Tag Archives: Rage

The Difference between Courage & Stupidity


“And don’t be led to Destruction, via your own Hands.”…”And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.195; Chpt.5, V.8)


Muhammad (Peace be upon them) gave us the Definition of Apathy/Arrogance: “Denying Truth & disrespecting People.”.

Reading This-Story brought me to a very Sad-Space. The Person killed set the Tone, started something they couldn’t finish. Their Actions via their own Arrogance&Stupidity cost them their own Life, the Life of their Unborn-Child, etc. And, now their Relatives, Loved-Ones, etc. must grieve the Loss of 2-Lives for the Rest of their Lives. How/why…because they thought it was a Good-Idea to disrespect someone via spitting at/on them…simply trying to prove an Arrogant/Unintelligent-Point. It was literally all for nothing. There’re literally 0-Winners via This-Scenario. Humility truly goes a Long-Way. Everyone isn’t going to tolerate/accept one’s Disrespect.

Spittng at/on anyone has always been Universally-Recognized/Accepted as being an Act-Of-Dehumanization. No one dwelling on Planet-Earth is unaware of this. Literally…we all know that. So, one must absolutely question the Morality/Logic of spitting at/on any Fellow-Human. Then, honestly, what does anyone actually expect one to react if/when they’re spat at/on?!!!

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) was asked, by one of their Companions (May Allah be pleased with them) to advise them…Muhammad repeatedly commanded them “Don’t get angry/don’t be angered.”.


As per being Muslim-1st: I’m never going to co-sign Violence-Against-Women. Yet, at the Same-Time: Women must/should know that there’s Certain-Men whom honestly don’t care whether they’re a Woman or not…they will put Hands&Feet on Women. Now, was it Islāmically-Correct for This-Woman to get hit with a Brick (which is Attempted-Murder by default/definition)…No. However, did This-Woman have a Track-Record for starting Shit with Others…Yes. This is called ash-Shar`iyyah/Retribution…you get it how you live it. Certain-Persons think/feel that it’s “OK” to antagonize Others, unless/until they get they Asses beat.

It’s a Human-Behavioral/Behavioral-Scientific Fact, that al-Ghadhab/Anger causes People to be Intellectually-Compromised. Whenever we’re Angry we stop thinking…Rationale completely goes out of the Window. Sadly, there’s Countless-Scenarios of Humans killing one another via al-Ghadhab: from Qābīl/Cain killing Hābīl/Abel until the Present-Day. In fact Muhammad foretold that al-Qatl/Killing will remain a Staple amongst their Ummah/Nation.

This must/should stand firm, as an `Ibrah/Lesson for all of us. It’s directly/overtly indicative of how/why at-Tawādhi`/Humility is such an Important-Characteristic/Quality to possess. More often than not, we as Humans act/react exclusively via Superiority-Complex…Pseudo-Superiority. And, the Irony is that Allah always has a Just-Way to test any of us, if/when we choose/decide to behave This-Way…for example:

We all think/feel that we’re “Tough”, unless/until Allah tests us with those whom’re tougher than we are.

We all think/feel that we’re “Smart/Intelligent”, “Knowledgeable”, etc. unless/until Allah tests us with those whom’re smarter/more-knowledgeable than we are.

We all think/feel that we can “fight”, unless/until Allah tests us with those whom’re “Better-Fighters” than we are.

We all think/feel that we’re “Strong”, “Powerful”, etc. unless/until Allah tests us with those whom’re stronger/more-powerful than we are.

My conclusion is this: at-Tawādhi` is Life, because it literally saves Lives.

Gareth Bryant

The Fitnah/Drama which is Women


“Truth is is Truth, regardless of whom/where it comes from.”


The Irony is that, in spite of this being intelligently articulated/expressed by a Woman, there’s actually going to be Other-Women and/or Feminism-Proponents who’ll disagree with this. 9/10 they may pontificate/claim that something like this is “Anti-Women”. Likewise, there’s definitely going to be Persons generally whom find their Delivery “distasteful”, etc. But, the Facts are the Facts. Women historically & contemporaneously have been known to use Feminine-Energy to spark Geo-Political Conflicts/Wars, Micro-Aggressions/Street-Fights, just any & all Sifāt/Manifestations of al-Qitāl/Violence. And, all because of what’s been truthfully/honestly detailed via This-Video. Women must/need to learn from this introspectively, as per putting Men in Violent-Positions. Likewise, Men must/need to behave more wisely/intelligently as the Consequence-Of-Action.

Gareth Bryant 1443, A.H./2022, C.E.