Tag Archives: Simpology

The Tadjīl/Deception of Craig Considine


Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way).”.
(ibn-Hibbān, al-Bayhaqī)

Craig Considine isn’t the 1st/Only of their Type/Kind: a Typical Covert-Islāmophobe, masquerading as a “Muslim-Ally”. Historically & contemporaneously there’ve been Countless Non-Muslims like them whom attempt to attract Muslims to fall in line, under their Deceptive-Banner of Religio-Tolerance & Interfaith-Inclusion. The exact Same-Formula is used & pitifully there’s Certain-Muslims whom constantly/consistantly fall for this Goofy-Shit.

I specifically remember learning about Craig Considine via Muslims sharing Quotes/Posts of theirs via Social-Media…literally all it took was for them to post some Flowery/”Politically-Correct” Statements about al-Islām & Certain-Muslims immediate flocked to their Fan-Base overnite becoming Craig Considine Groupies: I even been to Muslum-Events where Craig Considine had been invited to speak at. Ironically, as Allah would have it though: Craig Considine truly self-snitched & exposed themselves, revealing their True-Islāmophobia. I’ll explain precisely what I mean.

A Brief-Overview of whom the Ahmadīs are

a. Founder/False-Prophet: Mirza Ghulām Ahmad

b. Origin: Qadiyān, British-India (Circa 19th-Century, C.E.

Theological-Claim: an-Nubuwwah (Prophecy/Prophethood) didn’t ene with Muhammad (Peace be upon them).

My Response to the Islāmophobic-Bullshit Craig Considine is kickin





It still saddens me greatly, how Certain-Muslims have such Low-Levels of Religio Self-Esteem, that People don’t think/feel that al-Islām is “valid” unless/until Non-Muslims speak favorably about al-Islām. al-Islām stands upon its own Merit, because al-Islām is Guidance. Persons like Craig Considine are very intelligent, in a Sinister-Way. They’re smart enough to know how fragile the Muslim-Ego is via the Modern-World, especially via a Post-9/11 & Neo-Makkan Religio-Political Context. Also, equally, Craig Considine fits the Typical-Profile of the Oppressor which most of the World via the Modern-Era is used to:

1. Judeo-Christian Islāmophobe/Xenophobe

2. European with a Superiority-Complex via White-Supremacy, Colonization, etc.

3. Projector of the “Savior/Civilizer” via the “Great-White Hope” Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative.

It’s a Known-Fact, that at least 98% of Muslims around the World have been directly/overtly affected by al-`Asabiyyah via White-Supremacy, European-Colonization, Cultural-Colonization via Whiteness, etc. The Entirety of the Muslim-World, literally anywhere Muslims dwell upon Earth, have been Victims/Casualties, Active-Participants, etc. via the proliferation of everything I’ve aforementioned. Now, for Muslims, what’s to be done about this?!!! When’re Muslims going to stop being Imma`/Dick-Riders, addicted to Appeasement, attempting to be the “Good-Pets” of our Islāmophobic-Opps?!!! We all know for a Fact: Muslims are the only Religio-Demographic (relative to the Revelation of The Qur’ān) via Human-History whom actively & freely grant Religio-Academic Authority to speak about/for al-Islām to Persons whom aren’t Ascribers/Adherents to their Dīn (Religio-Spiritual Lifestyle). And, guess what?!!! Non-Muslims unrespect any Muslim whom does this. It clearly indicates that, instead of getting our Religio-Cues from at-Tanzīl/Revelation, we settle for receiving them wfrom those whom aren’t even Muslims. Make that Goofy-Shit make Sense.

Muslims seriously have to do better stop dick-riding Fake-Wokeness.

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2023, C.E.

The Psychology of Simpology



This is Podcaster Adam Grandmaison (AKA Adam22). They caused a Firestorm accross the Internet, because they allowed their Wife Lena Nersesian (AKA Lena The Plug) to do Porn-Sex with Another-Man, to entertain a Debaucherous-Fantasy. This-Person is not only a Cuck, but it’s equally Proof of how Xenophobic they are. And, it’s Evident that they’ve Homo-Eroticism via Sexual-Fetishism of Men fuckin their Wife.


“And don’t entertain az-Zinā/THOTery: Verily, it’s a Shameful&Evil-Trajectory.”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.17, V.32)

Author’s-Note: The Following-Article is about the Nature of Polyandry (A Woman with Multiple Sex-Partners), based on a TLC “Reality-T.V.” Show: it chronicles the Whorish-Women whom choose to entertain Polyandry & the Simpish-Men whom choose to co-sign/indulge in Polyandry.

Allah states: “Have you seen those whom take their Desires as their? Are you then their Enabler?”. Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “ad-Dayyūth/the Simp never enters Paradise.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.25, V.43; an-Nasā’ī; Ahmad; al-Hākim; al-Bayhaqī; adh-Dhahabī; at-Tabarī; ibn-Hajar al-`Asqalānī; ibn-ul-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah)

For anyone whom knows anything about “Reality-T.V.”: a. Shows like “Wife-Swap” detail Similar-Themes via the Aforementioned-Video. b. The Porn-Industry has an Entire-Genre on this Concept known as “Cuckold”. c. The Sexual-Vice known as “Swinging”, where Married-Couples “swap” each other’s “Spouses” for Sexual-Pleasure. All of the Above are very much Common-Things. And, it’s all Sucka-Shit…as the Ole-Saying goes: “If you co-sign Sucka-Shit you’re a Sucka too.”.

Watching that “Brother-Husband” Video-Clip: it was truly disturbing, to put it mildly. Observance of the Men via That-Video actually being On-Board with the Whimsical-Debauchery of These-Women was Spiritually-Nauseating to say the least. These-Men are utterly Spineless-Individuals. It’s abundantly-clear, that the Women in their Lives dominate them via every Way humanly imaginable.

The Emasculatory-Nature of This-Subject is really grotesque…there’re Certain-Men, via This-Video as well as all over the Planet, whom literally attempt to justify This-Behavior. They do so, solely because: ash-Shaytān/Satan & then the Women they’re with have been capable/able to convince them to commit themselves to ash-Shirk/Association via Pussy-Worship. It’s really as simple as that.

As well though, albeit via Feminism: these Morally-Bankrupt Ideals are “trendy”, and have caught Significant-Traction, via the Modern-World. On the Surface, Certain-Peoples may very well enjoy, embolden this Type/Kind of Debaucherous-Character/Behavior as “Sexual-Liberation”, “Women’s-Liberation”, etc. But, in All-Truthfulness/Honesty: this is a Direct-Attack against Patriarchy via disrespecting Masculine-Principle/Integrity. More importantly, it’s something Highly-Immoral. And, there’s absolutely 0-Doubt that amongst the Greatest-Influencer of this Type/Kind of Debauchery is Pornography itself.

al-Kufr/Disbelief via Feminism


Muhammad stated: “Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way).”.
(ibn-Hibbān, al-Bayhaqī)

Now, I’m going to make this very personal at This-Point: I wish a Bitch I’m with would dare propose some Goofy-Like this to me!!! There’s 0-Way that Gareth Bryant (a. Being Muslim-1st & b. Being a Grown-Ass Man) would ever knowingly co-sign “sharing” any Woman whom I’m with. Keep that Goofy-Shit on That-Side…that will never be tolerate on This-Side!!! I literally have too much Religio/Personal-Respect for myself, to ever tolerate/accept any Man whom I’m with to ever even think they can disgrace me via This-Manner. I swear by Allah: I’d rather be alone for the Rest of my Life, as opposed to tolerating/accepting any Woman doing this to me!!!

I’m issuing a Fair-Warning…I dare any Woman to dare attempt trying this Goofy-Shit with me-As the Ole-Saying goes: “I am not Will Smith…I am O.J. Simpson.”…Fuck-Around&Find-Out at your own Risk!!! In fact, one absolutely has to analyze the Severity of Disrespect a Woman must have for a Man, to even think/feel it’s OK propose such a Thing, let alone actually commit to it. Being a Good-Student of Human-Nature/Behavior, I know the following:

a. Women only cheat on Men they unrespect. Any Woman who’s with any Man they respect: they’ll leave them as opposed to cheating on them.

b. If you’re unmarried to someone, then it’s not actually “Cheating”. Realistically, if you’re not married to someone you don’t owe them anything.

As per these Afofementioned-Facts, regarding Human-Relationships: it’s very obvious that Polyandry could/should never be taken seriously as a “Valid-Relationship” by anyone. Moreover, any Woman who’d dare propose this to any Man, they already know they can manipulate those Types/Kinds of Men.

The Way Women really view Men

Back to the Objectivity-This is truly a Sick-Concept. For any Man allowing themselves to be subjected to the Embarrassment, of knowing fully well, that any Woman they’re with let’s Other-Men put them in Harām-Sajdah: Face-Down/Ass-Up…quite honestly they don’t deserve any Yams in the 1st-Place. Like…where the Fuck is their Pride?!!! Only a Woman whom wants to be with a Weak-Man would even dare try this Goofy-Shit with. Likewise, only a Man whom possesses Low Self-Esteem would even thibk to tolerate/accept this via any Wonan. Certain-People really take this Fake-Woke Concept known as “Love-Is-Love” way too far.

#FunFact…Via Pagan-Arab Culture/Society (prior to the Revelation of The Qur’ān): Polyandry was a Particular-Vice very commonplace amongst Pagan-Arab Peoples. And, amongst all the Other-Things which I’ve already detailed: one of the Other-Reasons how/why Polyandry was banned via the Revelation of The Qur’ān was to preserve the `Izzah/Integrity of Patriarchy, via preserving the Patrilineal/Paternal-Genealogies of People, one of the Maqāsid (Objectives/Maxims) of ash-Sharī`ah (Islāmic-Law): Hifzh-un-Nasb (Preservation-Of-Heritage). One of the Grotesque-Things which Pagan-Arabs would do is that when any Woman with “Multiple-Husbands” got knocked-up: the Men they’re “married” to instantly “divorced” These-Women. These-Scenarios (for Obvious-Reasons) always were the Geneses of Paternity-Crises, as how is played-out via the Modern-World: The Maury-Show…Paternity-Court Shows…etc. al-Islām eradicates any/all of that Sucka-Shit.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.33, V.5; at-Tabarī; as-Suyūtī)

No Man deserves to be disrespected, via being made to think/feel that the Only-Way to acquire any Woman’s-Love is to tolerate/accept them fucking Other-Men along with you. If they want to be a Female-THOT, then they need to just say that. But, it’s in no Way Islāmically-Acceptable for any Woman to partake in Polyandry. What’s actually the Point, of any Man committing themselves to any Woman who’s for everybody?!!! Make that Goofy-Shit make Sense. A Man can never build a Family, Community, Society, Nation, etc. with any Man who’s Community-Pussy. All the Things which I’ve aforementioned-To truly establish Family, Community, Society, Nationhood, etc.: the Qawā`id/Foundations which they’re built upon must be al-Asl/Principle, al-`Izzah/Integrity, at-Taqwā/Morality. There’s no Asl via az-Zinā/THOTery…no `Izzah via az-Zinā…no Taqwā via az-Zinā.

Gareth Bryant