Tag Archives: Fiction

What that Death do?!!!


Allah states:

“Every Soul tastes Death. And, you’ll only attain your Rewards via the Day-Of-Standing.”

(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.3, V.185)

Contrary to the Pop-Cultural Philosophical-Inquiry “What dat Mouth do?!!!”, what should be focused on is “What that Death do?!!!”. Because, Death destroys any/all Illusions regarding the Mysteries-Of-Existence. For example, when Persons always ask “Why am I here?”…if one doesn’t ascribe to al-Islām they’re going to Fuck-Around&Find-Out extremely harshly if they so choose to demise upon adh-Dhalālah/Misguidance. The Inquisition of the Grave are a Hujjah/Testiment to my Point. When one dies (whether they be a Jinn/Fire-Being or an Ins/Human-Being), they’ll each/all be asked 3-Questions by 2 Black&Blue-Angels: Munkar&Nakīr.

The 3-Questions of the Grave:

1. Who’s your Rabb (Creator/Lord)?

[Answer: Allah]

2. What’s your Dīn (Religio-Spiritual Path)?

[Answer: al-Islām]

3. Who’s your Nabī (Prophetic-Individual)?

[Answer: Muhammad]

So, whomever answers These-Questions correctly, then their Stay/Duratiin via the Grave will be pleasant. But, whomever answers These-Questions incorrectly will be tortured Non-Stop via the Grave.

(al-Bukhārī, at-Tirmidhī, Abū-Dāwud, ibn-Mājah)

This is always important to me, because, ad-Dunyā/Mundane is so short…we honestly don’t have the Time we think/feel we’ve got. ash-Shaytān is just so good at duping Humanity, via inticing & presenting Illusionary-Pleasures…as Allah states:

“And the Mundane-Life is only the Enjoyment-Of-Illusion.”.

(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.3, V.185)

The Disconnect between Human-Life & the Natural-World

1-Day, regardless of any/all our Accolades/Accomplishments…in spite of any/all our Victories/Conquests…regardless of how much Monies we’ve amassed…regardless of how many Offspring and/or Descendants we’ve got…regardless of our Technological Digital-Footprints via Social-Media…eventually we’ll only be Memories to Others & then we may very well end-up as only Historical-Footnotes. Moreover, eventually, we may very well be completely forgotten. This is amongst Countless-Things I ponder, introspect, etc. very often. This is al-Hāqqah/the Reality-Check which we as Humans never really want to embrace. The Reality of Death is all around us…just look at & observe Seasonal-Transitions. Allah has granted the Earth Seasonal-Variety, to teach us an `Ibrah/Lesson, that absolutely nothing stays the same & nothing lasts forever. Spring, Summer, Autumn/Fall, Winter: each/all of these Individual-Seasons represents a Stage of Life:

Spring: Youth/Blossoming

Summer: Maturity/Maturation

Autumn/Fall: Aging/Frailty

Winter: Decline/Death

However, because so many Persons dwell external of the Natural-World…living in Congested-Cities for example: we literally block-out Seasonal-Transitions as a Parallel to Human-Life itself. Most-Persons don’t want to notice the Connection between Seasons & Existential-Stages of Mundane-Life. Because of the Artificial-Environments we live in (Apartment-Buildings, High-Rises, Sky-Scrapers, etc.), Cosmetic-Surgeries (BBL’s, Implants, Botox, etc.), “Anti-Aging” Medications/Products, etc.: Humans have allowed themselves to buy into the Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative of “Forever-Young” & “Forever-Alive”…as I always tell People: Forever21 is only a Department-Store.

Gareth Bryant

Integrity in the Storm of Deception


Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated:

“Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way).”


There exists Countless-People whom if/when they convey something & it’s rejected: it’s not necessarily Truth which is being rejected, but rather the Conveyor of Truth who’s being rejected. I’ve personally witnessed this. I’ve stated, presented, etc. Things & Certain-Persons have rejected what I’ve conveyed. Other-Persons in turn have conveyed the Same-Things I’ve done, yet their Conveyance was accepted. Also, I’ve witnessed Other-Persons convey Things & Certain-Persons rejected what they’ve conveyed. But, when I conveyed the Same-Things it was accepted. Certain-People are addicted to Personality-Worship, in that they’ll only accept/reject Certain-Things from Certain-Persons (regardless of the Truth or Falsehood conveyed).

In 1880, C.E. John Swinton was invited to speak at a Journalism-Meeting via NYC. The Meeting was about Freedom of the Press. This is what is mentioned that John Seinton stated to their Fellow-Journalists:

“There is no such thing, at this stage of the world’s history in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dare write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my papers, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.”

This speaks Volumes, in terms of Certain-People lacking Courage. John Swinton made it very clear, that the Entirety of the Journalism-Community has a Price & is equally “For Sale”. Their Sentiments are just as truthful/honest as they were Centuries ago. It’s abundantly obvious to th

The Rage in which John Swinton spoke towards their Collegues during the 19th, Century, C.E. has proven the Concept “Free-Press” a Total-Misnomer. Journalism is projected via Western/Democratic-Nations as being Government-Controlled elsewhere & “Fair&Balanced” via the so-called “Free-World”. As I always tell People: Freedom via Democracy is an Illusion. Throughout the Entire-History of Western-World Journalism, there’s Countless-Examples of how Falsehood has been packaged&presented as “Truth” for Mass-Consumption. Journalists are literally, as John Swinton described, Intellectual-Prostitutes. Journalists are literally beholdened to whomever grants the Platforms&Paychecks.

Especially via the Modern-World: Powerful-Persons are capable/able to twist the Arms of any Member of the Information-Community, to convey whatever they want to be conveyed. There’s been Confirmed-Incidents where Information-Community Members have lost their Jobs, had their Journalism-Careers ruined, their Reputations permanently & perpetually damaged, etc. All of this, literally, because they refused to do what John Swinton complained about Centuries ago.

When People become addicted to Lies, Facts scares&confuses them. Especially those whom rely upon Powerful-People: anyone whom argues against the Narrative of the Powerful are instantly rejected as well as ostracized. It’s truly a Jihād/Struggle, to be a Truth-Seeker & Truth-Teller. Seeking Truth is buried under Countless-Lies sometimes. One must get their Hands dirty, digging tirelessly into the Soil of Falsehood. Being a Truth-Teller could actually be dangerous and/or deadly. If one’s Opposition wants to control Others via Untruth/Dishonesty & there’s Resistance to that: a Truth-Teller’s Life could consostently be endangered.