Tag Archives: Nosey

Men asking Men the Wrong-Shit


In the Modern-World of ours: Certain-Subjects which I’ve always known (as per Islāmic-Principle) to be private, confidential, etc. are now Free4All-Discussions. And, as being Muslim-1st I’m 💯% not OK with. There’s simply so/too many Scenarios as this. For the Sake of This-Article, however, I’ll only be detailing 1-Subject which triggers me greatly to put it midly. That-Subject is the “Body-Count” Concept. Relationships have literally been questioned, fractured, damaged, broken, ruined, etc. exclusively because of mentioning the Subject “Body-Count” alone by itself.

But, what compels me to write about the “Body-Count-Count” Concept is, the Fact that there’s so many Men discussing the Topic: that’s what gave rise to my Neccessity to truly explore what it is about “Body-Count” which intrigues so many Men and/or so many Types/Kinds of Men. More particularly…the Issue of Men inquiring about the “Body-Counts” of Other-Men either directly or indirectly. Asking about Another-Man’s “Body-Count”…that really takes Audacity to do so.

What da Fuck is “Body-Count” in da 1st-Place?!!!

The Concept “Body-Count” refers to the Amounts of Women any Man may or may not have had Sex with. There’s Women (ironically) whom attempt to use the Concept “Body-Count” to apply to how many Men any Woman’s had Sex with. But, that’s a Complete-Misnomer: Women don’t “Body” anyone…Women get Bodied.

Classic Red-Flags regarding “Body-Count” Inquiries:

a. Why does any Man even want to know that Type/Kind of Info. about Another-Man?

b. Why does any Man actually care how many Women (if/any) Another-Man is fuckin?!!!

c. How could even knowing Another-Man’s Body-Count be “beneficial”?!!!

This is sadly, for a Long-Time, been a gradually commonplace Kind of Thing. Men asking Other-Men who they are vs. aren’t fuckin. I’ve never deemed it “Cool” for Men to ask each other their “BodyCounts”. It’s always been something disturbing to me. It exudes Homo-Erotic Persona (via fetishizing Another-Man’s Sex-Life). Being invested in know Another-Man’s Body-Count makes a Man a Weirdo/Sicko.

There’s actually Several-Reasons how/why any Man would want to know Another-Man’s “Body-Count”

1. Male-Egotism:

The Male-Ego is the Most-Fragile-Thing Allah ever allowed to exist…a Spider’s-Web is stronger than the Male-Ego. Men want to always think of themselves as the proverbial “Big-Man On Campus”, pertaining to Sexual-Adventures/Conquests. And, they’re highly insecure about any other Man who’s Sexual-Stats are higher than theirs. The Human-Male constantly/consistently competes with Other-Men, as per Sexual-Dominance over Women. I mean, the 1st-Killing/Murder via Human-History was literally about Qābīl/Cain neutralizing their own Sibling Hābīl/Able (whom was deemed by Qābīl as Socio-Sexual-Competition).
(at-Tabarī, as-Suyūtī, ibn-Kathīr)

Male Peer-Pressure:

Certain-Men enjoy prying into the Sexual-Lives of Other-Men, as a Way to attain Leverage against them. Either to “prove” that they’ve got more Sexual-Notches on their Belts, or to belittle them for not having any Sexual-Notches and/or Less-Notches than themselves. There’s literally Countless-Men out here (Muslim-Men & Non-Muslim Men alike) whom “Compete2Cheat”, as a Way to “prove” they “still got it”, in spite of them being Married  having Significant-Others, being in Committed-Relationships, etc. And, Men whom dare not behave This-Way are either ridiculed for not displaying this Type/Kind of Character/Behavior, or they’re invited to partake in the Sucka-Shit.


There exists Men whom’ll literally go out of their Way to ostracize, alienate, etc. Other-Men if/when they refuse to be Womanizers as they are. They’ll literally berate them (privately or publicly), attempt to make them question their own Manhood, the Extent of their Masculinity, etc. They’ll spread Untruths/Dishonesties about those whom aren’t Womanizers also, exclusively via Bully-Culture. As well, they’ll resort to Spiritual-Blackmail if they know or find-out the “Body-Counts” of Other-Men: Certain-Men will even use Women to get “Body-Count” about Other-Men via Quintessential “Pillow-Talk” between Men&Women sexually-involved with each other. This, of course, is to attempt painting Other-Men as “Villains” (resulting from “Body-Count” Info.). Muslim-Men sadly (via Pseudo-Righteousness/Fake-Piety) are notorious for doing this. And, the Smokescreen used to pseudo-justify this is the Guise of Islāmic-Marriage. I’ll explain what I mean. If/whenever any Muslim-Male is investigated, in order to be worthy of marrying any Muslim-Woman or even Non-Muslim Woman: a Certain-Degree of Background-Check/Vetting is Mafrūdh/Islāmically-Required. Yet, ironically, at the Same-Time: the “Body-Count” Subject has & is used either for or against Certain Muslim-Men, relative to which Side of the “Body-Count” Coin is being emphasized. I’ve literally witnessed this Type/Kind of Bias take place via Real-Life. And, as per my Profession as a Chaplain, I’ve had to directly intevene regarding such Scenarios.

Covert Male-Homosexuality:

They secretly have a Clandestine-Want, Unclaimed-Desire, etc. for Other-Men. But, instead of admitting it to themselves: they project their own Sexual-Demons upon Others as a Smokescreen, to deflect what’s within them psycho-emotionally. Their own Insecurities, due to their Homo-Fetishes, causes them to gaslight Other-Men via interjecting Doubts about the Masculinity of Others. Instead of exploring how/why they like Other-Men: their pathologically invested into how much Pussy the Next-Man is or isn’t getting.

Personal-Challenges with the “Body-Count” Concept:

I  myself, have been asked this. I’ve always directly stated clearly, to the Questioners  (anytime I was ever asked this), that my “Body-Count” is none of their Business. It’s really pathetic & disgusting  for any Man to show Interest in Another-Man’s “Body-Count”. I’ve literally had to socially distance myself from Certain-Persons because of this. It’s impossible for me to even trust any many who’s invested inwhere I put my own Dick vs. where I don’t put it. This is a Serious Integrity-Issue for me to say the least. For any Man to even think they’ve the Entitlement/Justification to even bring-up “Body-Count” Stats in any Convo…I’m on High-Alert. All of my Amtennas are all the Way up. There’s so many Things that’ve gone through my Mind&Heart when Some-Bozo had the Audacity to ask me my “Body-Count”. Personally, I wouldn’t even be comfortable telling a Female about my “Body-Count” Stats. So, how/why would or should I ever entertain such a Convo with Another-Man?!!! Make that Goofy-Shit make Sense.

Ways to free one’s Self from “Body-Count” Convos

1. Stop manifesting Bitch-Behavior.

2. Stop hanging-out with Females and/or so many Females.

3. Connect/reconnect with your Bio-Fathers.

4. Build Bonds with Positive Male-Rolemodels.

5. Worry about your own “Body-Count” Stats.

If you’ve never engaged in “Body-Count” Convos: Don’t start.

If you’re regularly entertaining and/or contributing to “Body-Count” Convos: Cease doing so ASAP.

If you’ve once initiated, participated in, “Body-Count” Convos via the Past: Never revist this.

Gareth Bryant