Tag Archives: Distortion

Deflection from Necessary-Truths


More often than not: Persons whom cite/quote the Aformentioned-Statements is exclusively to “silence” Others. It imposes the Impression that if one expresses their Opposition to anyone/anything, then they’re “not a True/Correct-Believer”, “not a Dutiful-Muslim”, “not upon the Way of the Salaf”, etc. & Yada-Yada-Yada. It’s a Method which is weaponized to keep Necessary-Critique at bay. This isn’t a “New/Modern-Phenomenon”, however, it’s being used in Ways unlike any other Muslim-Generations have ever used it prior to the 20th-Century, C.E.

The Cited/Quoted-Statement of Mu`ādh ibn-Jabal (May Allah be pleased with them)…as is very often misinterpreted: it’s implied to mean that if anyone opposes Established “Religio Higher-Ups”, it means that one is Khārijī/Religio-Rebellious, resulting from them not “complying” to the Whims of those whom self-suffer from Manipulation/Control-Addiction. So, according to Certain-Persons: it’s insenuated that if one speaks their Mind/Heart concerning anything then they’re misguided.

Very & far too often: the Aqwāl/Statements of the Salaf are manipulated, to spiritually blackmail Others. This, of course, is done exclusively to keep Religio-Opposition at bay. If/whenever anyone’s Positions are opposed, challenged, threatened, etc. they’re naturally willing to do basically anything to marginalize their Rivals. In the Case of Truth-Telling, this intensifies the Aforementioned-Sentiment. Those amongst us whom possess the Basālah/Courage to speak Truth2Power: we must always do so in spite of Consequences.

Gareth Bryant 1445, A.H./2023, C.E.

Islāmophobia via “Ex-Muslim” Culture


“So, Whomever wills then let them believe & whomever wills then let them disbelieve.”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.18, V.29)

Even prior to the Revelation of The Qur’ān, there’ve been Countless-Beings who’ve defected from al-Islām via ar-Riddah/Apostasy: ash-Shaytān/Satan, the People-Of-Noah, The People-Of-`Ād, the People-Of-Thamūd, the People-Of-Midyān, the People-Of-Iram, the Children-Of-Israel, etc. And, even till the Present-Day: there’s still Countless-Beings whom trade al-Hudā/al-Hidāyah (Guidance), in exchange for adh-Dhalālah (Misguidance). All across the Earth, there’s Persons whom pontificate/promote themselves as being “Ex-Muslims” as if it’s a Kind/Type of Celebrity-Status.

For every single Person whom slanders al-Islām, rejects al-Islām, mocks al-Islām, leaves al-Islām, etc. there’ll be an Equal-Number of Persons whom accept al-Islām. Allah affirms/confirms This-Fact Word4Word, via at-Tanzīl/Revelation. Those whom turn away from al-Hudā/al-Hidāyah: they’re truly Cursed-Individuals. And, if/when they choose to perish upon adh-Dhalah: they self-impose al-Muhriqah/Damnation upon themselves. There’s 0-Rajā/Hope for those like them.

I’ve literally known Persons who’ve committed ar-Riddah, even prior to me becoming a Muslim. Ironically, since 1417, A.H./1996, C.E. until now: the same exact Islāmophobic-Arguments which Murtads use today: I’ve personally witnessed being used via Murtads Decades ago. And, to no Surprise: almost all of the Murtads I’ve ever known were on a Fake-Wokeness Wave. Their Flawed-Logic: led by their Nafsiyyah/Egotism, as well as the Waswās/Deception of ash-Shaytān…Murtads actually think/feel that they’ve come from Darkness2Light via ar-Riddah while ironically it’s the inverse: they’ve left Light & delved into Darkness. Here’s examples of the Ex-Muslim Arguments which I’m referring to, which’re Classic Ex-Muslim Arguments by the way:

Fake-Wokeness leads to al-Kufr/Disbelief

Domestic-Violence has no place in the Muslim-Community!!!

In fact, very succintly, I specifically remember Murtads whom were Members of the same Judeo-Christian Community I was Part of, prior to being a Muslim: they constantly/consistently tried to convince me to commit ar-Riddah. They literally used every Islāmophobic-Argument I’ve aforementioned. I specifically recall 1-Murtad had gotten so desperate to get me to become a Murtad…this is how That-Scenario went down:

I remember This-Person & I conversing…they’d mentioned that they were once a Muslim and had even went to Makkah to perform al-Hajj/Pilgrimage. So, at That-Point, being a New-Muslim I was intrigued via what they had to say concerning their Religio-Spiritual Experience. Of course, prior to going for Hajj myself I really had 0-Idea what the Experience could’ve actually been like. So, This-Mothafucka had the Audacity to tell me that they saw Jesus-Christ at the Ka`bah/Cube. And, they pontificated/claimed that Jesus-Christ (keep in Mind that Jesus is a Muslim by virture of them being a Nabī/Prophetic-Individual) told them to go back to Judeo-Christianity which is 💯% Shirk/Association-Based. Now…honestly…I’ve 0-Idea what made their Goofy-Ass actually think/feel that Fabricated-Hadīth/Story would’ve ever been enough, for Gareth Bryant to depart from al-Islām.

Number-1: Clearly, the Mercy-Of-Allah was with me & shielded my Mind/Heart from taking that Goofy-Shit seriously.

Number-2: The Goofy-Shit they were kickin…That-Shit really didn’t comply with Basic-Intelligence. I’m not good at Math, but I’m Smart/Wise enough to know when Certain-Shit jus don’t add-up.

Number-3: Via al-Basīrah/Vision (via Hindsight) it’s clear to me, that they’re obviously Majnūn (Jinn-Influenced/Possessed) & they allowed adh-Dhalālah/Misguidance to consume them.

I know, for a Fact, that my Tahrīr/Resistance to their Islāmophobic-Woes could/would ever sway or lure me away from what Allah has set my Mind/Heart upon. And, this frustrated them as well as any like them-Murtads are Severely-Triggered when their Islāmophobic-Tactics don’t work on Muslims. For the Lufe of me: I can’t even fathom how/why anyone would be convinced to leave al-Islām, based on such Obviously-Falsified Arguments. It’s truly a Sign of Egotism, where Certain-Persons don’t even care how ridiculous any of these Islāmophobic-Arguments are: they’re just bent on worshipping their Egos/Desires & following what seems “Woke”, “Trendy”, etc. I mean, when I was confronted with all of these Ridiculous-Arguments: most of these I learned/knew about even prior to being Muslim & even as a New-Muslim with 0-Knowledge I knew that all Those-Arguments were Sucka-Shit. So, it truly makes me wonder how/why is it that Persons could’ve been Muslim-Born, or could’ve been Muslim for Decades, etc. but yet still fall for Untrue/Unintelligent-Postures such as what I’ve aforementioned. It’s truly pathetic, that they don’t even care though…as I often always say: Apathy is worse than Ignorance.

Gareth Bryant

Judeo-Christian Islāmophobia via at-Tahrīf (Religio-Textual Distortion)


Via the Above Video, made by an Entity known as “Israel Advocacy Movement”, a Known Islāmophobic-Entity & a Pro-Zionism Entity: they exclusively aim to “demonize” al-Islām, Muslims, Non-Zionists, Anti-Zionists, etc. This Particular-Video, it clearly shows their Niyyah/Motive to incite/ignite Passive-Aggressive Conflict. For More-Info. about Israel Advocacy Movement:


The Video depicts them approaching a Muslim, offering at-Taslīm (saying “as-Salāmu `alaykum/Peace be upon you”). And, then the Muslim they confronted replying: “Wa `alaykum/Likewise”, which ironically is the Appropiate-Response for any Muslim if/when any Non-Muslim offers the Taslīm to any Muslim. You’d think that this would be very Cut&Dry. We thought wrong…of course this was the Ideal-Excuse/Opportunity for Members/Cronies of Israel Advocacy Movement to quite literally harrass the Muslim they were conversing with.

This was specifically done in an Attempt to press the Issue regarding the “Abrahamic” Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative. Afterall, one of the Most-Common Misconceptions about al-Islām is that it’s a Religio-Theological Spinoff/Ripoff of Judeo-Christianity. So, based upon This-Mythos, of course Non-Muslim Islāmophobes would naturally be this agressive towards/against Muslims. Also, there’s this self-evident Sense of Pseudo-Entitlement, which the Members/Cronies of Israel Advocacy Movement possess, as if Muslims “owe” them something…as if Muslims must pay them some Sort of Religio-Tribute. The Reason how/why Judeo-Christian Persons get so uptight if/when Muslims don’t refuse to return the Taslīm is because they think/feel that Muslims are beneath them theologically. There’s a Typical-Argument, based upon a Qur’ānic-Verse: the Verse itself commands the Muslims to return the Taslīm equally or greater if/when it’s stated to them. Both Muslim-Apologists & Non-Muslim Islāmophobes frequently use this Revelatory-Text, to attempt to manipulate, to make Muslims feel “guilty” or “wrong” for not returning the Taslīm when any Non-Muslim states it to them. And, if/whenever Fellow-Muslims buy into this it validates the Islāmophobic-Idiocy of these Types/Kinds of Persons whom think/feel that Muslims are inherently beneath them.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.4, V.86)

There’s even a Point via the Video where the Lead of the Israel Advocacy Movement Members literally accuses the Muslim they approached of being Religio-Discriminatory against Jews, via the Hadīth/Narration that they quoted. This is Classic-Islāmophobia via at-Tahrīf/Textual-Distortion. The Person complaining literally misquoted the Hadīth regarding not returning the Taslīm (Pronounciation of as-Salāmu `alaykum). Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “When the People of the Book (Jews/Christians) say: ‘Peace be upon you.’, then say: ‘Likewise’.”. The Reason for this is because during the Lifetime of Muhammad, via al-Madīnah, there were a Group of Jews whom said to Muhammad: “as-Sāmu `alaykum/Death be upon you.” & Muhammad simply responded: “Likewise”. The Point is that if any Non-Muslim says the Taslīm, then the Muslim simply states “Likewise” regardless of whether they’re being sincere or sarcastic. Now, as per Muslim2Muslim, it’s a Farīdhah/Islāmic-Mandate to return the Taslīm to any Muslim whom states it to them firstly.

In Conclusion, watching This-Video: I hope that it’s crystal-clear, to anyone of Principle, Integrity, Basic-Intelligence, etc. what Type/Kind of Time that These-People are really on. For More-Info. concerning Judeo-Christian Islāmophobia:



Gareth Bryant 1443, A.H./2022, C.E.