Tag Archives: High Value Man

Andrew Tate being cancelled because of Islāmophobia


Emory Andrew Tate, III (commonly known simply as Andrew Tate) is a Former Professional-Fighter/Kick-Boxer, turned High-Profile Lifestyle-Personality/Celebrity. They’ve gained Extra-Popularity, via featuring on Podcasts discussing Human-Relationships between Men&Women, voicing their Views on Sex, Dating, Marriage, Divorce, THOTery, etc.

Andrew Tate has become very popular, as per their Stances on Human-Relationships between Men&Women. However, they’ve seemingly been placed Out-Of-Favor with the Puppet-Masters of Social-Media. Andrew Tate has historically spoken quite favorably towards al-Islām. Clearly, that doesn’t sit well with the Social-Media Higher-Ups. When they stated that al-Islām is the Only/Last True-Religion, the Algorithims went crazy. Obviously, for anyone who’s got a deep-rooted Social-Reach & is Socially-Influential: this is detrimental to Agendas which aim to control the Masses via adh-Dhalālah/Misguidance.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.9, V.32

When I found-out that Andrew Tate was being “Cancelled”, I knew immediately how/why. There’s Some/Many-Persons whom’ll claim that Andrew Tate got “cancelled” because they pontificate/promote Misogyny. Now, ironically, there’s literally Countless-Persons/Platforms which pontificate/promote Misogyny & Those-Persons/Platforms are surprisngly still active via Social-Media. This is literally a Smokescreen. I can humanly guarantee you, that had Andrew Tate never stated what they’ve said concerning the Positivity of al-Islām that they probably would’ve never gotten “cancelled”.

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2022, C.E.

Fake-Wokeness via the “High-Value” Fallacy


Via the Modern-Era, there’s Lots of Concepts which’re used to make People think/feel they’re better/superior to Others & equally are used to degrade Others. One Particular-Concept is what’s known as the “High-Value Man/Woman”. This-Concept was forged out of Desperation, by Persons addicted to Attention/Validation. It’s done so that the Pontificates/Promoters of the “High-Value” Kalām/Rhetoric can use yet Another-Manifestation of FakeWokeness, to acquire Relevance in the World. This “High-Value” Talk simply gets on my Damn-Nerves. It’s all just another Illusionary-Gimmick via Human-Relationships, between Man&Woman. There’s literally Certain-People whom only want to talk about is who’s a “High-Value Man/Woman” and/or what constitutes being a “High-Value Man/Woman”. These Types/Kinds of Convos, concerning “High-Value Men/Women”: whom they are and/or whom they aren’t…it’s really sickening. Those whom entertain this are Weirdos/Empty-People. They’re only interested in judging People, to think/feel better about themselves via downing Others…as Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Apathy/Arrogance is denying Truth & mocking People.”.

In fact, even if/when we observe the Natural-Environment/Animal-Kingdom: Alpha/Apex-Creatures are very keen to be undetectable/unnoticeable. They don’t want their Prey to indentify them. Alpha/Apex-Creatures function almost exclusively via: Secrecy, Stealth, Camoflauge, etc. This is just as much of a Reality via our Human-World, as it is via the Animal-Kingdom. But, here’s the Irony: People whom’re actually “High-Value” don’t even enter/ain Convos concerning who’s “High-Value” and/or who’s “Low-Value”. The Reason they don’t is because, by default, it’s beneath them to have those Types/Kinds of Convos & it actually devalues Real High-Value Persons. It’s just like the “Alpha/Apex-Person” Concept: Real-Alpha/Apex People don’t waste their Time/Energy in gossiping about who’s an “Alpha/Apex” vs. “Non-Alpha/Apex”…Real-Alpha/Apex People only make Time to commit themselves to Real-Alpha/Apex Shit that they’ve got goin-on.