Tag Archives: Theologies

al-`Aqā’id (Theologies) in the Era of al-Khilāfah (Islāmic-Governance)


The Siblings of the Pen: Gareth “Atharī Corleone” & Tālib “Ash`arī Tommasino” Nathaniel once again took our Fraternity to Another-Discussion, about how al-Khilāfah/Islāmic-Governance was influenced/dominated via al-`Aqā’id/Theological-Schools. As per usual, we never allow our Fraternity get in the Way of facilitating Debate between us. So, via This-Article, I’ll investigate the Historical-Ties between al-`Aqā’id & the Khilāfah-Era.

How the Discourse began

This began when Ash`arī Tommasino had postured, via the WhatsApp-Group we’re both in, that there’s never been any Islāmic-Governance, Muslim-Nation/Empire, Muslim-Country, etc. which was ever Bureaucratically-Atharī prior to the Inception of KSA/Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. I literally laughed when my Sibling of the Pen said this & said to myself: “The Beloved is Wildin…lol”. To claim that there was never a Time in which Atharism was influential/dominant via the Historical/Bureaucratic-Rulership within the Muslim-World prior to Post-WWI is Bonkers. So, as usual, what Atharī Corleone did was thoroughly analyze the Claim of Ash`arī Tommasino (via Typical Gareth Bryant Fashion). And, what I’ve concluded is what I’ll elaborate on further via the Rest of This-Article.

Examining Historical-Aqā’id


Belief: Mu`tazilīs highly focus on Rationalism&Rhetoric (based primarily upon Greco-Roman Philosophy). Also, they claim that Allah is similar to Creation. As well, they’re notoriously known for misinterpreting al-Mashī’ah/Freewill. In addition, they also claim that The Qur’an was “created”.

(Progenitor/Founder: Wāsil ibn-`Atā’)


Belief: Ash`arīs view that the Fitrah/Nature-Of-Allah is never to be compared to Creation, hence they conclude the “Necessity” to not view the Sifāt/Characteristics-Of-Allah as being Literal, Real, Actual, etc. Also, they’re also deeply rooted in Rationalism, Rhetoric, etc. (Furthermore) Ash`arīs are particularly notoriously known for imposing Unjust-Takfīr/Blasphemy against Fellow-Muslims whom’re Non-Ash`arīs, in spite of the Progenitor/Founder of Ash`arism making Deathbed-Repentance against Unjust-Takfīr against Muslim Non-Ash`arīs.

(Progenitor/Founder: `Alī ibn-Ismā`īl ibn-Ishāq [AKA Abul-Hasan al-Ash`arī])


Belief: Jabarīs claim that Humans don’t possess al-Mashī’ah, and aren’t responsible for their Actions. As a Result, they also disbelieve in the Day of Standing.

(Progenitor/Founder: Ja`d ibn-Dirhām)


Belief: Qadarīs deny of the Belief in al-Qadr (Decree/Destiny). They claim that they’re “free” from the Qadr-Of-Allah via al-Mashī’ah/Freewill.

(Progenitor/Founder: Abū-Yūnus Sinbuyah Aswārī & Ma`bad ibn-Juhanī [one of the Students/Followers of Jahm ibn-Safwān])


Belief: Murji’īs claim that Actions aren’t an aspect of al-Īmān. Also, they claim that al-Īmān neither increases or decreases.

(Progenitor/Founder: Ghilān ibn Abī-Ghilān al-Qadarī)


Belief: Mushabbihīs claim that Allah is similar to the Creation, referring to Their Characteristics being “shared” amongst Created-Things/Beings.

(Progenitor/Founder: Muqātil ibn-Sulaymān al-Khurasānī)


Belief: Jahmīs deny Particular-Sifāt of Allah, like Eternal-Speech for example. Jahmism historically is notoriously known for claiming that The Qur’an was “created”.

(Progenitor/Founder: Jahm ibn-Safwān [one of the Students/Followers of Ja`d ibn-Dirhām as well as a Contemporary of Ab-il-Hasan al-Ash`arī])

The Ugly-History of the “`Aqīdah/Creed-Wars”

A Summary of the Khilāfah-Era

al-Khilāfah lasted for 13-Centuries consisting of 4-Periods of Islāmic-Governance over the Muslim-World. These 4 Khilāfah-Periods Definied what al-Khilāfah is & isn’t, faced damn near Complete-Collapse, arose from the Ashes of Non-Muslim Ass-Whippins, etc. only to be interally betrayed via al-`Asabiyyah/Xenophobia.


(The “Rightly-Guided Custodians” Era)

Established the Skeletal-Matrix of al-Khilāfah: Rebellions, Bureaucratic-Development, Initial-Expansion of al-Khilāfah, Tribal-Nepotism, Internal-Corruption, etc. were Hallmarks of the Legacy of the Rāshidī-Period.

23-53, A.H./632-661, C.E.


(The so-called “Arab-Empire” Era)

The Greatest Territorial-Expansion of al-Khilāfah: from the Iberian-Peninsula (Modern-Day Spain/Portugal) to the Indian-Subcontinent (Modern-Day Pakistan). The Most-Powerful Khalīfah of This-Period was `Abd-ul-Malik ibn-Marwān (the Muslim-Version of the Roman-Emperor Trajan). Mismanagement of Islāmic-Territories, Bureaucratic-Corruption, etc. chiefly led to the Implosion/Usurpation of this Khilāfsh-Period.

53-132, A.H./661-750, C.E.


(The so-called “Islāmic Golden-Age” Era)

In spite of being classified as the “Islāmic Golden-Age” because of: Religio-Academic Heights, Technological-Advancement, etc. the Weakest Khilāfah-Period (due to the Muslim-World getting mauled via the Judeo-Christian Crusades & the Pagan-Mongol Hordes from the 4th-9th Centuries, A.H./10th-15 Centuries, C.E.). This was the Greatest Territorial-Loss during the Khilāfah-Period.

132-923, A.H./750-1517, C.E.


(The “Ottoman-Empire” Era)

The Height of International-Reognition of the Oceanic-Might&Influence of the `Uthmānī-Navy in the World. al-Khilāfah fought Imperial-Portugal for a Lengthy-Duration over Naval-Supremacy via the Indian-Ocean Region. The Expansion into the Balkans was a constant&consistent Blow/Annoyance to Non-Muslim Europe. (Eventually) due to Succession-Crises, Internal-Corruption, World-War I, Pan-Arabism, the Arab-Revolt, etc.: this caused al-Khilāfah to fully collapse. This, of course, gave rise to the Despicable-State of the Muslim-World being without a Khilāfah ever since.

923-1340, A.H./1517-1922, C.E.

Muslim-Politics & Muslims whom manipulate it for their own Ambitions

The Classic Hizbī/Sectarian-Claim that “Most of the Muslim-World has always been upon Ash`arī-Creed”

I personally have heard this Talking-Point for Decades, without anyone providing any such Evidence thereof. Claims must be established via Proofs. This is precisely how/why Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated:

“The Indictment is upon the Claimant.”


Every single Time I’ve commanded that Ash`arīs provide Historical/Statistical-Data proving that Most of the Muslim-World has been Theologically-Ash`arī…Utter-Silence. And, it’s because they know such a Claim they pontificate/promote is 💯% predicated upon Hizbī/Religio-Sectarian Sucka-Shit.

Vying for the “Sunnī-Monopoly” amongst the Muslims

Realistically, it’s impossible to “prove” that Most of the Muslim-World has ever been Theologically-Atharī. But, ironically, here’s what can undoubtedly be proven:

All of al-Anbiyā’/Prophetic-Individuals (Peace be upon them altogether) were Theological-Atharīs.

All of the Muslims from Umum/Nations prior to the Revelation of The Qur’ān were Theological-Atharīs.

At least 90% of as-Salaf (as-Sahābah/the Companions & Generations-1&2 of at-Tābi`īn/the Followers) were Theological-Atharīs.

There’s 0-Way to attain, collect, survey, etc. Historical-Data as per which Percentages of Muslims (relative to the Revelation of al-Qur’ān & as-Sunnah) were Atharīs vs. Non-Atharīs.

The `Aqā’id I’ve examined either never took root, or never even existed, prior to the `Abbāsī-Period.

This-Discussion also brings into Account of the 8-Surviving Madhāhib/Religio-Legal Schools which dominate Islāmic-Legalism throughout the Muslim-World. For the Record/Fun-Fact: All of the Progenitors/Founders of any of these 8-Surviving Madhāhib were Theological-Atharīs.

Romance of the 3-`Aqīdahs

Let’s examine the Populations of those dwelling under each Khilāfah-Period


Approximately 22Million-People.


Approximately 70Million-People at its Territorial-Height. Overall, GiveorTake, between 20-60 Million People throughout the Duration of the Umayyī-Period.


Approximately 50Million-People, relative to its Territorial-Height.


Approximately 25Million-People.

Let’s do Some-Math

Combining the Rāshidī-Period & Umayyī-Period together:

That’s close to 100Million-People total.

Combining the `Abbāsī-Period & `Uthmānī-Period together:

That’s close to 80Million-People total.

So, what actually makes anyone think/feel that Ash`arism became so “influential/dominant”, within the Muslim-World, when Ash`arism literally doesn’t even compliment the Mindset/Mentality of the Average/Regular-Muslim? Historically, from Ādam/Adam (Peace be upon them) till now: the Average/Regular-Muslim has had Simple/Simplex-Views about al-`Aqīdah/Islāmic-Theology (the 6-Arkān/Pillars of al-Īmān [Islāmic-Belief/Faith]). Less-Is-More, for the Average/Regular-Muslim. This is how/why Atharism compliments the Average/Regular-Muslim totally. The Average/Regular-Muslim has never been a Religio-Academic. Rather, the Average/Regular-Muslim is only interested in getting to al-Jannah/Paradise.

at-Tafwīdh/Neutrality vs. at-Ta’wīl/Interpretation concerning the Sifāt/Qualities-Of-Allah

The Question/Challenge (from Gareth “Atharī Corleone” to Tālib “Ash`arī Tommasino”) is to actually provide Historical/Statistical-Data, which can even remotely dispute my Research regarding This-Issue. This is going to be Fun, as Gareth Bryant observes Tālib Nathaniel collect Thoughts, Research, etc. to address what I’ve authored. I very much look forward to the Response via my Sibling of the Pen.

Gareth Bryant

Revive Respectful-Rivalry


The Following-Citation/Quote below-It’s literally is reminiscent of the Religio-Academic Rivalry between myself & one of Gareth Bryant’s Favorite-Colleagues: Tālib Nathaniel. Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel have immersed ourselves in a Friendly-Feud, which sparked Significant-Attention/Controversy via our Individual/Mutual-Circles. It’s raised Eyebrows as well as kept Certain-Person “Walking-On-Eggshells” Sort-Of-Speak. Our Rivalry has caused much Talk around our Native-Cities as well as Various-States, Various-Countries, etc. And, the Cited/Quoted-Story, albeit Centuries ago: it’s ironically so poignant & relevant to the Rivalry of Gareth Bryant vs. Tālib Nathaniel.

Fraternity in spite of Rivalry

The Citation/Quote plainly details that Others tried to dismantle the Respect/Love which existed between the 2-Subjects of the Citation/Quote. Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel have literally faced the Same-Types/Kinds of Tactics used to attempt destroying our Bond as: Brothers, Friends, Colleagues, etc. Tālib & Gareth have discussed at length, about how far Certain-Persons would be willing to go (to attempt making us Adversaries of one another). Tālib literally disclosed to me, that one Particular-Person: Fahīm Lea (I’ve already publicly discussed my Deep-Disdain for Fahīm Lea)…they refused to return the Taslīm (the Utterance of “as-Salām/Greeting-Of-Peace”) ever since Tālib had released their Response to an Article I authored. I literally told Tālib not to be “surprised”, that Fahīm Lea hadn’t returned the Taslīm, after they had initiated to Fahīm Lea. Fahīm Lea particularly is Highly-Triggered/Angered, that Tālib Nathaniel has a Positive-Relationship with Gareth Bryant…I’ve explained how/why via Another-Article I’ve previously authored.

They hate You cause they couldn’t break You

The Scenario between Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel literally reminds me of the 1st-Fitnah/Civil-War amongst the Muslims:`Alī ibn-`Imrān vs. Mu`āwiyah (May Allah be pleased with them both), when the Roman-Emperor living during This-Time attempted to “convince” Mu`āwiyah to align themselves with Rome against `Alī…this was the Dialogue between the Roman-Emperor & Mu`āwiyah:

“The Byzantine Emperor had great hopes of attacking and defeating Mu’aawiyah after the latter had instilled fear in him and humiliated him and vanquished his troops. When the Byzantine Emperor saw that Mu’aawiyah was preoccupied with fighting ‘Ali, he approached some cities (on the border) with a huge army, filled with hope of victory. So Mu’aawiyah wrote to him saying, ‘By Allah, if you do not desist and go back to your land, O cursed one, I shall reconcile with my cousin and we will unite against you, and I shall certainly expel you from all of your land! I shall keep pursuing you, and the earth, vast as it is, will be straitened for you.’ At that, the Byzantine Emperor was scared off and abandoned his plans; he sent word seeking a peace treaty.”

(at-Tabarī, as-Suyūtī, ibn-Kathīr)

al-Husayn & the Massacre of Karbalā’:

The Gareth Bryant vs. Tālib Nathaniel Rivalry is predicated upon the two of them respectfuly, brotherly, academically: debating, disagreeing, etc. regarding Theological-Postures, Theological-Positions, Theological-Arguments, etc. which’ve been contested for Centuries via Islāmic-Academics whom precede the both of us as per Islāmic-Knowledge/Understanding. There’ve been Supporters via Various Religio-Sectarian Camps which’ve either wanted Tālib Nathaniel to be “defeated” via Gareth Bryant, or Gareth Bryant to be “defeated” via Tālib Nathaniel. There’s even been those who’ve publicly & privately attempted to Cheerlead, in order to inspire Rifts between Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel. However, via the Justice/Mercy-Of-Allah:

a. Neither Gareth Bryant nor Tālib Nathaniel had allowed ourselves to succumb to the Waswās/Deception of ash-Shaytān/Satan via the Biases-Of-Man for and against each other individually.

b. There’ve been Other Religio-Academics who’ve refused to attempt interering in the Religio-Academic Rivalry between Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel…themselves directly & indirectly expressing/verbalizing Gratitude that both Gareth & Tālib displayed Immense-Respect towards one another, presented Authentic/Objective-Facts regarding their Theological-Arguments, manifested Meritable-Maturity regarding the Subject-Matter, etc.

c. There’ve been Religio-Community Elders who’ve stepped-up to the Plate, to reinfirce the Necessity to maintain Justice as per evaluating the Theological-Arguments which’ve been presented/defended via the Works/Writings of Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel.

Gareth Bryant’s Article:

at-Tafwīdh/Neutrality vs. at-Ta’wīl/Interpretation concerning the Sifāt/Qualities-Of-Allah

Tālib Nathaniel’s Article:

Al-qadhiyatu min ajalil-Haqeeqa tafwid al-amr li-llah

Even amongst the Staunchest-Critics of both Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel: they respected the Efforts given by us both. We’ve both received Significant-Praise, as per our Efforts to conduct ourselves as Muslim-1st, regardless of what Gareth & Tālib have vehemently disagreed upon as per the Subject-Matter behind their Religio-Academic Rivalry. In spite of Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel being on Different-Sides of the `Aqīdah/Theology-Coin (Gareth being Pro-Atharī & Tālib being Ash`arī)…they each both do agree with one another that `Aqidah has been dangerously hijacked via Ahzāb/Religio-Gangs to incite/continue the Ugly-Mīrāth/Legacy of Muslim-On-Muslim Oppression via “`Aqīdah-Wars”. And, these “`Aqīdah-Wars” have been amongst the Usūl/Origins of Muslim-On-Muslim Violence throughout the Muslim-World historically & particularly via the United States amongst Muslim-Americans.

The Niggadelphia-Effect

What Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel have done, via our Brotherly-Bond: we’ve literally shown Other-Muslims the Power of Fraternity in spite of Rivalry. We’ve jointly proven that we can disagree & argue with/against Fellow-Muslims respectfuly, brothetly, friendly, maturely, academically, etc. without ever having to resort to any Sifah/Manifestation of al-Qattāl/Violence against any Fellow-Muslim. And, any/all of our Critics whom unrespect the Fact that Gareth & Tālib have never chosen to be Religio-Opps: that angers them greatly…proving undoubtedly that Persons like them are Part of the Mushkilah/Problem. Like…how dare any Muslim be triggered/angered, that Fellow-Muslims don’t want to be Enemies of one another?!!! Make that Goofy-Shit make Sense.

Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel have always made it Crystal-Clear: we attempt to always operate via being Muslim-1st. We refuse to view each other as “Enemies” of one another. We equally refuse to allow anyone to disrupt our Progress towards Facilitating al-Ijtimā`/Unity between the Muslims via Religio-Academia/Scholarship.We ask Allah, to always protect us & always aid us against any/all whom want us to be Adversaries against each other.

Gareth Bryant

1445, A.H./2024, C.E.

The Haqqover/Super-Hizbī: Debunking the Pseudo-Justifications for Takfīr-Culture


Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way).”.
(ibn-Hibbān, al-Bayhaqī)

When you try to be Nice People think you’re “Soft”

Yep…I’m choosing Violence On-Purpose. Since the Release of my “Tafwīdh vs. Ta’wīl” Article, detailing the Differences between Theological-Concepts interpreted via al-Athariyyah/Atharism & al-Ash`ariyyah/Ash`arism…there’s been Confirmed-Accusations via Certain Ash`arī-Pretenders who still think/feel that trying to play with me is a “Flex”. What I mean by that is this-These Ash`arī-Pretenders continue to slander me, via accusing me of being “Salafī”, exclusively to attempt dismissing my Religio-Scholarship & to equate me with those whom they don’t even consider Muslims anyway.

at-Tafwīdh/Neutrality vs. at-Ta’wīl/Interpretation concerning the Sifāt/Qualities-Of-Allah

How/why does being labeled as “Salafī” bother me so?!!!

1. Accusing any Muslim of being “Hizbī/Sectarian” is al-Buhtān/al-Humazah (Slander/Defamation), by default/definition…that’s a Kibār (Major-Sin/Infamnia).

2. It takes one to know one…the Same-Mothafuckas accusing me of being a “Hizbī” are in fact Hizbīs themselves.

3. This Specific-Branch of Ash`arī-Pretenders are heavy on Takfīr-Culture & don’t even consider Salafīs as Fellow-Muslims (let alone as Persons-Of-Knowledge).

How to avoid being placed in the “Wahhābī” Box

So, now, I’ve got to turn-up the Heat on them

Originally, I authored my “Tafwīdh vs. Ta’wīl” Article to highlight how Islāmic-Theology is manipulated by Ahzāb (Religio-Sectarian Groups), in order to play Religio-Monopoly for the Following-Asbāb/Reasons:

a. The Mythos/Illusion of having Religio-Piety.

b. The Mythos/Illusion of having Religio-Scholarship.

c. The Lust to acquire/maintain Spiritual/Intellectual-Control over Others.

d. The Thirst to religio/spiritually pimp their Constituents, Followers, “Students”, etc.

So, who’re the Ash`arī-Pretenders?

Amin Muhammad

Faheem Lea

They’ve both a Dark-Reputation of co-signing Unjust-Takfīr/Blasphemy against Fellow-Muslims, simply because they’re Non-Ash`arīs. Faheem Lea a Known-Fanboy/Flunky of Amin Muhammad, an Imām via the United States, who’s notorious for publicly making Unjust-Takfīr against Muslims whom’re Non-Ash`arīs. These two, amongst Others, are Ascribers of a Branch-Group of Ash`arism known as the Ahbāshīs…they’re the Madkhalīs of Ash`arism. The Madkhalīs, of course, posture themselves as the “Special/Elite-Forces” Version of Salafism.


What’s “Takfīr” & what does it mean?!!!

at-Takfīr literally means “Disbelief-Declaration/Accusation”. Basically, the Concept of at-Takfīr is that a Muslim is establishing, or claiming, that a Fellow-Muslim has done an Act-Of-Kufr/Disbelief or has done an Action which immediately makes them a Kāfir (Disbeliever/Non-Muslim).

How/why is “Takfīr” so serious?!!!

at-Takfīr directly indicates that once a Person leaves al-Islām via ar-Riddah/Apostasy, then none of the Religio-Rites of:

a. Sanctity of Muslim-Life

b. Sanctity of Muslim-Possession

c. Sanctity of Muslim-Dignity

are no longer Islāmically-Sacred/Protected to any other Muslim.

Allah states:

“And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8)

Muhammad stated the following regarding at-Takfīr:

“No Person accuses another of either being a Fāsiq/Sinner or a Kāfir (Disbeliever/Non-Muslim), except that they’re one themselves, if the Other isn’t which they’ve pontificated/claimed.”.

“Whomever attributes/ascribes Kufr (Disbelief) to their Brother is just like their Killer/Murderer.”.

“If a Muslim calls someone a Kāfir: if they are then let it be, otherwise they themselves are a Kāfir.”

How does this translate to how Muslims view/treat each other?

These Ash`arī-Pretenders, along with Countless-Other Ahzāb whom pontificate Unjust-Takfīr/Takfīr-Culture…they manipulate at-Takfīr as a Tool of al-Qattāl/Violence. Meaning, those whom pontificate/promote Takfīr-Culture aim to establish Pseudo-Justifications to harm Fellow-Muslims without feeling bad about it. Think about it: If someone doesn’t respect a Fellow-Muslim, as their Religio/Spiritual-Equal, then it’s easy to impose Theft…Rape…Murder against them without Consequence. I’ve literally had Confidential-Convos with Certain Ash`arī-Pretenders who’ve admitted that the Takfīr-Culture they impose against Muslim Non-Ash`arīs is Mahrūm/Islāmically-Wrong & via the Same-Breath they’ve also stated that they don’t care tgat what they do is Mahrūm…as I always tell People: Apathy is worse

Examining al-Kharajiyyah/Religio-Extremism via Mafia/Gang-Culture amongst Muslims historically & contemporaneously

The Irony is that Muhammad stated that there’s only 3-Justifications to harm any Fellow-Muslim:

a. Sexual-Offences requiring Death-Penalties

b. Murders

c. Betrayal against the Muslims (which is an Act-Of-Riddah)


How/why have I labeled Certain-Persons “Ash`arī-Pretenders?!!!

These Same Ash`arī-Pretenders, whom lay Claim to the Religio-Legacy of Abil-Hasan al-Ash`arī…their Claims are Fake. I say this, authoritatively, because Unjust/Takfīr/Takfīr-Culture is something which Abul-Hasan al-Ash`arī Deathbed-Tawbah/Repentance for. Albeit contrary to Salafī-Propaganda: Abul-Hasan al-Ash`arī never made “Tawbah” for any of their Religio-Theological Interpretations. Rather, they definitely made Tawbah for pontificating/promoting Takfīr-Culture.

What/where is my Proof Abul-Hasan al-Ash`arī made Deathbed-Tawbah?!!!

Abul-Hasan al-Ash`arī stated on their Deathbed via Baghdād:

“Take witness, that verily I no longer make Takfīr/Blasphemy against any amongst the People-Of-Qiblah/Direction. All of them worship the Same-God, but they only differ regarding Theological-Interpretations.”


Now, being that Abul-Hasan is recorded yo have made This-Statement that this would solve the Problem. But, Oh…No: not according to these Ahbāshī-Niggas. In fact, ironically, one of the Persons whom recored the Statement of Abil-Hasan al-Ash`arī was an Ash`arī themselves: al-Bayhaqī. And, yet, there’s still Persons (the Ash`arī-Pretenders) who’ve still & still reject the Sihhah/Authenticity of the Recorded-Statement of Abil-Hasan al-Ash`arī (as per their Deathbed-Tawbah).

I’m More-Ash`arī than any of these Ash`arī-Pretenders

I say this, authoratatively, because in spite of me being a Default-Atharī theologically-I completely agree with the Deathbed-Tawbah of Abil-Hasan al-Ash`arī, in that the Muslims are never to entertain Unjust-Takfīr against each other. And, if any Muslim thinks/feel that Takfīr-Culture is OK:

a. They’re directly defying/opposing at-Tanzīl/Revelation.

b. They’re clearly being Openly-Disobedient to Allah & Their Messenger.

c. They’re a Sucka…Takfīr-Culture is Sucka-Shit & just like the Ole-Saying goes, “If you co-sign Sucka-Shit you’re a Sucka too.”.

d. They’re amongst al-Khawārij/Religio-Extremists…al-Kharajiyyah/Religio-Extremism is particularly/most popularly manifested via Unjust-Takfīr/Takfīr-Culture.

Muhammad said about al-Khawārij that they’re “Kilāb-un-Nār/Dogs of the Fire”.

Gareth Bryant