Tag Archives: Judge

Pseudo-Entitlement: Social-Media Edition


Allah states:

“Those whom believe pay attention: Revere Allah & speak a Straight-Word.”

(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.33, V.70)

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated:

“Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way).”


There’s literally a Social-Media Trend, which should’ve never caught any Traction, that evolved from al-Bashriyyah (Human-Nature/Behavior). That-Trend is Persons thinking/feeling they can say whatever they want and/or post whatever they want, without any Criticism, Opposition, Disagreement, etc. Social-Media has caused Many-People to place in their Minds/Hearts that they know everything. Not just that: the Mythos of “My Truth”, “I’m living in my Truth”, “I’m living my Truth”, etc. has emboldened Countless-People (via Fake-Wokeness) to think/feel that no one should dare challenge anything they say, post, etc. that they’ve publicly disclosed. Of course, Gareth Bryant being whom they are: I call “Bullshit” to such a Mindset/Mentality.

We’re all Humans, which by default/definition means that:


None of us are going to be right/correct about everything.


None of us are never going to know everything.


None of us are entitled/justified to disclose anything publicly & expect to not get judged for it. However, inspite of the 3 Aforementioned-Things being 💯%-Truth/Honesty, naturally so many People face Lots of Problems. We face such Problems exclusively due to al-Istikbār/Apathy/Arrogance. And, this is because we fail to recognize the Ikhtilāf/Difference between al-`Ālim/the Learned-One & al-Jāhil/the Ignorant-One.

There’s 2-Differences between the `Ālim & the Jāhil:

a. An `Ālim is always willing to recognize/accept that they don’t know everything. A Jāhil always audaciously thinks/feels as though they know everything.

b. An `Ālim is always willing to recognize/accept that they can learn something from anyone, regardless of whether they’re Right or Wrong. A Jāhil always sudaciously thinks/feels they’re the “Only-One” whom can teach someone something.

Relative to the Social-Media Age: these 2-Differences are clearer than they’ve ever been at any other Era/Period via Human-History. Yet, pitifully, Certain-Persons refuse to admit the Obvious. They’d rather live their Best-Lies. Countless-Persons via Social-Media aim to do whatever they want, without Consequence. They view Consequence as for everyone except themselves. They want 0-Responsibility/Accountability imposed upon them. They actually expect to be allowed to judge Others for what they disclose, but think/feel no one can judge what they disclose.

I’ll use myself as a Mathl/Example

I’m known for getting under People’s-Skin, as per what I disclose publicly via Social-Media, Writing/Blogging, etc. And I literally comprehend fully the Consequences, Risks, Results, etc. for anything/everything I post. Yet, I post whatever I want anyway. I do this, exclusively, because I’ve mandated upon myself a Litmus for whether or not I choose/decide to post something. Anytime/everytime I post something, there’s literally a Deliberate Thought-Process which I consciously partake in. I literally conduct Intraspective-Convos with myself, weighing the Pros. vs. the Cons of any/all which I post before actually posting. There’s actually been Countless-Times where I’ve feared for my own Reputation, Safety, etc. regarding Things that I’ve disclosed. There’s been Countless-Times when I’ve known that posting Specific-Things would damage/end Human-Relationships with Certain-Persons.

My Necessary-Decisions

The Inquiries I always self-impose as per anything I decide to disclose via my Research, Writings, Blogging, Social-Media Posts, etc.:

1. Is what your disclosing Islāmically-Principled?!!!

2. Is there any Better-Way to convey what you want to disclose?!!!

3. Is what you want to disclose going to harm anyone?!!!

4. Is what you want to disclose going to harm you?!!!

5. Is what you want to disclose worth potentially damaging/destroying Friendships, Partnerships, Collaborations, Business, etc.?!!!

6. Is what you want to disclose worth having Others view you differently via Negative-Ways?!!!

The Dhāt/Essence of al-Ijtihād/Decision-Making

al-Ihtisāb (Personal-Responsibility/Accountability) is an Invaluable-Quality

Unbeknownst to Others (prior to mr authoring This-Article): there’s been Times where it’s literally taken me Days, Weeks, Months, Years, Decades, etc. to actually disclose Certain-Things. Most-Persons whom view/read what I’ve disclosed probably think/feel that I operate exclusively via Impulse. That’s 💯%-Untruth/Dishonesty. I’m very methodical, deliberate, motivational, calculative, intentional, etc.: a lot more than Most-Persons would ever give me Credit for. Most-People have 0-Idea how much Time/Energy I actually pour into everything I author. It doesn’t matter whether I write something that’s 4-Words long or whether it’s 40-Pages long: I put Equal-Importance to anything/everything I author.

I, personally, have never shyed away from Consequence-Of-Action. Particularly if/when it comes to what I write, blog, post, and so on. I understand fully, that every Action yields Reaction. I’ve always been willing to face any/all Opposition to anything/everything I’ve ever stated, authored publicly. I get the Point, that I don’t get to feels about anyone’s Stances for/against anything I’ve ever chosen/decided to consciously reveal for Public-Consumption. Anyone whom truly knows me knows that I’ve never dodged the Smoke: I’m always here for it.

To Close-Out, I’ll end here with this: Don’t disclose anything you’re unwilling to get judged for.

Gareth Bryant

Refutation&Boycotting Culture amongst Muslims


And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8)

As I was sent this, it was completely unsurprising to me. I looked at it, read it, thought about it, etc. I then said to myself: “ash-Shar`iyyah/Retribution strikes again.”. I’ll get back to what I mean by this later. However, for now, I’m simply going to focus on the Hypocritical-Kalām/Rhetoric of Abī-Usayd: the Author of This-Post. Now, don’t get me wrong…there’s Certain-Things which Yāsir Qādhī has stated, which I vehemently disagree with…for example: when YQ pontificated/claimed that al-Istighāthah (Seeking Things, making ad-Du`ā’/Verbal-Prayer, etc. to Dead-Persons) is only al-Bid`ah/Religio-Innovation & not ash-Shirk/Association. Yet, I’ve never deemed the Things I disagree with enough to label Yāsir Qādhī a “Hizbī/Religio-Deviant”. If anything, Yāsir Qādhī has been even Less-Hizbī/Sectarisn after/since they’ve abandoned as-Salafiyyah/Salafism.

The Evil&Destructive-Nature of “Cancel-Culture”

Ghībah/Gossip-Gangs & Hizbī/Sectarian-Wars

Now, before jumping to Conclusions: I’d decided to objectively analyze the Statement of YQ, which Abū-Usayd cited/quoted. YQ’s Statement itself wasn’t incorrect though. `Umar ibn-ul-Khattāb (May Allah be pleased with them) had a Simplex/Prestine-Understanding of al-Islām, because, they learned al-Islām almost exclusively from Muhammad (Peace be upon them). However, because of the Evolution of Islāmic-Academia: `Umar ibn-ul-Khattāb would definitely find themselves perplexed, as per how unjustly/unnecessarily complicated Muslims of Latter-Generations after as-Salaf/the Ancestors (as-Sahābah/the Companions & Generations-1&2 of at-Tābi`īn/the Followers) made/make Islāmic-Learning. For example: the Concept of “`Aqīdah”…the Term al-`Aqīdah/Theology
is simply a Religio-Euphemism for the 6-Arkān/Pillars of al-Īmān (Belief/Faith). But, Muslims love making Simplex-Things (like `Aqīdah) Complicated-Things. As per Latter-Generations: there literally exists “`Aqīdah-Wars” between Fellow-Muslims, over Things no Muslim is entitled/justified to differ about with any Fellow-Muslim.

The Reality of the Fitrah/Nature of Allah

Yāsir Qādhī isn’t the Only-Casualty of Salafī Smear-Campaigns: it’s happened to Dāwud Adīb, Abī-Muslimah, Abī-Usāmah, Shadīd Muhammad, Tāhir Wyatt, Muhammad Munīr, etc. & the List is quite lengthy. Countless-Scenarios, of Persons (myself included), where Outright-Lies have been incepted/invented, Slanderous-Accusations have been stated from the Minbar/Podium via Khutub/Islāmic-Sermons on Jumu`ah/Fridays, Deliberately-Misinterpreted Statements repeated via Durūs (Classes, Lectures, Conferences, etc.), etc. I can literally go On&On till the Early-Morn. These Ruthless-Tactics have been used purposefully, as Pseudo-Justifications to write Others whom’re deemed “Expendables”, “Undesirables”, etc. off of “The Minhāj” (meaning kicking People out of the Salafism-Whip/Gang).

The Hujjah/Indictment against the Salafī-Mafia

The Dangers&Idiocy of Hizbī/Sectarian-Conflicts

Examining al-Kharajiyyah/Religio-Extremism via Mafia/Gang-Culture amongst Muslims historically & contemporaneously

Notice how the Islāmic-Concept “70-A`dhār/Excuses” is only used if/when one is favored by Certain-Ahzāb/Sects, Certain-Groups, Certain-Crews/Teams, Certain-Individuals, etc For example: if/when Certain Muslim-Governments, Muslim-Countries, etc. do Sucka-Shit…they literally get every `Udhr/Excuse in da Book. But, let anyone ubfavored do some Sucka-Shit…it could very well be the Same-Type/Kind of Sucka-Shit the “Desirables” do: 0-A`dhār for the “Expendables/Undesirables”.

If “70A`dhār/-Excuses” were a Person

The Anti-YQ Rhetoric was a Reality for Years. Yet, ironically, this Same-Energy has never been used against Muslim-Governments which oppress People, which assist Non-Muslim Governments to oppress People, which allows Shirk/Kufr-Based Holidays/Celebrations via their Countries, which allows Transformer-Surgeries via their Countries, which allows Harām-Tarab/Music Concerts via their Countries, etc. It’s the Hypocrisy for me.

You’ll never find this on Salafi Publications: A Necessary Hujjah (Indictment/Refutation) against Saudi Arabia…a kingdom of Sectarian-Deviants, Tyrants, and Powermongers

Saudiween & Shirkmas

Saudi Arabia’s Religio-Hypocritial Love-Hate Relationship with at-Tarab/Music

It’s because Yāsir Qādhī was once a Salafī, and since they abandoned as-Salafiyyah: the Salsfīs despise YQ immensely. Ever since YQ has been forthright & deliberate, as per speaking against as-Salafiyyah: they’ve had a Target on their Back. The Salafīs are truly against anyone whom admits & exposes the Reality, that as-Salafiyyah is just as negative/toxic as any/all other Ahzāb/Religio-Sectarian Groups which the Salafīs themselves criticize. The Salafīs probably hate YQ more than they hate me.

Why my Love for Fashion matters

Exposing Fraudulent-Refutations

Now, back to what I mentioned regarding: “ash-Shar`iyyah strikes again.”…I say this because amongst Salafīs particularly (not at all exclusively): if/whenever on of their own abandons “The Minhāj” they’re regarded as a “Traitor”. And, because of this…any Opportunity the Salafīs get they’ll put those whom dropped the Salafī-Flag on Front-St. Time&Time again…the Same-Scenario plays out. It’s literally no different from/than when the Yahūd/Jews of al-Madīnah learned that al-Husayn ibn-Salām AKA `Abdullah ibn-Salām (May Allah be pleased with them) became a Muslim. Once the Yahūd found-out al-Husayn ibn-Salām was a Muslim: they literally wasted 0-Time to slander al-Husayn ibn-Salām. Ironically, the Salafīs particularly have Lots of Sifāt/Characteristics similar with the Yahūd: they’re arrogant & think/feel an-Najiyyah/Salvation is only for them.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.46, V.10; as-Suyūtī; al-Bukhārī)

50-Shades Of The Minhāj

Things like this, ironically, are the Direct-Result of Former-Salafīs quite honestly getting it how they lived it. Many a Salafī (myself included) would talk That-Shit against Non-Salafīs, participate in Refutations/Boycotting against Fellow-Muslims whom’re Non-Salafīs, gossip (backbite/slander) against Fellow-Muslims, etc. But, guess what?!!! Allah is Al-Muqsit/The Ultimately-Just. And, more often than not…Allah grants/imposes upon us a Taste of our own Medicine.

Judgmentalism always exposes whom we truly are

This is a Microcosmic-Example, of how/why it’s so important to not treat Others/stop treating Others like Shit. Because, eventually, Allah may very well allow us to be bitten rite in the Ass via the Same-Fangs we bit Others with. And, also, to be poisoned via the Same-Venom that we spewed towards Others. We must/should all take a Page from the Kitāb/Book of at-Tawādhi`/Humikity. It’s al-Istikbār (Apathy/Arrogance) which’ll drive towards Damnation. It’s just as Allah states: “And don’t be led to at-Tahlukah/Destruction, via your own Hands.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.195)

Gareth Bryant



Allah states: “Have you seen those whom take their Desires as their God? Are you then their Enabler?”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.25, V.43)

This-Article is based upon a Particular-Sin, pontificated/promoted via al-Khalafiyyah/Modernity. This-Article actually serves as a Template, to deal with/address any/all Sins. It’s primarily based upon a Former-Article, detailing the Dangerous-Consequenses of at-Tadjīl/Deception.


So, as they say: #LetsGetIntoIt

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Verily, the Character/Behavior of the People-Of-Lot is what I fear for my Nation mostly.”.
(al-Kabā’ir/The Major-Sins, adh-Dhahabī)

Our Tale takes us to a Group-Chat, which I’m a Member of. And, amongst the Discussions which our Members had was the Issue of al-Liwātiyyah/Homo-Culture via Transformer-Culture. This particularly was in reference to those whom deceive, attempt to deceive Members of the Same-Gender via imitating the Opposite-Gender. For More-Info. regarding Transformer-Culture:


One Particular-Member of our Group posted a Screenshot of someone via Social-Media whom bragged about Sin-Entrapping Others: luring them to engage with Members of the Same-Gender whom pretend to be Members of the Opposite-Gender. In Other-Words: they pontificated being on a Mission, to “expose” Certain-Men (Muslim-Men specifically/especially) for being with Male-Transformers. I, of course, sought to address the Person screenshot directly…I did so. The Reason how/why is because-As per Islāmic-Principle, even if someone is a Public-Fāsiq/Sinner, the Most-Correct Option is to always grant an-Nasīhah/Correction to someone privately firstly. But, if they refuse an-Nasīhah: then they’re to be warned against as per their Evil.

So…as per This-Scenario I did exactly that. I addressed the Issue privately with the Person whom bragged about what they did firstly. Them & I had a very Direct/Blunt-Exchange, as is detailed bellow:

I’d be a Liar/Dishonest, if I were to say that their Responses weren’t painful to witness. It was actually quite difficult, to observe & endure any Fellow-Muslim brag about sin-entrapping anyone (let alone any Fellow-Muslim). There’s Lots to unpack, regarding This-Person. For any Muslim to impose this Type/Kind of Zhulm/Oppression upon any Fellow-Human is Evil (to put it mildly). The Fact that they actually attempted to pseudo-justify what they do (Yes…they currently still are on this Type/Kind of Timing) is literally worse than what they’re doing. It directly embodies what Muhammad stated: “Apathy/Arrogance is denying Truth & direspecting People.”…the Exact-Opposite of how Muhammad described/defined the Muslim (Ascriber to al-Islām) & the Mu’min (Believer in al-Islām): “The Muslim are those whom protect Fellow-Muslims from the Evil of their Tongue/Speech & Hand/Actions. And the Believer are those whom secure the Lives&Properties of Humanity.”.

It’s clear, to me, that the Person and/or Persons like them are Dhāllūn (Misguided-Individuals) via at-Tajnīn (Jinn-Influence/Demon-Possession). You don’t have to be a Jinn/Fire-Being to be a Shaytān/Satanist: Agent-Of-Satan. Allah details this directly/overtly, via The Qur’ān…as Allah commands to seek refuge against the Waswās/Deception of al-Khannās. The Word/Term “Khannās” itself is defined quite clearly: “Those amongst Jinns&Humans, whom whisper into the Sudūr/Minds&Hearts of Men.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.114, at-Tabarī, as-Suyūtī)

For More-Info. regarding at-Tajnīn:




As well equally: This-Person really thinks/feels that they’re “superior” to those whom they deem “inferior” to them. Their Posture is literally from the Minhāj/Ideology of ash-Shaytān/Satan. ash-Shaytān literally carried the Same-Posture against Ādam/Adam: the Progenitor/Patriarch-Of-Humanity (Peace be upon them).

The Irony via Ādam vs. ash-Shaytān:

a. There’s 0-Proof that ash-Shaytān was ever “better” than Ādam.

b. The Character/Behavior of ash-Shaytān, by default, actually proves that they were never “better” than Ādam.

c. If ash-Shaytān were ever “better” than Ādam, then they’d never work to lead Ādam & their Children (the Human-Race) towards adh-Dhalālah/Misguidance.

So…pertaining to the Scenario of Aisha Mohammed attempting to get Others (especially Fellow-Muslims) Caught-Up via al-Fusūq/Sinning: it’s very obvious whom they truly are…they’re a Judgmental-Person & they’re literally just as Mudhlil/Misguided as those whom they pontificate/claim to be “superior” to…in Most-Ways they’re actually worse than those whom they’re judgmental against.

For More-Info. regarding Judgmentalism:








Gareth Bryant

The Trials of a Trial


I went to the Trial-Sentencing of one of my Prison-Chaplaincy Clients. It was the 1st-Time that I’d ever professionally been present at the Trial of one of my Clients. It was a very Intense-Atmosphere. At 1-Point, during the Judicial-Proceedings, People were actually crying & weeping as well as leaving the Courtroom. It was as if the Trial itself caused People to visualize the Crime which had taken place. (Literally) everyone in the Courtroom felt this, even if they chose to not manifest it: it could be seen within all of our Eyes. As for me, this has had me anxious&worried since the Trial-Sentencing Date had been confirmed. It was something constantly on my Mind & it had actually made me numb to Lots of Things prior to This-Trial.

What affected me the most though was: the Pain which my Client caused their Victims & their Loved-Ones, the Shame which their own Loved-Ones were experiencing. All of these Varied-Emotions within 1-Setting. There were even Written-Testimonies from the Victims of the Crimes which my Client actually admitted to (they copped a Plea-Deal), which were deeply intense, describing the Nature of the Crimes, albeit Things which I already knew working on their Case. But, to actually hear the Words of the Victims, via their own Words, was quite differently captivating. I was witnessing all of this, not being surprised at the Sentencing-Outcome. However, I had myself asking myself: “Did I do enough via my Professional-Capacity?!!!”…”Was there any Way I could’ve seen Prior-Signs, which would have allowed me to attempt to help them prior to their Crimes?!!!”…etc.

Prior to their Sentencing, I actually asked the Person what prevented them from coming to seek my Help. And, they told me that they were afraid of being judged (in spite of the Fact that they know I’d never been judgmental towards/against them). That hurt me particularly, that they felt that ashamed, that they felt they had no one whom they could’ve possibly turned to…they were that afraid of being judged. It made me actually be more conscious, in Terms of me working harder, to be that much more Non-Judgmental. That Courtroom-Experience helped me a Great-Deal, to remind me that Certain-People actually want to do Good & want to live Right. But, there must be More-People whom’re empathetic enough to receive Troubled-Persons & to truly empower them.

Gareth Bryant

Roe vs. Wade was established atop a Lie

