Tag Archives: Enemies

Revive Respectful-Rivalry


The Following-Citation/Quote below-It’s literally is reminiscent of the Religio-Academic Rivalry between myself & one of Gareth Bryant’s Favorite-Colleagues: Tālib Nathaniel. Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel have immersed ourselves in a Friendly-Feud, which sparked Significant-Attention/Controversy via our Individual/Mutual-Circles. It’s raised Eyebrows as well as kept Certain-Person “Walking-On-Eggshells” Sort-Of-Speak. Our Rivalry has caused much Talk around our Native-Cities as well as Various-States, Various-Countries, etc. And, the Cited/Quoted-Story, albeit Centuries ago: it’s ironically so poignant & relevant to the Rivalry of Gareth Bryant vs. Tālib Nathaniel.

Fraternity in spite of Rivalry

The Citation/Quote plainly details that Others tried to dismantle the Respect/Love which existed between the 2-Subjects of the Citation/Quote. Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel have literally faced the Same-Types/Kinds of Tactics used to attempt destroying our Bond as: Brothers, Friends, Colleagues, etc. Tālib & Gareth have discussed at length, about how far Certain-Persons would be willing to go (to attempt making us Adversaries of one another). Tālib literally disclosed to me, that one Particular-Person: Fahīm Lea (I’ve already publicly discussed my Deep-Disdain for Fahīm Lea)…they refused to return the Taslīm (the Utterance of “as-Salām/Greeting-Of-Peace”) ever since Tālib had released their Response to an Article I authored. I literally told Tālib not to be “surprised”, that Fahīm Lea hadn’t returned the Taslīm, after they had initiated to Fahīm Lea. Fahīm Lea particularly is Highly-Triggered/Angered, that Tālib Nathaniel has a Positive-Relationship with Gareth Bryant…I’ve explained how/why via Another-Article I’ve previously authored.

They hate You cause they couldn’t break You

The Scenario between Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel literally reminds me of the 1st-Fitnah/Civil-War amongst the Muslims:`Alī ibn-`Imrān vs. Mu`āwiyah (May Allah be pleased with them both), when the Roman-Emperor living during This-Time attempted to “convince” Mu`āwiyah to align themselves with Rome against `Alī…this was the Dialogue between the Roman-Emperor & Mu`āwiyah:

“The Byzantine Emperor had great hopes of attacking and defeating Mu’aawiyah after the latter had instilled fear in him and humiliated him and vanquished his troops. When the Byzantine Emperor saw that Mu’aawiyah was preoccupied with fighting ‘Ali, he approached some cities (on the border) with a huge army, filled with hope of victory. So Mu’aawiyah wrote to him saying, ‘By Allah, if you do not desist and go back to your land, O cursed one, I shall reconcile with my cousin and we will unite against you, and I shall certainly expel you from all of your land! I shall keep pursuing you, and the earth, vast as it is, will be straitened for you.’ At that, the Byzantine Emperor was scared off and abandoned his plans; he sent word seeking a peace treaty.”

(at-Tabarī, as-Suyūtī, ibn-Kathīr)

al-Husayn & the Massacre of Karbalā’:

The Gareth Bryant vs. Tālib Nathaniel Rivalry is predicated upon the two of them respectfuly, brotherly, academically: debating, disagreeing, etc. regarding Theological-Postures, Theological-Positions, Theological-Arguments, etc. which’ve been contested for Centuries via Islāmic-Academics whom precede the both of us as per Islāmic-Knowledge/Understanding. There’ve been Supporters via Various Religio-Sectarian Camps which’ve either wanted Tālib Nathaniel to be “defeated” via Gareth Bryant, or Gareth Bryant to be “defeated” via Tālib Nathaniel. There’s even been those who’ve publicly & privately attempted to Cheerlead, in order to inspire Rifts between Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel. However, via the Justice/Mercy-Of-Allah:

a. Neither Gareth Bryant nor Tālib Nathaniel had allowed ourselves to succumb to the Waswās/Deception of ash-Shaytān/Satan via the Biases-Of-Man for and against each other individually.

b. There’ve been Other Religio-Academics who’ve refused to attempt interering in the Religio-Academic Rivalry between Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel…themselves directly & indirectly expressing/verbalizing Gratitude that both Gareth & Tālib displayed Immense-Respect towards one another, presented Authentic/Objective-Facts regarding their Theological-Arguments, manifested Meritable-Maturity regarding the Subject-Matter, etc.

c. There’ve been Religio-Community Elders who’ve stepped-up to the Plate, to reinfirce the Necessity to maintain Justice as per evaluating the Theological-Arguments which’ve been presented/defended via the Works/Writings of Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel.

Gareth Bryant’s Article:

at-Tafwīdh/Neutrality vs. at-Ta’wīl/Interpretation concerning the Sifāt/Qualities-Of-Allah

Tālib Nathaniel’s Article:

Al-qadhiyatu min ajalil-Haqeeqa tafwid al-amr li-llah

Even amongst the Staunchest-Critics of both Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel: they respected the Efforts given by us both. We’ve both received Significant-Praise, as per our Efforts to conduct ourselves as Muslim-1st, regardless of what Gareth & Tālib have vehemently disagreed upon as per the Subject-Matter behind their Religio-Academic Rivalry. In spite of Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel being on Different-Sides of the `Aqīdah/Theology-Coin (Gareth being Pro-Atharī & Tālib being Ash`arī)…they each both do agree with one another that `Aqidah has been dangerously hijacked via Ahzāb/Religio-Gangs to incite/continue the Ugly-Mīrāth/Legacy of Muslim-On-Muslim Oppression via “`Aqīdah-Wars”. And, these “`Aqīdah-Wars” have been amongst the Usūl/Origins of Muslim-On-Muslim Violence throughout the Muslim-World historically & particularly via the United States amongst Muslim-Americans.

The Niggadelphia-Effect

What Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel have done, via our Brotherly-Bond: we’ve literally shown Other-Muslims the Power of Fraternity in spite of Rivalry. We’ve jointly proven that we can disagree & argue with/against Fellow-Muslims respectfuly, brothetly, friendly, maturely, academically, etc. without ever having to resort to any Sifah/Manifestation of al-Qattāl/Violence against any Fellow-Muslim. And, any/all of our Critics whom unrespect the Fact that Gareth & Tālib have never chosen to be Religio-Opps: that angers them greatly…proving undoubtedly that Persons like them are Part of the Mushkilah/Problem. Like…how dare any Muslim be triggered/angered, that Fellow-Muslims don’t want to be Enemies of one another?!!! Make that Goofy-Shit make Sense.

Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel have always made it Crystal-Clear: we attempt to always operate via being Muslim-1st. We refuse to view each other as “Enemies” of one another. We equally refuse to allow anyone to disrupt our Progress towards Facilitating al-Ijtimā`/Unity between the Muslims via Religio-Academia/Scholarship.We ask Allah, to always protect us & always aid us against any/all whom want us to be Adversaries against each other.

Gareth Bryant

1445, A.H./2024, C.E.

Fraternity in spite of Rivalry


“And never let your Hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”…”Those whom believe pay attention: If a Sinner presents News, then verify. Or else you’ll end-up harming Others foolishly, causing you to be Regretful for what you’ve done.”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8; Chpt.49, V.6)

Initial-Contact between Tālib Nathaniel & Gareth Bryant

When Tālib Nathaniel (one of my Favorite Religio-Academic Colleagues) & I first got connected with each other, it was through a Mutual-Friend. We connected via a WhatsApp-Group. Fortunately, via the MercyOf-Allah, the Communication between our WhatsApp-Group were always predicated upon as-Sihhah (Authenticity/Realness). So, it was rather easy to assess whom People really are (as per True-Character/Behavior). From the Inception of the WhatsApp-Group, it became clear to me, that Tālib Nathaniel was a True-Academic, as I myself hold myself to & always strive to be. So, as to be expected: There were Countless-Instances where Tālib & I would literally go Back&Forth. Sometimes the Debates would last Hours. Sometimes the Debates would carry-over into Days, Weeks, etc.

From Debates to Information-Sharing

I can speak for both Tālib and myself-By virtue of how we met, how we began our Debate-Sagas, the Ways we would challenge each other, etc. We probably both had in each of our Minds: “Who This-Nigga think he is?!!!”. Of course, not in any Disrespectful/Malicious-Intent…simply due to Natural-Ego. Via Group-Dynamics, it’s simply a Sifah/Dimension of al-Bashriyyah (Human-Nature/Behavior) to want to be the Top-Dog of anyone’s Arena, Field, Specialty, etc. Plus, Tālib Nathaniel being from Philadelphia & Gareth Bryant being from NYC: Historical/Socio-Cultural Rivalries were bound to surface & influence how the two of us originally sized each other up. Fortunately, via the Mercy-Of-Allah: with the Number-1 Rule of our WhatsApp-Group being “Muslim-1st”…whatever Preconceived-Biases about NYC vs. Philly/Philly vs. NYC…our Biases ironically became Things which never divided us, but in turn caused our Bond to actually strengthen in Ways neither us could’ve ever anticipated.

Then, as we began respecting each other’s Religio-Academic Expertise/Research, we would actually run Things by each other. Meaning, before we’d write/post Things, we’d often ask each other’s Opinions/Outlooks on what we’re about to release to the World. It actually became exciting, that I could always go to Tālib & Tālib could always go to me for Critique, Criticism, Correction, Feedback, etc. After initiating this between each other, that’s when we both realized that Religio-Academically we’re basically Same-Level with each other.

In spite of us not having the Same Islāmic Come-Ups (Tālib `Abdullah being Muslim-Born…Gareth Bryant being Muslim-Revert), nor the Same-Environments (Tālib growin-up via Philly…Gareth growin-up via NYC), nor the Same-Type/Style of Islāmic-Education (very evident via our Writings), etc. we still ended-up having Close-Similarities in spite of those Significant-Differences. That’s actually what’s made it very easy for Tālib & I to have ever Info.-Shared in the 1st-Place.

Gareth Bryant’s & Tālib Nathaniel’s Online-Writings

Gareth Bryant has been a Professional-Writer since 2008, C.E. and has been Online-Authoring since 2011, C.E. So, my Catalog-Of-Work deals with a Varied-Array of so many Topics (Religion, Sexuality, Politics, History, Sports, Art, Warfare, Poetry, Wellness, Mental-Health, Combat, etc.). Tālib Nathaniel was Brand-New to the Online-Writing Game. However, 1-Day, they messaged me about wanting to take a Try at Online-Writing. I immediately expressed Joy & Encouragement for them to do so. I don’t know whether they expected me to be as encouraging as I was…but I definitely was. I think that Tālib truly appreciated my Insistance to have them doing Online-Authorship, and I’m a Better-Collegue to them for it.

From Colleagues to Friends

As our Info.-Sharing increased, so did our Personal-Brotherhood strengthen further. We began to trust each other. We began to share our Highs&Lows, our Triumphs&Blunders, etc. We were able to stand with each other, based upon our Islāmic-Fraternity as Fellow-Muslims: always viewing each other via the Lens of Muslim-1st. That more than anything, I would say, contributed to me bonding with Tālib immensely (keep in Mind: Tālib & I had never even met In-Person prior). However, as Allah is Khayr-ul-Mākirīn/the Best-Of-Planners: our Bonds transcend knowing each other Face2Face. And, it’s this which is a Definitive-Indicator of the Quwwah/Dynamism of al-Hudā/al-Hidāyah (Guidance). What as well equally contribited to our Bonding is our Mutual-Appreciatiom for the Arts, Music, Fashion, Politics, History, etc.

From Personal-Friends to Academic-Frenemies

Gareth Bryant vs. Tālib Nathaniel

Via the WhatsApp-Group & our Personal-Convos…Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel are Splendid-Buddies. But, when it comes to Writing as per our Unique-Comprehensions of al-Islām: there’s definitely On-Sight Rivalry between us. And, of course, as per al-Bashriyyah: both of us think we da Shit. For anyone who’s accomplished what Allah has allowed Tālib Nathaniel & Gareth Bryant to do individually…obviously the Ego is going to swell. That’s literally the Nature-Of-Success. Also, taking into consideration…our Learning & Comprehension are different, relative to Countless-Factors making us uniquely ourselves. Plus, especially pertaining to the Far`/Branch of al-`Ilmiyyah/Islāmic-Knowledge known as al-`Aqīdah/Islāmic-Theology…this is the Asl/Foundation of our Religio-Academic Differing between one another. Tālib was raised&reared under the Tutilage of al-Ash`ariyyah/al-Ash`arism, and they stand true to it. Gareth Bryant sticks staunchly to being Pro-Athariyyah/Atharism, but only because al-Athariyyah is the Theological-Default for the Average/Regular-Muslim. Tālib & Gareth have constantly/consistently gone Back&Forth, concerning al-Athariyyah vs. al-Ash`ariyyah.

Atharism vs. Ash`arism

This is the Article I authored  regarding the Atharī vs. Ash`arī Fitnah/Drama. Inadvertently, I’ve poked a Sleeping-Dragon as per what I detailed. My Posturing woke Lots of People up, shocked even more People, got Certain-People truly pissed-off at me, while Other being in Total-Disbelief that I’d the Audacity/Balls to even write such an Article…almost as if I was “not in my Place”. This is what truly tested the Strength of the Gareth-Tālib Bond.

at-Tafwīdh/Neutrality vs. at-Ta’wīl/Interpretation concerning the Sifāt/Qualities-Of-Allah

When the Article initially dropped, so did People’s-Jaws. People were just viewing me Side-Eyed…even those whom agreed with everything I wrote: they were like, “This Nigga Real-Bold…Bul is Talkin-Hot!!!”. In fact, according to Tālib Nathaniel: Gareth Bryant’s Niggadelphia Code-Name is “New York Bul”/”Up-Top Bul”. The Article, which I nickamed “The Haqqover”: it literally forced People to pay attention. Moreover, those whom already knew me, knew about me, etc.: it forced them to think twice, before not respecting my Religio-Academic Validity. Furthermore, even those whom despise me (in All-Justice/Fairness I’ve given more than my Share of Reasons how/why I’m disliked, hated, etc.): they couldn’t believe how thorough my Article actually is. And, that’s precisely how/why they were depending upon Tālib to bury me academically. But, what they didn’t know was that Tālib already had a Response-Article in the Works, even prior to the Release of my own “Tafwīdh vs. Ta’wīl” Article. I’ve literally forced People to get back to the Books, in order to make sure they know what they’re talking about. Clearly, that the Price one pays (for not taking Gareth Bryant seriously).

Gareth Bryant vs. Tālib Nathaniel Religio-Academic Tale-Of-The-Tape

The Philly-Cheerleaders want their “Hometown-Hero” & “Ash`arī-Papi” to defeat the “New York Bul”:  “The Outsider”

Tālib & I have discussed, at length, that they’ve the “Homecourt-Advantage”…Gareth Bryant is from New York: their Islāmic-Expertise isn’t as known via Philly as much Tālib Nathaniel is. The Fact that I’m from NYC period: Boots-On-The-Ground that stacks the Favortism/Bias towards Tālib as opposed to us both being viewed equally. Obviously, this is predicated upon Familiarity: Philly knows Tālib Nathaniel & don’t really know Gareth Bryant as well, as per Socio-Cultural Dynamics&Realities. So, for Obvious-Reasons, although this has never been a “Right vs. Wrong” Kind/Type of Thing between Tālib Nathaniel & Gareth Bryant…Certain-Circles, Certain-Individuals, etc. are definitely choosing to interpret it as such. And because of my “Tafwīdh vs. Ta’wīl” Article, Certain Ash`arī-Colleagues/Students of Tālib Nathaniel have been utterly outraged that there’s been no one except Tālib Nathaniel whom dared to rise to the Occassion (to challenge my Article). They’re angered&frustrated, that I’ve been capable/able to shut-down the Ash`arī-Leadership.

This is what Tālib Nathaniel mentioned to me personally, as per the Fact that I was capable/able to keep the Ash`arī Top-Brass silenced resulting from my “Tafwīdh vs. Ta’wīl” Article:

Gareth Bryant has told Tālib Nathaniel Word4Word:

“Muslim-Niggas via Niggadelphia really think/feel that their Islāmic-Academic/Knowledge is “superior” to Muslim-Niggas from NYC (AKA Up-Top). With this being said…to Certain-Persons via Philly: For a NYC/Up-Top Bul Pullin-Up 2 the Muslim-Philly Academia-Scene,
without any Hizb/Sectarian-Team, without having any “Studied-Overseas” on their Reputation/Resume, without having anyone Super-Known according to them “co-signing” them, etc. but literally Flyin-Solo & still havin Niggas Lean-Back because I authored something so competent…they wanna kno who da Fuck I am and most importantly who da Fuck I think/feel I am.”. The NYC vs. Philly Tension is definitely a Manifested-Reality, regardless of whether or not anyone is willing to admit it.

The Sideliners, Observers, Investors etc. via Gareth Bryant vs. Tālib Nathaniel

Tālib & I discussed in detail who’s probable vs. improbable to involve themselves in the Scenario. There’s Several-Conclusions I came-up with which Tālib agreed with & that Allah proved me to be Right about. Holistically, there exists 3-Camps which aim to gain/lose via Gareth Bryant vs. Tālib Nathaniel: Team-Atharī, Team-Ash`arī, Team-Salafī. All-3 Camps have Significant-Influences/Footholds within Muslim Afro/Latino-Communities, each Camp views me differently:

1. Team-Ash`arī will always regard me as a “Salafī”, and/or having “Salafī-Residue”, because no Ash`arī can realistically neutralize me academically. Regarding Team-Ash`arī…of course they’re going to agree with anything Tālib Nathaniel produces, regarding the Scenario. And, clearly it’s because Gareth Bryant is Non/Anti-Ash`arī.This is literally how/why Tālib Nathaniel was chosen amongst the Team-Ash`arī Ranks to issue/write a Response to my Article (ironically they’d already planned a Response-Article prio to Team-Ash`arī even reached-out to them).

2. Team-Salafī will always regard me as a “Hizbī/Deviant”, because I Shit on Salafism with Authority&Audacity. Team-Salafī hates the Shit outta me, but the Salafīs literally have to take my Side via This-Scenario. This is because basically All-Salafīs pontificate/claim to be Theologically-Atharī. And, it’s because the Salafīs & Ash`arīs are Religio-Opps of one another. So, their View of Gareth Bryant is exclusively predicated upon the Ole-Saying: “The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend.”.

3. Team-Atharī will always view me Side-Eyed, for speaking upon “Atharī-Bidness” with Authority&Audacity, without claiming to be “Team-Atharī”. Team-Atharī is Salty, about me not being Team-Atharī & only Pro-Atharī. Team-Atharī despises me, for doing precisely what they wanted/expected Persons whom’re Team-Atharī to author against Team-Ash`arī.

All-3 Camps have analyzed my “Tafwīdh vs. Ta’wīl” Article (AKA “The Haqqover”). Each Camp, I’m sure recognize that I’m not to be taken lightly. Yet, at the Same-Time, for all the Things I’ve aforementioned via This-Article…each Camp has tried to find Errors, Mistakes, Misquotes, Misinterpretations  etc. in the Hopes that there’ll be Dents in my Article’s-Armor. Full-Disclosure: The Only-Reason how/why I even authored “The Haqqover” was to attack the Takfīr-Culture infused within Ash`arism. Albeit, it seems/looks like I’m “attacking” Ash`arism: Tālib knows fully well that’s not the Case. However, still, Several-Persons-Of-Knowledge that I’ve personally spoken with & who Tālib spoke with-Lots of Persons were definitely concerned, that it may/will be interpreted that “Gareth Bryant is attacking Ash`arism.”. No, rather, I’m attacking Takfīr-Culture which is in fact a Staple-Practice amongst Team-Ash`arī Ranks. Obviously, Team-Ash`arīs isn’t the “Only-Hizb/Sect” which does this…Various-Ahzāb/Sects do in fact commit themselves to Takfīr-Culture. Takfīr-Culture is definitely particular to Ash`arism, albeit not exclusive to Ash`arism.

The Haqqover/Super-Hizbī: Debunking the Pseudo-Justifications for Takfīr-Culture

1-Thing is certain definitely:

a. Team-Ash`arī will never disregard me, and/or attempt to treat me as anyone other than a Person-Of-Knowledge. They’ll never forget what I’ve done to them. They’ll always have embedded via their Minds&Hearts forever, that 1445, A.H./2024, C.E. is the “`Ām/Year of Abī-Yams”. I literally forced Team-Ash`arī to Lean-Back & think twice before running their Mouths about Gareth Bryant.

b. The Salafīs will never hate/”refute”
me the same ever again. Those-Niggas are going to study everything I wrote, simply as per “The Haqqover” being Part of their Anti-Ash`arī Arsenal. They’ll still feels against Gareth Bryant, but because I was able to bring-it to Team-Adh`arī they know what it is.

c. Team-Atharī is now forced to respect my Pro-Atharism Authority, in spite of me being only Pro-Atharī, as opposed to a Member of Team-Atharī. Equally, now Team-Atharī is forced to reassess their own Stances, to determine whther or not they truly comprehend what True-Atharism actually is.

Tālib Nathaniel’s Response-Article:

Al-qadhiyatu min ajalil-Haqeeqa tafwid al-amr li-llah

The Consequences of Gareth Bryant vs. Tālib Nathaniel

Our Article-Debates have poked an Islāmic-Academic Dragon, which I honestly never anticipated. Persons-Of-Knowledge (popular and lowkey) are learning about as well as scoping the Article-Debates between you and I. The Intensity of these Article-Debates have the Potential to forever change the Islāmic-Academic Landscape for Muslim Afro/Latino-Americans. This is truly a Proud-Moment for both of us. We’re both equally excited about how our Scenario, which started as Brotherly-Jest, has evolved into something so Religio-Academically Serious. The Entire Religio-Academic Scene, amongst Various Muslim Afro/Latino-Americans via Philly and elsewhere had been walking on Eggshells behind my Article. Various Persons-Of-Knowledge via Philly have both directly & indirectly chimed-in: granting their Support, Critique, Criticism, Anger, Anxiety, Hatred, Fury, Frustration, Fear, Anticipation, etc. as per what has happened & what’s still to come thereafter.

Persons…Lots of Persons (as Tālib is the “Great Ash`arī-Hope”) personally approached Tālib Nathaniel, questioning them as per how their going to respond to Gareth Bryant. Now, because the Rahmah/Mercy-Of-Allah: none of this went to Tālib’s-Head…they remained focused to address my Article exclusively via Religio-Academic Energy, just as I predicated my Article exclusively upon Religio-Academic Energy. There were & still are Certain-Muslims whom wanted Tālib to “defeat” me so badly: they resorted to Straight-Up slandering me in front of Tālib, accusing me of Things only to “discredit” me & my Article’s-Positions. But, Tālib (True2Form) was always Solid & never tolerated, accepted, entertained, etc. the Onslaughts of Slanderous-Accusations against me.

Likewise, there’re Certain-Muslims whom lied to Tālib via claiming that there’re Certain Persons-Of-Knowledge whom disagreed with my Article. Little did they know: Gareth Bryant is really like dat. I personally reached-out directly to the Persons claimed to have rejected my Article. And, guess what?!!! Those-Persons I reached-out to completely respected/appreciated my Work. I honestly don’t know whom slandered me pertaining to this, nor do I know those whom lied about the Persons-Of-Knowledge “rejecting” my Article. But, now I do know the Persons-Of-Knowledge they slandered. I won’t be naming those whom were slandered, because that’s not who I am.

What does the Future hold for Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel?

Tālib & I have discussed this at length. We both are anxious & excited, concerning how each of us & both of us jointly will be viewed from now on. We both mutually concluded that no one will be able to mention Gareth Bryant Bryant/Tālib Nathaniel, without mentioning Tālib Nathaniel/Gareth Bryant. Who we are will be perpetually & permanently intertwined, as if our Religio-Academic Legacies will forever be predicated, defined, based upon, our Article-Debates from now on. (Literally) more than once, Tālib stated to me Word4Word: “Our Articles are going to be studied via Academic-Formats, Scholastic-Circles, Islāmic-Intitutions, etc. for the Rest of our Lives and as well even after we return to Allah.”.

I specifically remember Tālib mentioning that they want our Children to look-back at This-Moment in Time & take Pride in the Fact that their Fathers (Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel) actually were courageous enough, daring, ballsy enough, etc. to address Weight-Issues which’ve been contested by some of the Greatest Religio-Academics amongst the Muslims (relative to the Revelation of The Qur’ān). Albeit, neither Tālib nor Gareth are necessarily presenting any “New-Ideas”, “New-Interpretations’, “New-Understandings”, etc. regarding al-`Aqīdah/Islāmic-Theology. At the Same-Time: these’re Unique-Times & Unique-Circumstances, as well as Unique-Ways in which al-`Aqīdah is used to either empower or oppress…enlighten or manipulate…benefit or control.

Muslims will never view either of us the Same-Way, after this. Honestly, I’m unsure how to receive that though. It’s like now, this has caused both of us to be on the Radars of the Higher-Ups/Shot-Callers of Religio-Academia, Islāmic-Scholarship, etc. I can humanly guarantee you: This-Scenario has already reached those via al-Azhar University, Umm-il-Qurā University, al-Madīnah University, Damascus, etc. In a World filled with so many
Things going-on: Tālib Nathaniel and Gareth Bryant have literally been able to hault Certain Muslim-Leaders, Certain Muslim-Scholars, Certain Muslim-Academics, etc. in their Tracks concerning our Religio-Opinions, our Religio-Interpretations, our Religio-Understandings. That’s literally the Definition of Power.

I enjoy Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel being Religio-Academic Colleagues/Rivals.

I’m proud that Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel are Friends.

I’m grateful, to Allah, that Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel are Muslim-Brothers.

Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel have a Significant-Role, forever influencing/dictating how Certain-Muslims via our Religio-Demographics will now view, learn, receive, accept, comprehend, etc. al-`Aqīdah & it will (via the Rahmah/Mercy-Of-Allah) be Efforts which’ll have More-Muslims taking Islāmic-Academia more seriously. Most importantly, to provide Outlets to attempt destroying the Negative/Addictive-Cycle of “`Aqīdah/Creed-Wars”, to prevent them from repeating amongst our Muslim-Demographics via Muslim-On-Muslim Oppression&Violence.

Gareth Bryant

1445, A.H./2024, C.E.