Tag Archives: Athletics

Bill Russell: Enough Said


As the Greatest-Winner via Sports-History: Bill Russell did Lots of Firsts. For example, they were the NBA’s 1st Afro-American Superstar…the Jordan before Michael Jordan, the LeBron before Lebron James, the Steph Curry before Steph Curry, the Shaq before Shaquille O’Neal, the Kobe before Kobe Bryant, the Olajuwon before Hakeem Olajuwon, the Kareem before Ferdinand Alcindor/Kareem Abdul-Jabbar…you get the Point. And, their NBA-Career as both Player & Coach spanned 4-Decades, also with Bill Russell being the only Player-Coach via Sports-History & the 1st Afro-American Head-Coach in Sports-History. And, without any Doubt: the NBA, Sports generally, etc. wouldn’t have the Dynamism, Boldness, Charisma, Style, Class, Integrty, Principle which now exists without Bill Russell.

Just to give you a Modest-Sample of the Athletic-Accomplishments of Bill Russell:


Michael Jordan, largely considered the “NBA-GOAT”, made a Crucial-Error in trying to 1-Up Bill Russell & they got humbled really quickly:

In addition to being the GOAT of the NBA, Bill Russell was also one of the Unsung-GOAT’s of the Civil-Rights Era via the United States virtually the Entirety of their Professional-Career in the NBA. They were a Frontliner, with the Likes of: Jim Brown, Cassius Clay/Muhammad Ali, etc. These Great-Men whom dominated their respective Sports-Domains also put their Lives, their Safety, the Safety of their Families, Careers on the Line on a Daily to improve the Human-Condition of Afro-Americans via the Pursuit of Equality, Equity, Justice.





In Bill Russell’s own Words, when often asked by People whether they play Basketball, Russell often responded: “No…that what I do, that’s not who I am. I’m not a Basketball-Player…I’m a Man who plays Basketball.”. All&All…there will never be another Bill Russell…#Period

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2022, C.E.