Tag Archives: Partnership

Men&Women manipulate each other


There’s many whom’re highly triggered that I’ve stated this. But, so what?!!! it’s definitely not like I told a “Lie”. What I said is 💯%-Truth/Honesty. It’s simply something which Many/Most-People refuse to recognize/accept. And, it’s exclusively because the want to be force-fed a “Beautiful-Lie”.

The Power of the Pipe-Game which Muslims try to ignore

Let’s face it…as the Ole-Saying goes: “All-Relationships are based on Give&Take.”. But, the Problem is that there’s so/too many People whom only want to take & not give and/or refuse to play their Proper-Position via their Relationships. You’ll constantly hear Others pontificate the Slogan: “Marriage is a Partnership.” & it definitely is. However, it’s also not an Equal-Partnership. Rather, it’s an Equitable-Partnership: there’s a Dire-Necessity to learn/know the Difference between Justice & Fairness, Equity & Equality, etc. The Position of a Man & the Position of a Woman via Sexual-Relationships will never be the same & as per how Allah created Man & Woman uniquely: the Positions of Man & Woman via Sexual-Relationships aren’t supposed to be the same. One of the Reasons how/why Sexual-Relationships between Men & Women fail-There’s Certain-Men/Women operating external of their Natural-Roles, which compliment the Distinct-Natures Allah imposed upon Men & Women separately & uniquely.

I said this, because of the Following-Scenario:

The Anatomy of Entitlement-Addiction

Whenever anyone is in a Sexual-Relationship, sadly, especially via the Modern-World: the Main-Objective is obtaining Leverage over Another-Person. This Negative/Toxic-Mentality promotes Mistreatment/Oppression of the Significant-Others who People are involved with. For People to even want Leverage over Another-Person via Intimate-Relationships directly denotes Severe-Flaws in one’s Character.

Men always have what Women want & Women always have what Men want. This has been a Staple-Fact, ever since Allah decided to bring Ādam&Hawwā’/Adam&Eve (Peace be upon them both) into Existence. So, because of that: both Men & Women perpetually will aim to get the most out of one another, while equally attempting to give the least.

Certain-Men&Women, sadly, even think/feel they’re entitled to manipulate the Opposite-Gender (because they were manipulated via the Opposite-Gender). There’s Men&Women who’ve allowed themselves to be in, remain in, etc. such Negative/Toxic-Relationships that they conclude that they now should make Others miserable. Things like this actually all the Time & it’s utterly wrong.

It’s truly important that Men&Women to introspectively correct ourselves. We must unlearn so many Things which were imposed upon us, regarding how Human-Relationships should and how they should operate. We need to seriously stop pretending that it’s “OK” to make Another-Person miserable if/while we’re in a Relationship with them. We really must treat one another with a Greater/Higher-Level of Respect.

Gareth Bryant