Tag Archives: Human Sexuality

Shattered-Egos of Man


Men die via Suicide-Attempts 4-Times more than Women do, in spite of Women attempting Suicide 3-Times more than Men do.

The Following is pertaining to what I’ve noticed via my own Lifetime, as well as what I’ve also personally experienced via my own Life-Journey. It’s referring to the Dangers of Men being Psycho-Emotionally Vulnerable. All throughout any/all Epocs&Eras of Human-History: no Society/Civilization has ever tolerated/accepted their Menfolk to disclose any such Psycho-Emotional Sensitivities. I’m specifically focusing upon a Man’s Connection to a Woman.

Historically, Men are only & exclusively expected to pursue Women (by Hook or Crook), bedazzle them with either our Wits, Strengths, Survival-Skills, Vocational-Skills, Intellectual-Prowess, Combative-Capabilities, Political-Power, Material-Possessions/Wealth, Sexual-Potentcy, etc. And, basically, Men (because we’re naturally Psycho-Emotionally Detactched from Sexuality for example), resulting from us not being as Psycho-Emotionally Sensitive, it breeds a Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative that it’s impossible to wound any Man psycho-emotionally. And, such a Posture has historically-proven to be untrue, dishonest, apathetic, unintelligent, etc. However, sadly, there’s still so/too many People (Men & Women alike) whom actually buy into such a Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative.

Certain-Men specifically: they’ve become the Victims/Casualties of the Cycle-Of-Toxicity…I’ll explain precisely what that is by the way:

1. Man oppresses Woman.

2. Woman becomes Bitter, Vengeful, etc.

3. Woman imposes Trauma they experenced from Prior-Men via their Lives onto Current-Men via their Lives.

4. Current-Men in turn become Bitter, Vengeful, etc. & impose their Trauma onto Women via their Lives.

5. The Cycle repeats itself.

Even having These-Type/Kind of Convos amongst Fellow-Men are socially-dangerous. There’s Certain-Men whom’ll be so apathetic towards the Psycho-Emotional Trauma of our Male-Counterparts: we’ll even label them…accusng them of being “Soft”, “Pussy”, “Homos”, etc. And, because we dwell in Societies where being any of either 3-Things is abhorent (as they should be quite honestly)-Obviously no Man really wants to be labeled as such. All-Men want to be respected amongst our Peers as Powerful, Strong, Unyielding, Unwaiverng, etc. And, while all of those are in fact Positive&Noble-Characteristics/Qualities…Mercy, Patience, Tolerance, Acceptance, Empathy, etc. are realistically just as positive&noble of Characteristics/Qualities for Men to possess/manifest. Sadly though: our Societies don’t see it That-Way.

Let’s keep the Focus on Intimate/Sexual-Relationships…there’s particularly Nuanced-Pressures placed upon Men, which’ll probably never be placed upon Women. I’ll be sharng the Following-Examples:


Women (especally via the Modern-World) via the Concepts/Movements known as “Women’s-Liberation”, the “Sexual-Revolution”, “Femnism”, THOT-Culture, Fake-Wokeness, etc.: Women have been granted a Societal Blank-Check to be as Sexually-Aggressive towards Men as they want, but exclusively on their Terms. And, Men whom choose not to comply to this: there’s literally Certain-Women & by extention Certan-Men whom’ll label Those-Men whom resist Femnine Sexual-Aggression as being “Homos”, “Less-Manly”, etc. There’s actually Certain-Men via our World whom actually think/feel that they’re “Less-Masculne”, if they’re not a Womanizer or a Wannabe Porn-Star. And, we all know (the “#MeToo Movement” undoubtedly proved this): if/when Men manifest Masculine Sexual-Aggression, it’s a Serious-Problem in a Biased-Way & the Term “Power-Dynamc” is always thrown-around as a Deflection, as if Sexual-Predatism is exclusively Gendercentric, Androcentric, etc. & it most definitely isn’t. (Ironically) it’s a Known-Fact, that on Average (in Western-World Nation-States), via Legality: Women overwhelmingly get penalized less for committng the Same-Types/Kinds of Sex-Crmes which Men commit.

2. Sexual-Weaponization

It’s a Known-Fact, that Women use Sex as a Manipulative-Tool to get whatever they want from Men. And, knowing that Men crave Sex from Men: Sexual-Manipulation works quite often. All-Men have had Those-Nites where they’re with a Woman & they just smply refuse to give it up. And, it actually doesn’t at all mean that the Man particularly did anythng wrongly. It’s exclusively what All-Women do Women always want Sex exclusively via their Terms only. And any Woman whom pontificates/clams that either they don’t fo this, didn’t do this, never did this, etc. I’ve 0-Problem to call them all Liars. Every Man has at least 1 Blueballs-Story caused by at least 1-Woman whom they were with sexually.

3. Manipulation4Gains

As we all know, as the Ole-Sayings goes: “There’s no such Thing as a Free-Lunch.”. Everything has a Price, because everyone has a Price. With that being said…there’s Dynamics between Men&Women which definitively revolve around Pussy&Money…this is literally a Dimension of Human-Nature.  Now, for Women: clearly they’re naturally attracted to a Man’s-Affluence & if you want a Woman (especially depending upon the Woman being pursued) there’s a Certain-Amount of Capital which they expect you to spen on them. Now, there’s People who’ll label this Prostitutiong, Hoeng, etc. But, that’s a Separate-Issue. Rite now, we’re simply discussing what is. As per our Modern-World, Women doing this is actually becoming more tolerated/accepted. For example, Melissa Elliott (AKA the Music-Star Missy Elliot) made a Song called “Is It Worth It”…the Song itself literally is emboldenng Women to get Money (“By Hook or Crook” as the Ole-Saying goes): “Girls, girls, get the cash If it’s nine to five or shakin’ you ass Ain’t no shame ladies, do your thing
Just make sure you ahead of the game”. Now, compare that to Songs which Male-Mucisians make regarding pursung Women exclusively to get Pussy from them. It’s not at all received in the Same-Way. If/when Women manipulate Men for Monies, they literally get praised for it…just like the Film “Hustler” which portrayed Women druggng&robbing Men for Money. That-Movie grossed nearly $300Mllion Worldwide. We all know that no one would ever be able to get away with making a Film exclusively about Men drugging Women for Sex. If/whenever Men manipulate Women for Sex, they literally get criticized for it. Sexual-Dynamics are so deeply lnked between Men & Women that it’s precisely how/why via al-Islām there exists al-Mahr/Bridal-Gift: an Islāmically-Mandate Present, which a Man must give any Woman they pursue via Marriage, because you’ve got to Pay2Play. Also, there’s Revelatory-Texts detailing that if/when any Woman (Muslim or Non-Muslim) is “Married” to any Muslim-Man without any Walī/Guardian, then the “Marriage” doesn’t count…it’s az-Zinā/THOTery basically. But, in spite of this: the Mahr must still be given, because Sexual-Intercourse had already taken place.
(at-Tirmidhī, Abū-Dāwud, Ahmad)

4. Relationship-Breakups and/or Communication-Breaks

Typically, if/once People split-up (regardless of who’s at Blame/Fault and/or More-Wrong, Most-Wrong, etc.) All-Men know that it’s never in their Best-Interests to initiate Breakups. Men, almost always, get blamed/faulted for anything/everything which went wrongly via Sexual-Relationships. Societies will usually always side with Women aganst Men, when it comes to severing Sexual-Ties. If/whenever any Man breaks-up with any Woman: the Man is always nherently perceived/viewed as being the “Villain” & the Woman is always granted the “Woe-Is-Me” Card. Furthermore, there’s literally Certain-Women whom’ll strng Men along, make them think/feel they’re really into them…they’ll even let Certain Men hit it. But, then they’ll literally just ghost, vanish, etc. And, this is literally tolerated/accepted by People. But, if/when any Man does this they’re viewed as “Dogs”, “Pigs”, “Losers”, etc.

5. Domestic-Abuse

It’s a Known-Fact, that Female-Male Violence via Sexual-Relationships are the least reported, most underreported Kinds/Types of Domestic-Abuse between Sexual-Partners. The Reason how/why is because if/once any Man reports being Abused by any Woman they’re with (especially if/when it’s reported to Male-Personnel whom’re Law-Enforcement for example): it serves as a Direct-Attack/Offence against one’s Entire-Manhood. There’s literally Scenarios/Cases which I personally know of, where Men feel deathly ashamed of their Abuse that they’d never tell anyone…not even to get out of the Domestic-Abuse Situation. I personally know Men who’ve tolerated Domestic-Abuse via their Female Sex-Partners (Wives, Mistresses, Baby-Mommas, Girlfriends, etc.) exclusively because they dwelled under the Roofs of Those-Women, had 0-Place of their own, had no other Domestic-Options aside from the Homes of their Abusive-Partners.

Our Societies have culturally forbade Men to admit, if/when they’ve been Psycho-Emotionally Scarred, Heartbroken, etc. This is because it’s perceived/viewed as a Weakness. And, of course, Vulnerability has 0-Place in the Lives of Men, according to Societies not rooted in at-Tanzīl/Revelation. Unfortunately, Most-People are only concerned with Human-Injury which can be detected via the Human-Eye, Anatomical/Physiological-Diagnosis, X-Rays, etc. However, we utterly ignore/deflect the Human-Injuries which’re Internal/Unseen & can only be assessed if People are granted the Agency to freely express/verbalize whatever challenges them. But, Allah via Their Mercy&Justice, completely debunks this…as They command us: “Those whom believe pay attention: Upon you are yourselves.”. This-Verse, by default, establishes the Fact that we’re Islāmically-Entitled/Justified to take ownership over our Thoughts, Emotions/Feelings, Traumatic-Experiences, etc. Not only that, but as well, we’re equally Islāmically-Entitled/Justified to seek ar-Ruqyah/Healng, as per whatever pains us.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.105)

It’s truly up to Principled-Persons, to break-down these Toxic-Cycles, these Destructive-Trends, these Pseudo-Norms, etc. in order to really help People work through whatever Life-Challenges affect them. There’s Countless-People whom Suffer-N-Silence, resulting directly because of every single Thng I’ve articulated via This-Article…it’s unjust & we’re all equally-responsible/accountable to contribute to putting a Stop to it.

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2022, C.E.

The Power of the Pipe-Game which Muslims try to ignore


These-Types/Kinds of Scenarios always raise Insecurities amongst Certain-Persons. It’s because they’re afraid to voicing the Boots-On-The-Ground Realities, regarding the Basics of Human-Nature/Behavior. But, ironically, al-Islām (prior to & relative to the Revelation of The Qur’ān) has always been keen to directly address Human-Nature/Behavior via at-Tanzīl/Revelation. It’s just that so/too many Muslims are comfortable manifesting Capping-Culture: being untruthful/dishonest as per what al-Islām details about Topics/Subjects surrounding al-Jinsiyyah/Human-Sexuality.

Muslims are just as sexual as any other Human-Demographic. But, we attempt to portray to the World that we aren’t & that’s 💯%-Untruth/Dishonesty. I’ll explain precisely what I mean:

How I responded to This-Post:

The Islāmic-Solution to Scenarios such as these:

Now, for Obvous-Reasons: this is a Sensitive/Taboo-Subject to venture into. But, honestly, I’ve got to say “Fuck their Sensitivities.”. We’ve got to keep it Tall, as per Topics such as these.

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2022, C.E.

The Pathetic-Ugliness of Sexual-Snitching


Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Verily, amongst the Most-Evil of the People, to Allah, on the Day-Of-Standing is a Man who was intimate with their Wife and spread their Sexual-Secrets thereafter (i.e. Slut-Shames them).”.

In spite of the Fact that they’re not married to each other: the Rules still apply. What they did was Sucka-Shit.

For those whom’re lost: This-Post is literally about a Muslim-Male, complaining about their Wife (one of their Multiple-Wives) self-pleasuring themselves via Masturbation, Sex-Toys, etc. (via their Absence from their Spouse).

“And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8)

“Men&Women are Shields for/of one another…”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.187)

As per This-Subject, this is very crucial. Detailing Marital-Issues/Problems (particularly/especially via al-Jinsiyyat-ul-Bashriyyah/Human-Sexuality) is very much a Taboo-Topic & full of Countless-Complexities/Complications. However, if/when it comes to airing-out ones own Dirty-Laundry via the Public-Sphere, to perhaps either acquire: Empathy, Sympathy, Attention, etc. is Hella-Problematic & Religio-Spiritually Dangerous.

Doing this, by default, without the Correct-Niyyah/Motive, and/or without Religio-Professional Advisement (Counseling, Therapy, etc.), can easily fall under Several Kabā’ir (Infamnias/Major-Sins):

a. Unjustly disclosing the Affairs of the Bed.

b. Backbitting: detailing Negative-Things about one’s Spouse which is true/honest, yet is exclusively done to make them look Bad.

c. Slander: accusing one’s Spouse of doing Negativity which is either untrue/dishonest or unproven, exclusively to make them look Bad.

(al-Kabā’ir/The Major-Sins, adh-Dhahabī)

“Men are Responsible for Women…”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.4, V.34)

This-Citation of at-Tanzīl details that (via al-Islām) Men are Mafrūdh/Islāmically-Required to provide Several-Things for Men, specific to This-Āyah/Verse: this is referring to the Wives-Of-Men. The Things which’re required to be provided are the following:

1. Establishing Religio-Spiritual Irshād/Direction.

2. Establishing Holistic-Wilāyah/Protection.

3. Establishing Psycho-Emotional Rifq (Compassion/Comfort).

4. Establishing as-Suhbah/Companionship.

5. Establishing Food, Clothing, Shelter.

6. Establishing Pipe-Game.*

(*Clearly This-Post is centered around Number-6…just as a Dhikr/Reminder)

The Word/Term for “Marriage”: “an-Nikāh”…
…it etymologically (literally) means “Sexual-Intercourse/Fuckin”. So, by default: obviously (for Obvious-Reasons) Sex is the Asl/Rudement-Foundation for any Marital-Relationship, which makes Sense, because it’s a Known-Fact (via Human-Behavior) that al-Jinsiyyah/Sexuality is the Most-Intimate Sifah/Manifestation of Human-Communication. Keep in Mind, also, that Sex is largely Non-Verbal Communication & at least 80% of Human-Communication is Non-Verbal. This is so Islāmically-Factual, that anyone whom is Married & their not being Sexually-Appeased: a. If they’re a Man, they can divorce their Wife because of this. b. If they’re a Woman, they can be granted a Khul`/Divorce-Request.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.4, V.19; al-Bukhari; Muslim; an-Nasā’ī; Mālik; Ahmad; Lisān-ul-`Arab: Lexicon of the Arabic-Language, ibn-Manzhūr)

But, if you’re fearful that you won’t be just: then just wed 1-Wife…”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.4, V.3)

Let’s keep it 💯: Muslim-Men having Multiple-Wives has become a Fad, Trend, etc. fueled by Machismo/Male-Egotism, Fake-Wokeness via the Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative of “Red-Pillism”, “High-Value”, etc. So, upon that: Muslim-Men sim to literally 1-Up each other, via the Polygyny-Racket…as a Sifah/Manifestation of Religio Dick-Measuring. It’s basically a Way for Many-Muslims to fulfill a Fantasy of being a “Player”, under the False-Pretense of Polygyny. They’re literally trying to do via al-Islām what many of them were really incapable of doing if they were Non-Muslims, which is acquiring Multiple-Pussies. I don’t care whom agrees/disagrees, likes/dislikes, etc. what I’ve stated…how I’ve ststed it…etc. All of those reading This-Article know damn well that I’m being 💯%-Truthful/Honest here…
…”Truth is Truth, regardless of whom/where it comes from.”.(Islāmic-Principle) As Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated:

“Apathy/Arrogance is denying Truth & mocking People.”

And, as Mu`ādh ibn-Jabal (May Allah be pleased with them) once stated:

“Always accept Truth, even if it comes from a Kāfir (Disbeliever/Non-Muslim) or a Fāsiq/Sinful-Muslim.”

(an-Nawawī, Abū-Dāwud)

“Either remain with them or depart from them via Respect/Dignity.”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.229&231; Chpt.17, V.23)

Now, as per the Aforementioned-Post: the Issue of Abandonment is very much Islāmically-Valid. Sadly, though: Many-Persons refuse to recognize/accept the Reality that they’re violating the Huqūq/Rights of their Spouses…Men & Women are equally blameworthy/faultworthy of this for the Record. Both Husband & Wife are equally: responsible, accountable, liable, etc. as per making their Marital-Relationship work or to part Ways via at-Talāq/Divorce…like the Ole-Saying: “It takes 2-Hands to clap.”.




“Have you seen those whom take their Desires as their God?!!! Are you then their Enabler?!!!
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.25, V.43)

There’s Several Red-Flags which I personally have detected, via the Aforementioned-Post, regarding the Person complaining about their Spouse getting themselves off without them. It seems, as per the Correspondance, that all the Blame/Fault, Responsibility, Accountability, etc. is exclusively being imposed via a 1-Sided Fashion & that’s azh-Zhulm/Oppression by default. Don’t get me wrong: I’m not at all co-signing what they’ve accused their Spouse of doing. Yet, at the Same-Time, as I always tell People: You either judge everyone or no one…
…you either give everyone or no one a Pass. This-Man absolutely must self-evaluate their own Situation & recognize/accept the Reality that they’ve been exposed for probably one, some, most, or all of the following:

1. Lacking Religio-Spiritual Irshād.

2. Lacking Holistic-Wilāyah.

3. Lacking Psycho-Emotional Rifq.

4. Lacking as-Suhbah.

5. Lacking Food, Clothing, Shelter.

6. Lacking Pipe-Game.

“Pick your Poison.” as the Ole-Saying goes & check/correct one’s Self. Any/All-Men being challenged/tested via this Same-Dilemma must/should introspect whether or not this applies to them personally. For Obvious-Reasons, these aren’t at all Comfortable-Convos for any Man to have with themselves via Intrapersonal-Communication, nor with Others via Interpersonal-Communication. But, this must be unearthed&remedied, for one’s own Individual-Sihah/Wellness. As hurtful & shameful as it may seem/feel: All-Men must have the Basālah/Courage to face this, if it so applies to them. Courage isn’t the Absence-Of-Fear, it’s the Willingness&Ability to confront Fear. Moreover, Lots of Tawādhi`/Humility is required to even aknowledge that this applies to one’s Self & to take Realistic/Pragmatic-Steps towards dealing with their own Respective Marital-Issues, and to accept Help/Support from Others if need be.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.13, V.11; an-Nawawī)


As a Chaplain (Counselor/Therapist), there’s Several-Pieces of Advice for any/all Muslim-Males experiencing such Scenarios as these:

1. Try one’s best to refer one’s Affairs directly to Allah firstly & ask Allah to guide one’s Decision-Making.

2. Don’t be hasty to tell, post, etc. one’s Marital-Issues/Problems via the Public-Sphere (regardless of whether it’s disclosed via the Public-Sphere or via Anonymity). And, that’s because there very well may be People, via an-Nazhr/al-`Ayn (Evil-Eye), whom’re joyful that Certain-Persons have Marital-Issues/Problems.

3. Actually have These-Types/Kinds of Convos with one’s Spouses…”Communication is Key.” as the Ole-Saying goes.

4. Seek Religio-Professional Relationship-Counseling/Therapy if necessary.

5. Don’t maliciously out one’s Spouse via al-`Udwān/Animosity against one’s Marital-Partner, as this can easily be classified as al-Ghībah/Gossip (via al-Buhtān/al-Humazah).

6. Be grateful, to Allah, that Masturbation/Sex-Toying is all that they’ve done/are doing…realistically they could’ve been committing Adultery. And, as I always tell People: Women only cheat on Men they don’t respect…
…any Woman who’s with any Man they respect: they’ll leave them as opposed to cheating on them. By the way: this literally only applies to marriage. Realistically, if you’re unmarried then it really isn’t “Cheating”, because, unless you’re married to someone they don’t owe you anything.
(at-Tabarānī, al-Bayhaqī, ibn-Hajar al-`Asqalānī)


In Conclusion…I hope that Persons like those whom detailed their Relationship-Strife find Some-Type/Kind of Ruqyah/Healing. It’s very evident, that they’re a Miserable-Person & may Allah replace their Hardship with Ease, as well as any/all Others challenged the Same-Way.

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2022, C.E.