Tag Archives: Hasad

The Qābīl vs. Hābīl Effect: Exploring the Anatomy of Hizbī/Sectarian Cock-Blocking


Allah states:

“And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”

(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8)

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated:

“Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way.”


The Following is predicated upon the Religio-Historical Works of at-Tabarī & ibn-Kathīr: Tārīkh-ur-Rusul wal-Mulūk (The Chronicle of Messengers&Rulers) & al-Bidāyah wan-Nihāyah (The Beginning&Ending)

The Beginning

Ādam/Adam&Hawwā’/Eve: Progenitors/Parents-Of-Humanity (Peace be upon them both) had 2 Initial-Children out of their 120-Children…Qābīl/Cain & Hābīl/Abel. Each of the Children of Ādam&Hawwā’ were the Result of 60 Full-Term Pregnancies consisting of 60-Pairs of Fraternal-Twins (Male&Female-Twins). The Amr/Command-Of-Allah imposed upon Ādam was to marry-off each Preceeding-Twins to their Succeeding-Twins. So, Qābīl was born with their Female-Twin & Hābīl was born with their Female-Twin. Ādam commanded Qābīl to marry the Sister-Of-Hābīl & Ādam commanded Hābīl to marry the Sister-Of-Qābīl.

The Problem

Qābīl sexually desired to marry the Sister they were born with. This initiated a Serious-Issue between Qābīl & Hābīl. So, Allah then commanded Ādam to ordered Qābīl&Hābīl to offer an Udhiyyah/Qurbānī (Sacrifice) to compensate their Fitnah (Drama/Beef). Qābīl purposely gave the Worst-Sacrifice & Hābīl purposely gave the Best-Sacrifice. Obviously, Allah accepted the Best-Sacrifice of Hābīl. Upon that, Qābīl proceded to unjustly-kill/murder Hābīl. Yes…Qābīl killed/murdered a Fellow-Muslim, their own Relative, etc. over Pussy.

Some Brief Islamic-History (the Origins of `Id-il-Adha):

The Mīrāth/Legacy of the Qābīl vs. Hābīl Effect

Muhammad foretold:

“Verily, I’ve not left behind any Fitnah/Drama after me, more harful to Men, than Women.”


It’s a Known-Fact, that Women (whether intentionally or unintentionally) have been used as Pseudo-Justifications historically (to impose Harm upon one’s Fellow-Man). And, the Muslim Cock-Blocker manifests this absolutely. One would think/feel that the Muslims are better than this. But, what must be remembered, Muslims are just as Human as any Non-Muslim. And, because of That-Fact: Muslims are just as Fucked-Up as Non-Muslims.

I’ve personally & professionally have (via the Nasr/Help-Of-Allah):

a. Have intervened regarding Muslim-Men oppressing one another over Pussy.

b. Have personally & professionally intervened regarding Muslim-Men Cock-Blocking one another.

The Muslim Cock-Blocker manifests Several-Sifāt/Characteristics

1. Muslim-Men whom’re Awliyā’ (Islāmic-Guardians) over Muslim-Women whom only want Muslim-Women under their Wilāyah/Charge to marry Certain Muslim-Men.

2. Muslim-Men whom desire & attempt to sabotage Potential-Marriages between Muslim-Women they want & Muslim-Men they’re at Odds with.

3. Muslim-Men whom desire to attempt Spiritually-Blackmailing Other Muslim-Men, resulting from them Harām-Fuckin Muslim and/or Non-Muslim Women and/or Muslim-Men whom’re Envious concerning the Fact that Muslim-Men they’re aversed to have slammed, pursued, etc. Muslim and/or Non-Muslim Women they were either with or desire to be with themselves.

an-Nazhr/al-`Ayn (Evil-Eye) via al-Hasad (Envy)

Full-Disclosure Storytime

All-3 Sifāt of the Muslim Cock-Blocker I’ve had to personally deal with via my Life…I’ll explain.

There’ve been Times via my Life where Certain Muslim-Men, who’ve been Awliyā’ over Muslim-Women who’ve I’ve attempted to marry…they either purposely ignore my Marital-Inquiries or have slandered me. I’ll detail precisely what I mean. As per ignoring me, Certain-Awliyā’ I’d contacted (pertaining to get a Majlis [Sitdown/Meeting]) to discuss how to go forward with said Muslim-Women whom either were interested in me or I were interested in them. I reached-out to These-Awliyā’, but they literally pretended as though I never even existed. As per slandering me, there’ve been Times where Certain Muslim-Women have informed me that their Awliyā’ straight-up lied to them via accusing me of being Hizbī/Religio-Heretical & that I’d lead them to an-Nār/the Fire (No…I’m not joking: this has really occured).

There’s been Scenarios where Muslim-Women I’ve maritally pursued were told via Muslim-Men that I’ve been in “Sex-Tapes” & have acquired/spread “STD’s”…literally 💯%-Lies. This, of course, was done exclusively to sabotage my Marital-Pursuits via al-Hasad (Hateration/Envy) & al-`Ayn/an-Nazhr (Evil-Eye). Through this, I’ve actually had Several-Opportunities for Marriage completely ruined, exclusively predicated upon al-Buhtān/al-Humazah (Slander/Defamation).

There’ve been Muslim-Men who’ve co-signed Allegations against me, as per me “harrassing” Muslim-Women, all because they wanted to fuck those same Muslim-Women just like I did. It’s just that they never had the Balls to throw da Frank @ em like I did. (Ironically) many of these Muslim-Women are known/notorious to sell Pussy to Muslim-Men and/or fuck Non-Muslims, and whom these Simp-Ass Clowns have pontificated/claimed to their “Defenders” (in the Hopes of getting Sympathy-Yams from said Muslim-Women). But, here’s the Irony: the Broads these Simp-Ass Niggas “defend” don’t even want Those-Dudes. Women never respect Simps, rather they’ll only tolerate/use them as per their own Aspirations/Agendas.

Of the Slandered, but not of the Fallen:

The Way Women really view Men

How the Muslim Cock-Blocker plays-out via al-Hizbiyyah/Religio-Sectarianism

All-Adherents of Ahzāb/Religio-Sects have Several-Things in common. They’ve each/all, as Ahzāb aim to accomplish some or all of what I plan on detailing. Coubtless-Persons just hate when I talk about These-Things…fortunately I honestly don’t give a Fuck though. So, Yeah…let’s get into it:

1. Establish themselves via the Hoods (where Many-Persons are downtrodden & largely unsophisticated via their Analyses of Charlatans).

2. Impress the Ignorant (via the Illusion of possessing al-`Ilmiyyah/Islāmic-Knowledge).

3. Spoonfeed Individuals whatever one wants (keeping them coming-back for more like Drug-Addicts & keeping Real/Beneficial-Knowledge Out-Of-Reach).

4. Bedazzle & seduce the Womenfolk of these Communities into their Beds.

5. Attain & maintain the Support of the Muslim-Criminals, Muslim Street-Teams, Muslim Gang-Members, etc. (using one’s Muslim-Muscle to pressure, intimidate, neutralize, eliminate, etc. Religio-Secterian Competition/Opposition).

The Hujjah/Indictment against the Salafī-Mafia

Gareth Bryant’s Hujjah/Refutation against the “Imāms-Roundtable”

Romance of the 3-`Aqīdahs

Number-4 is of Special-Importance, relative to the Holistic-Theme of the Article itself. All of These-Bozos pretend to be “Pious/Righteous”. But, as soon as Some-Tunabox comes into the Mix, they’ll lie on you, steal from you, hurt and/or kill you, etc. just to get a Whiff of the Coochie.

There’s Countless-Muslims whom pontificate/claim to have “Fraternity” and “Love” for one another. Yet, in All-Truthfulness/Honesty, as soon as a Broad becomes a Factor: “Fraternity” & “Love” get thrown-out rite with Yesterday’s-Trash. The “Fraternity”/”Love” which Most-Men project to have for each other is either Extremely-Weak or 💯%-Fake. Literally, via Human-History proving as such-The Easiest-Way to facilitate Rifts between Male-Bonds is Pussy.

Don’t think that Women are “Innocent” either

There’s literally been Muslim&Non-Muslim Women who’ve admitted to me, that the Only-Reason they took Interest in me was to inact Revenge against their Ex’s whom I’m Cool with. These Same-Women have literally told lies against their Ex’s, in order to pin me against their Ex’s (they’ve also admitted to doing this as well). But, then, those Same-Women have the Audacity/Arrogance to complain that I never took them seriously. And, I’ve personally called them who/what they are: they’re Snakes. They did all of this, simply because they enjoy Niggas Beefin wit each other. I’m sure that there’s Countless-Men this has happened to, but they’re unwilling to speak about it publicly.

There’s a Specific-Scenario in which there’s 2 Muslim-Men whom I personally know. They were once married to the Same Muslim-Woman at Seperate-Times. Muslim-Dude A whom married the Muslim-Chick the 1st-Time had a Tumultuous/Toxic-Relationship. Muslim-Dude B whom ended-up marrying the Muslim-Chick after they divorced Muslim-Dude A…they equally had a Tumultuous/Toxic-Relationship (that’s almost exclusively due to the Fact that the Muslim-Chick never allowed themselves to heal after their Former-Marriage to Muslim-Dude A). Muslim-Dude B, for the Record, was strongly advised publicly & privately to not marry the Ex-Spouse of Muslim-Dude A. Obviously, Yams trumped Good-Advice. So, while Muslim-Dude B was still married to the Muslim-Chick: they literally initiated a Back&Forth “Fulān-Fulān Said/He Said He Said” Scenario between Muslim-Dude A & Muslim-Dude B. It got so intense, that it was on the Cusp of actually getting violent between Muslim-Dude A & Muslim-Dude B. Fortunately, via the Mercy/Justice-Of-Allah: I was capable/able to facilitate the Peace between Muslim-Dude A & Muslim-Dude B. Now, you’d think that was the Happy-Ending right…wrong. Muslim-Chick literally had the Audacity/Arrogance to be “Angered” that I facilitated the Peace between Muslim-Dude A & Muslim-Dude B. They literally wanted the two of them to harm one another, over them…a Classic-Case of Attention-Addiction.

Y’all know I’m being 💯%-Truthful/Honest, concerning what I’ve articulated. I know you know, because you’re still reading the Article. The Fact that you’ve gotten this far via the Article proves undoubtedly/unequivocally, that you respect/appreciate my Authenticity via This-Article (in spite of you hating that I had the Audacity to even write it).

To conclude, Religio Cock-Blocking amingst the Muslims & between the Muslims is 💯%-Evil. And, it’s a Character/Behavior which is Ugly via the Eyes/Sight-Of-Allah. Religio Cock-Blocking has to stop & it has to be eradicated/eliminated Pronto.

Gareth Bryant