make Sense.

Even as Muslims, when we theologically profess our Love for Allah & Their Messenger…literally that’s conditional. It’s conditional, because:

a. The Only-Reason we (as Muslims) love Allah is, because, we truly believe that Only Allah is the Sole-Creator/Lord of the Universe & only They alone are Worshipworthy.

b. The Only-Reason we (as Muslims) love Muhammad (Peace be upon them) is, because, they were granted the Status of an-Nubuwwah (Prophecy/Prophethood)…made to be the Khātim (Seal/Finality) of an-Nubuwwah…granted the Final-Revelation (The Qur’ān & the Sunnah/Prophetic-Tradition).

Let’s even look at our Personal-Relationships:

1. Do we love our Parents the same as our Children?

2. Do we love our Significant-Others the same as our Siblings?

3. Do we love our Friends the same as our Relatives?

The Answers to each/all of these Particular-Questions are going to be “No”. That’s simply a Sifah/Manifestation of al-Bashriyyah (Human-Nature/Behavior). Moreover, the Love we have for the Aforementioned-Categories of Humans aren’t supposed to be the same. The Positions of any/all those Categorical-Persons will mean Different-Things, always via our Entire-Lives.

All-People express Love, exclusively based upon whom they’re attached/connected to. If there’s 0-Bond, then there’s 0-Love. Even when I hear Certain-Persons say: “I love everybody.”…that’s a Damn-Lie. I literally challenge People who claim they “love everybody”…all of the Time. I mention Various-Types/Kinds of Persons literally to prove that “loving eveybody” is not only false but impossible.

Gareth Bryant



I actually confronted This-Person, regarding their Character/Behavior:

This is the Reason how/why Allah commands Humanity seek Refuge with Them, against the Waswās/Deception of ash-Shaytān/Satan.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.114)

Via the Extended-Version of This-Video: the Person audaciously pontificated/claimed that they “didn’t have enough Time” to determine whether or not the Persons whom they directly interacted with intimately, in Real-Life, were Men as opposed to Women. Nah…they’re 💯%-Untruthful/Dishonest…the Fact that they’re actually pontificating/claiming that they “didn’t have enough Time”, to discern whether or not a Person was truly Male vs. Female: I’m absolutely not buying that Goofy-Shit. There’s 0-Doubt that there’s Male-Transformers whom attempt to deceive Hetero-Men. Yet, at the Same-Time, All-Humans have what’s called al-Fitrah (Natural-Instinct). This-Fitrah is directly/overtly imbedded into the very Soul, Mind/Heart, of All-Humans alike. Now, as per Male-Female Human-Relationships via al-Jinsiyyah (Sexuality): Vibes don’t lie, People lie. There’s Certain/Specific-Feelings which rise within People which only occur if/when one is interacting with Members of the Opposite-Gender. This isn’t my Opinion, this is Fact. So, if one is imitating Members of their Opposite-Gender, they can instinctively detect that. It’s simply that more often than not: People are afraid/ashamed to admit that they ignored Obvious Red-Flags. Now, as per the Person via This-Video…they’re 💯%-Cappin: if U a Homo 4 da Low then jus say dat.

al-Liwāt/Homosexuality itself is inherently no different than/from any other Sin. However, when those whom’re Homosexuals disguise themselves as the Opposite of their Birth-Genders: this makes Things that much worse by default. This “Transgender-Culture”, which began via the People-Of-Lot, as did al-Liwāt, which has become very popular…it’s a Deceptive-Trend which aims to convert Heterosexuals into Homosexuals. Also, it ironically places the Lives of those whom’re Transformers (Males/Females whom imitate the Opposite-Gender) in Serious-Danger. Heterosexual-People end-up having their Lives utterly ruined & their Sexual-Reputations permanently tarnished, resulting from this. (Literally) all of this could be easily-avoided if Transformers simply leave Heterosexuals alone.

No Human-Being has any Entitlement/Justification to hide/conceal their True Biological-Gender from Persons whom they’re sexually-interested in, sexually-involved with, etc. We all, as Humans, owe each other That-Type/Kind of Disclosure. And, if/when any Humans refuse to disclose their True Biological-Gender: they deserve whatever comes to them. These-Transformers are really Out-Of-Pocket. This is what gets Transformers injured and/or killed, being Dangerously-Deceptive…this Goofy-Shit has to stop. If Transformers attempt to deceive anyone, by fronting as though you’re the Gender they’re imitating & they get their Asses handed to them (rightfully so by the way): they’ve literally no one to blame/fault except themselves.

Gareth Bryant

Andrew Tate being cancelled because of Islāmophobia


Emory Andrew Tate, III (commonly known simply as Andrew Tate) is a Former Professional-Fighter/Kick-Boxer, turned High-Profile Lifestyle-Personality/Celebrity. They’ve gained Extra-Popularity, via featuring on Podcasts discussing Human-Relationships between Men&Women, voicing their Views on Sex, Dating, Marriage, Divorce, THOTery, etc.

Andrew Tate has become very popular, as per their Stances on Human-Relationships between Men&Women. However, they’ve seemingly been placed Out-Of-Favor with the Puppet-Masters of Social-Media. Andrew Tate has historically spoken quite favorably towards al-Islām. Clearly, that doesn’t sit well with the Social-Media Higher-Ups. When they stated that al-Islām is the Only/Last True-Religion, the Algorithims went crazy. Obviously, for anyone who’s got a deep-rooted Social-Reach & is Socially-Influential: this is detrimental to Agendas which aim to control the Masses via adh-Dhalālah/Misguidance.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.9, V.32

When I found-out that Andrew Tate was being “Cancelled”, I knew immediately how/why. There’s Some/Many-Persons whom’ll claim that Andrew Tate got “cancelled” because they pontificate/promote Misogyny. Now, ironically, there’s literally Countless-Persons/Platforms which pontificate/promote Misogyny & Those-Persons/Platforms are surprisngly still active via Social-Media. This is literally a Smokescreen. I can humanly guarantee you, that had Andrew Tate never stated what they’ve said concerning the Positivity of al-Islām that they probably would’ve never gotten “cancelled”.

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2022, C.E.

The Pathetic-Ugliness of Sexual-Snitching


Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Verily, amongst the Most-Evil of the People, to Allah, on the Day-Of-Standing is a Man who was intimate with their Wife and spread their Sexual-Secrets thereafter (i.e. Slut-Shames them).”.

In spite of the Fact that they’re not married to each other: the Rules still apply. What they did was Sucka-Shit.

For those whom’re lost: This-Post is literally about a Muslim-Male, complaining about their Wife (one of their Multiple-Wives) self-pleasuring themselves via Masturbation, Sex-Toys, etc. (via their Absence from their Spouse).

“And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8)

“Men&Women are Shields for/of one another…”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.187)

As per This-Subject, this is very crucial. Detailing Marital-Issues/Problems (particularly/especially via al-Jinsiyyat-ul-Bashriyyah/Human-Sexuality) is very much a Taboo-Topic & full of Countless-Complexities/Complications. However, if/when it comes to airing-out ones own Dirty-Laundry via the Public-Sphere, to perhaps either acquire: Empathy, Sympathy, Attention, etc. is Hella-Problematic & Religio-Spiritually Dangerous.

Doing this, by default, without the Correct-Niyyah/Motive, and/or without Religio-Professional Advisement (Counseling, Therapy, etc.), can easily fall under Several Kabā’ir (Infamnias/Major-Sins):

a. Unjustly disclosing the Affairs of the Bed.

b. Backbitting: detailing Negative-Things about one’s Spouse which is true/honest, yet is exclusively done to make them look Bad.

c. Slander: accusing one’s Spouse of doing Negativity which is either untrue/dishonest or unproven, exclusively to make them look Bad.

(al-Kabā’ir/The Major-Sins, adh-Dhahabī)

“Men are Responsible for Women…”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.4, V.34)

This-Citation of at-Tanzīl details that (via al-Islām) Men are Mafrūdh/Islāmically-Required to provide Several-Things for Men, specific to This-Āyah/Verse: this is referring to the Wives-Of-Men. The Things which’re required to be provided are the following:

1. Establishing Religio-Spiritual Irshād/Direction.

2. Establishing Holistic-Wilāyah/Protection.

3. Establishing Psycho-Emotional Rifq (Compassion/Comfort).

4. Establishing as-Suhbah/Companionship.

5. Establishing Food, Clothing, Shelter.

6. Establishing Pipe-Game.*

(*Clearly This-Post is centered around Number-6…just as a Dhikr/Reminder)

The Word/Term for “Marriage”: “an-Nikāh”…
…it etymologically (literally) means “Sexual-Intercourse/Fuckin”. So, by default: obviously (for Obvious-Reasons) Sex is the Asl/Rudement-Foundation for any Marital-Relationship, which makes Sense, because it’s a Known-Fact (via Human-Behavior) that al-Jinsiyyah/Sexuality is the Most-Intimate Sifah/Manifestation of Human-Communication. Keep in Mind, also, that Sex is largely Non-Verbal Communication & at least 80% of Human-Communication is Non-Verbal. This is so Islāmically-Factual, that anyone whom is Married & their not being Sexually-Appeased: a. If they’re a Man, they can divorce their Wife because of this. b. If they’re a Woman, they can be granted a Khul`/Divorce-Request.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.4, V.19; al-Bukhari; Muslim; an-Nasā’ī; Mālik; Ahmad; Lisān-ul-`Arab: Lexicon of the Arabic-Language, ibn-Manzhūr)

But, if you’re fearful that you won’t be just: then just wed 1-Wife…”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.4, V.3)

Let’s keep it 💯: Muslim-Men having Multiple-Wives has become a Fad, Trend, etc. fueled by Machismo/Male-Egotism, Fake-Wokeness via the Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative of “Red-Pillism”, “High-Value”, etc. So, upon that: Muslim-Men sim to literally 1-Up each other, via the Polygyny-Racket…as a Sifah/Manifestation of Religio Dick-Measuring. It’s basically a Way for Many-Muslims to fulfill a Fantasy of being a “Player”, under the False-Pretense of Polygyny. They’re literally trying to do via al-Islām what many of them were really incapable of doing if they were Non-Muslims, which is acquiring Multiple-Pussies. I don’t care whom agrees/disagrees, likes/dislikes, etc. what I’ve stated…how I’ve ststed it…etc. All of those reading This-Article know damn well that I’m being 💯%-Truthful/Honest here…
…”Truth is Truth, regardless of whom/where it comes from.”.(Islāmic-Principle) As Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated:

“Apathy/Arrogance is denying Truth & mocking People.”

And, as Mu`ādh ibn-Jabal (May Allah be pleased with them) once stated:

“Always accept Truth, even if it comes from a Kāfir (Disbeliever/Non-Muslim) or a Fāsiq/Sinful-Muslim.”

(an-Nawawī, Abū-Dāwud)

“Either remain with them or depart from them via Respect/Dignity.”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.229&231; Chpt.17, V.23)

Now, as per the Aforementioned-Post: the Issue of Abandonment is very much Islāmically-Valid. Sadly, though: Many-Persons refuse to recognize/accept the Reality that they’re violating the Huqūq/Rights of their Spouses…Men & Women are equally blameworthy/faultworthy of this for the Record. Both Husband & Wife are equally: responsible, accountable, liable, etc. as per making their Marital-Relationship work or to part Ways via at-Talāq/Divorce…like the Ole-Saying: “It takes 2-Hands to clap.”.




“Have you seen those whom take their Desires as their God?!!! Are you then their Enabler?!!!
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.25, V.43)

There’s Several Red-Flags which I personally have detected, via the Aforementioned-Post, regarding the Person complaining about their Spouse getting themselves off without them. It seems, as per the Correspondance, that all the Blame/Fault, Responsibility, Accountability, etc. is exclusively being imposed via a 1-Sided Fashion & that’s azh-Zhulm/Oppression by default. Don’t get me wrong: I’m not at all co-signing what they’ve accused their Spouse of doing. Yet, at the Same-Time, as I always tell People: You either judge everyone or no one…
…you either give everyone or no one a Pass. This-Man absolutely must self-evaluate their own Situation & recognize/accept the Reality that they’ve been exposed for probably one, some, most, or all of the following:

1. Lacking Religio-Spiritual Irshād.

2. Lacking Holistic-Wilāyah.

3. Lacking Psycho-Emotional Rifq.

4. Lacking as-Suhbah.

5. Lacking Food, Clothing, Shelter.

6. Lacking Pipe-Game.

“Pick your Poison.” as the Ole-Saying goes & check/correct one’s Self. Any/All-Men being challenged/tested via this Same-Dilemma must/should introspect whether or not this applies to them personally. For Obvious-Reasons, these aren’t at all Comfortable-Convos for any Man to have with themselves via Intrapersonal-Communication, nor with Others via Interpersonal-Communication. But, this must be unearthed&remedied, for one’s own Individual-Sihah/Wellness. As hurtful & shameful as it may seem/feel: All-Men must have the Basālah/Courage to face this, if it so applies to them. Courage isn’t the Absence-Of-Fear, it’s the Willingness&Ability to confront Fear. Moreover, Lots of Tawādhi`/Humility is required to even aknowledge that this applies to one’s Self & to take Realistic/Pragmatic-Steps towards dealing with their own Respective Marital-Issues, and to accept Help/Support from Others if need be.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.13, V.11; an-Nawawī)


As a Chaplain (Counselor/Therapist), there’s Several-Pieces of Advice for any/all Muslim-Males experiencing such Scenarios as these:

1. Try one’s best to refer one’s Affairs directly to Allah firstly & ask Allah to guide one’s Decision-Making.

2. Don’t be hasty to tell, post, etc. one’s Marital-Issues/Problems via the Public-Sphere (regardless of whether it’s disclosed via the Public-Sphere or via Anonymity). And, that’s because there very well may be People, via an-Nazhr/al-`Ayn (Evil-Eye), whom’re joyful that Certain-Persons have Marital-Issues/Problems.

3. Actually have These-Types/Kinds of Convos with one’s Spouses…”Communication is Key.” as the Ole-Saying goes.

4. Seek Religio-Professional Relationship-Counseling/Therapy if necessary.

5. Don’t maliciously out one’s Spouse via al-`Udwān/Animosity against one’s Marital-Partner, as this can easily be classified as al-Ghībah/Gossip (via al-Buhtān/al-Humazah).

6. Be grateful, to Allah, that Masturbation/Sex-Toying is all that they’ve done/are doing…realistically they could’ve been committing Adultery. And, as I always tell People: Women only cheat on Men they don’t respect…
…any Woman who’s with any Man they respect: they’ll leave them as opposed to cheating on them. By the way: this literally only applies to marriage. Realistically, if you’re unmarried then it really isn’t “Cheating”, because, unless you’re married to someone they don’t owe you anything.
(at-Tabarānī, al-Bayhaqī, ibn-Hajar al-`Asqalānī)


In Conclusion…I hope that Persons like those whom detailed their Relationship-Strife find Some-Type/Kind of Ruqyah/Healing. It’s very evident, that they’re a Miserable-Person & may Allah replace their Hardship with Ease, as well as any/all Others challenged the Same-Way.

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2022, C.E.