Tag Archives: Sexual Abusers

al-Mughtasib/the Sexual-Abuser: Males vs. Females



Allah teaches us to be just with everyone, regardless of: Religion, Ethnicity, Culture, Tribal/Familial-Ties, Gender, National-Origin, Lifestyle-Choice, etc. Via al-Islām, regardless of whom one is and/or what one does: al-Qist/Justice is to be for all. No one is supposed to be treated favorably just because, if they do something wrong. Likewise, no one deserves to be discriminated against just because they lack: Money, Power, Privilege, Connections, Status, etc.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8&135)

However, pitifully, we do in fact live in Societies that really treat People favorably/unfavorably, exclusively because of Factors which literally have 0 to do with the Crimes committed & have 0-Premise via at-Tanzīl/Revelation. A Specific-Example is pertaining to how Men & Women are significantly prosecuted, judged, convicted, sentenced, etc. when it comes to al-Ightisāb/Sexual-Abuse:





As per the Aforementioned-Articles: the Theme which is problematic is that Sexual-Predators whom’re Women are categorically deemed “Less-Sinister” than Men whom’re Sexual-Predators. And, this is completely a Toxic-Concept. This-Concept is predicated upon the “Chivalry-Hypothesis”. According to This-Hypothesis, Women are deemed “weaker” than Men & by virtue of that “Weakness” they should be penalized less for Crimes. When it comes to al-Ightisāb: Gender isn’t supposed to matter…the Gender of the Mughtasib/Sexual-Abuser doesn’t at all make whatever they did any more/less despicable, dangerous, etc. Yet, pitifully, via the Vantage-Points of Secular Legal-Systems: Women are delt with in a much less Sterness, as opposed to Men as per al-Ightisāb. Classic-Example: RKelly got sentenced to 30-Years resulting from al-Ightisāb, while Ghislaine Maxwell got sentence to 20-Years. Inherently, in Many-Ways, they’re both equally guilty of the Same-Types/Kinds of Sex-Crimes. But, clearly because of Gender-Bias: Ghislane Maxwell got Less-Time & RKelly got More-Time.



No one deserves to get more/less Punishment for Sex-Crimes, if Persons have committed the Same-Types/Kinds of Crimes of the Same-Caliber. This Gendercentric-Disparity truly sends a Horrible-Message. It implies that Women can always get “slapped on the Wrist” as per Certain-Crimes, but Men will get grilled as per those Same-Types/Kinds of Crimes.

Gareth Bryant

Sexual-Grooming Realities


I came across the Following-Video, about how someone admittedly bragged about sexually-grooming someone else:


Realities of Suicide: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0fbn0VabqW3oWwFgDqH5Ck


The Following-Video is literally Classic/Textbook-Tactics which Sexual-Abusers/Sexual-Predators do to Children. Everything which is detailed via This Video are Universal-Sifāt/Characteristics of the Mughtasib/Sexual-Abuser whom targets Children: Sexual-Predators whom target Children universally target as well Single-Women with Children & whose Children don’t have Positive/Healthy-Relationships with their Fathers. Sadly, the Assessment of This-Woman concluding that their Mother purposely setting-up their own Child is actually a lot more commonplace than Most-People think/feel. And, ironically, 98% of Persons whom I’ve counseled as per al-Ightisāb/Sexual-Abuse are those whom had Negative/Toxic-Relationships with their Fathers. There’s actually Certain-Women whom’re directly-complicit, via the Ightisāb of their Children, resulting from al-Ghall/Resentment against the Fathers of their Children. Anyone/everyone whom cares for Children must/should watch This-Film & learn from this.


Sexual-Grooming has such a Strong-Correlation with Sex-Crimes, that even Persons whom’re Proponents of al-Liwātiyyah/Homo-Culture have taken Certain-Stances against Grooming.

al-Ightisāb/Sexual-Abuse is a Serious Societal-Issue. It’s plagued Humanity for Ages. However, the Dimension of al-Waswās/Grooming is definitely the most Sinister-Manifestation of al-Ightisāb. Grooming occurs in Many-Ways, via Many-Spaces: Workplace-Settings, in Religious-Settings, School-Settings, Jail/Prison-Settings, etc. There’s many Blatant-Indicators that Grooming takes Places. They can either be subtle or direct…covert or overt. They all are used via Groomers to acquire the Same-Results: to place their Targets in Compromising-Circumstances, where they either can’t resist/fight-back these Sexual-Predators, or where they feel guilty because they allowed themselves to foolishly fall for the Traps set by Sexual-Predators.

Here’s Several-Examples of what Grooming looks like via Various-Settings:

It’s a Known-Fact, that the Vast-Majority of Sexual-Predators/Abusers are Porn-Addicts. There’s very Strong-Correlation between Sexual-Predatism & Porn-Addiction.

In the Modern-World, one of the Easiest-Ways to groom anyone is via Social-Media. That’s simply because so many Persons are Consumers of Social-Media and/or are addicted to Social-Media. This really goes for any Addiction for That-Matter. One Universal-Characteristic/Quality is which is Universal amongst Sexual-Predators/Groomers is that they almost exclusively target the Same-Kinds/Types of People:

1. Persons whom have 0-Relationships or Negative-Relationships with their Bio-Fathers and/or 0 Positive Male Role-Models.

2. Persons whom hail from Broken-Homes (very similar to Point-A).

3. Persons whom have Low Self-Esteem.

4. Persons whom’re easily impressed, easily intimidated, easily influenced/manipulated, etc.

5. Persons yearning for Comradery, Belonging, Fraternity, Family, etc. (very similar to both Point-A & Point-B).

6. Persons whom’re Loners: those known to not have Lots of Friends, Loved-Ones, etc. if any…those whom’re known to be Introverted and/or Anti-Social, Self-Insular, Self-Isolated, Self-Alienated, etc.

7. Those whom’re suffering with by Developmental-Challenges, Physical-Abnormalities, Severe-Illnesses, etc. & those whom’re generally Anotomically-Weaker (Children, the Elderly, etc.).

The Typical-Mindset of a Sexual-Groomer is universal amongst Sexual-Predators, although they manifest Dimensions of Grooming differently depending exclusively upon their Target-Demographics:

In All-Truthfulness/Honesty…watching Videos such as these, albeit necessary as per my Profession as a Chaplain (to be understand Human-Behavior) definitively pains&&disgusts me. These-Types/Kinds of Persons anger me greatly as a Human whom always attempts to be a Moral/Principled-Person. Also, I’ve literally worked on Sex-Crime Cases via my Prison-Chaplaincy Experience. These-Types/Kinds of Cases are the Most-Difficult Cases which I’ve ever dealt with…Hands-Down. To actually have to sit with my Clients who’ve committed Sex-Crimes, of Various-Degrees, and for them to admit/detail their Crimes: it’s honestly nearly unbearable. It truly requires much Maturity, Forbearance, Tolerance, Patience, etc. to even be in the Same-Room as Persons like them. It’s in no Way any “Easy-Task”. However, someone’s gotta do it & Allah (via Their Wisdom) has decided that I’m amongst those whom’re called to commit to This-Work.

Keep in Mind: this is only referring to 1-City. So, just imagine the Rest of the United States.



Moreover, there absolutely must be More-Resources provided to Communities to combat Sexual-Grooming. There needs to be Religio-Spiritual & Psycho-Emotional Resources, Law-Enforcement Resources, Self-Defence Resources, etc.: all of These-Resources are of Equal-Importance. One such Resource, which I constantly/consistently do Work with is an Entity known as Buddy Speaks. They do Excellent-Work, regarding Lectures, Presentations, Seminars, Workshops, Trainings, etc. This-Organization focuses exclusively upon Sexual-Abuse Awareness, Sexual-Abuse Prevention, Sexual-Abuse Survival, Victim/Survivor Support, Family-Support for Loved-Ones of Victims/Survivors of Sexual-Abuse, etc. You name it…they do it. We’re all equally responsible, in front of Allah, to protect ourselves as well as each other from al-Ightisāb.

For More-Info. regarding Sex-Crimes:


For More-Info. regarding Buddy Speaks:


Gareth Bryant

Transformer-Culture via Prison-Life


Yes…this really happened. It’s not a Joke, nor a Meme, etc. This is literally State-Spondored Sexual-Predatism/Abuse. Allowing Persons (Males especially) whom’re Inmates/Prisoners into Facilities which’re Gendercentric, simply because they pontificate/claim to self-identify as a Gender which opposite of their Birth-Gender…what the Hell do you think/feel is going to take place?!!! Not only is allowing this Morally-Deplorable, it simply defies Basic-Intelligence. This in no Way promotes anything less than Pure-Evil. So, now, all any Man has to do is self-identify as a “Woman”, get directed to any Female Jail/Prison & then have Access to ptentially an Unlimited-Supply of Sexual-Prey. And, this is clearly done to appease the Pro-Homo Agenda…as Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Verily, the Character/Behavior of the People-Of-Lot is what I fear for my Nation mostly.”.
(al-Kabā’ir/The Major-Sins, adh-Dhahabī)

Gareth Bryant 1443, A.H./2022, C.E.