Tag Archives: Ashariyyah

Debunking the Ridiculous “Salafī-`Aqīdah” Myth


Allah states:

“And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”

(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8)

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated:

“Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way).”



This-Article is a Response to Discussions which Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel have had, regarding our Respectful Religio-Academic Rivalry. As well, it’s a Response to an Article Tālib Nathaniel disclosed to me (which I deem the Article to be Academically-Untruthful/Dishonest & Academically-Irresponsible).

The difference between the Salafi and Hanbali creed


This-Concept/Term “Salafī-`Aqīdah/Theology” is something which I’ve heard about, been told about, been lied to about, etc. for a Long-Time…literally for Decades. “Salafī-`Aqīdah” is a Blatant Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative: it’s just as Fake as Fake-Jordans. The Siblings of the Pen (Gareth Bryant [Atharī Corleone] & Tālib Nathaniel [Ash`arī Tommasino]) have literally debated the “Salafī-`Aqīdah” Myth for quite sometime, as with many other Theological-Subjects we’ve consistently discussed respectfully, truthfully, honestly, brotherly, friendly, etc. This Particular-Subject though…I absolutely must unpack, because, it’s greatly misleading to presume/assume that the Salafīs operate via their own Theological-Matrix. That’s simply 💯%-Untruth/Dishonesty. Albeit it’s a Solid/Confirmed-Fact, that Salafīs theologically-freestyle…still that doesn’t translate to “Salafī-`Aqīdah”.

How the Siblings of the Pen began even debating this

It began when Tālib Nathaniel intro duced the Fact that the 1st Known-Muslim to theologically suggest to place a Numerical-Cap on a Particular-Sifah/Feature of Allah: the Eyes-Of-Allah. Now, the Theological-Posture/Opinion itself stems from Sifāt/Descriptions of al-Masīh-id-Dajjāl/the Anti-Christ being 1-Eyed (meaning only capable/able to see via 1 out their 2-Eyes) & Muhammad (Peace be upon them) detailing that Allah isn’t “1-Eyed”. Tālib Nathaniel immediately played on this & began to pontificate/claim that this is how “Salafī-`Aqīdah” was incepted/invented.

OK…so who came-up with such a Theological-Posture/Opinion?!!!

The 1st Known-Muslim to have such a Theological-Posture (at least publicly that is) was a Well-Known/Renown Muhaddith/Narration-Expert: `Abdullah ibn `Abd-ir-Rahmān ad-Dārimī. So, Tālib Nathaniel considered ad-Dārimī to be the “Theological-Progenitor/Founder” of “Salafī-`Aqīdah”. But, not exclusively ad-Dārimī: Tālib Nathaniel considers literally anoyone/everyone classified as a Renegade/Prodigal-Atharī (via the Theological-Criticisms of `Abd-ir-Rahmān ibn-`Alī ibn-Muhammad ibn-il-Jawzī) to have “contributed” to the Formation of “Salafī-`Aqīdah”. In fact, Tālib Nathaniel constructed a “Salafī-`Aqīdah” Sanad/Chain: Several-Individuals going all the Way back to ad-Dārimī, whom Salafīs academically/scholastically claim, whom all stand by the Posture/Opinion that Allah is exclusively “2-Eyed”.

The Reasons how/why Salafīs are accused of having “Salafī-`Aqīdah” in the 1st-Place

Salafīs are accused of breaking far away from the Integrity of Atharism (AKA Atharī-`Aqīdah). Specifically, Salafīs are accused of misinterpreting the Sifāt/Features of Allah. For example:

The Face-Of-Allah

Salafīs are accused of claiming that the Face-Of-Allah is akin to al-Makhlūq/Creation.

The Eyes-Of-Allah

Salafīs are accused of claiming that the Eyes-Of-Allah are akin to al-Makhlūq.

The Shins-Of-Allah

Salafīs are accused of claiming that the Shins-Of-Allah are akin to al-Makhlūq.

The Feet-Of-Allah

Salafīs are accused of claiming that the Feet-Of-Allah are akin to al-Makhlūq.

This is the Accusation made via Team-Ash`arī against Team-Salafī. As well, Team-Ash`arī accuses Team-Salafī of not being True-Atharīs theologically. Furthermore, Team-Atharī accuses Team-Salafī also of straying from Atharī-`Aqīdah.

How to avoid being placed in the “Wahhābī” Box

So, what’s “Atharī-`Aqīdah” anyway?!!!



at-Tafwīdh/Neutrality vs. at-Ta’wīl/Interpretation concerning the Sifāt/Qualities-Of-Allah

How/why are Salafīs accused of having a “Salafī-`Aqīdah?!!!

The Main-Culprits whom pontificate/claim that Salafīs have a “Salafī-`Aqīdah” are the Ash`arī-Niggas. Team-Ash`arī also attempts to accuse Salafī-Niggas & Atharī-Niggas to be 2-Sides of the Same-Coin. This in turn, is the Reason how/why Team-Atharī & Team-Salafī have always had a Complex/Complicated-Relationship with each other.


Romance of the 3-`Aqīdahs

al-`Aqā’id (Theologies) in the Era of al-Khilāfah (Islāmic-Governance)

Let’s get into what Salafism actually is vs. what Salafism isn’t

as-Salafiyyah/Salafism has been accused of being an `Aqīdah, a Madhab/Fiqh-School, a Government, etc. And, it’s literally neither of Those-Things. as-Salafiyyah is a Minhāj (Philosophy/Ideology), predicated upon the Yearning/Necessity to adhere to the Islāmic-Practices of a 3-Prong Demographic known as as-Salaf-us-Sālih/Righteous-Ancestors.

This Demographic consists of:

1. as-Sahābah/the Compainons (the Original-Followers of Muhammad [Peace be upon them]) whom were the 1st-Generation of Muslims, relative to the Revelation of The Qur’ān (May Allah be pleased with them altogether).

2. Generations-1&2 of at-Tābi`īn/the Followers (the Followers of as-Sahābah).

So, what’s actually the Issue/Problem?!!!

Now, on the Surface…any Average/Regular-Muslim will think: “Hey…I can Fuck wit dat: Cool.”. But, only if it were that simple. The Issue/Problem is the Judgmental-Nature of Salafism & the Character/Behavior which it indoctrinates its Adherents with.

Which is precisely how/why one of the Most-Lauded-Figures whom Salafīs Dick-Ride ironically stated that:

“The Salafīs are also a Hizb/Sectarian/Deviant-Group, because of the Negative-Character.”…also equally referred to the Salafīs as “Talafīs (Persons of Destruction).”.

(Muhammad ibn-Sālih al-`Uthaymīn)

OK…so how/why the Fuck are Salafīs on This-Type/Kind of Timing?!!!



The Salafīs harbor a very Similar-Type/Kind of Istikbār/Arrogance as al-Yahūd/Jews (make no Mistake: I’m in no Way claiming that Salafīs are Kuffār [Disbelievers/Non-Muslims]…I’m not an Ash`arī-Nigga). Meaning, they’ve literally bought into their own Publicity thinking/feeling that an-Najiyyah/Salvation is exclusively for them via the “Firqah-Nājiyah/Saved-Sect” Syndrome (which Salafīs claim for themselves & about themselselves to boot). And, it’s plain to notice as per how they often treat People. Salafīs (not exclusively but particularly) attempt to establish a Religio-Monopoly over al-Islām. This by default/definition proves that Salafī-Niggas are just as Morally-Bankrupt as any other Hizb which they criticize.

The Hujjah/Indictment against the Salafī-Mafia

How/why do the Salafīs even exists?!!!



You’ll never find this on Salafi Publications: A Necessary Hujjah (Indictment/Refutation) against Saudi Arabia…a kingdom of Sectarian-Deviants, Tyrants, and Powermongers

The Maslahah/Purpose of This-Article


Gareth Bryant is probably the Most Anti-Salafism/Salafī Individual on Planet-Earth, that anyone will ever know/meet via In-Person. Yet, at the Same-Time, I refuse to tolerate, accept, co-sign, etc. any Sifah/Manifestation of al-Buhtān/Slander. It doesn’t matter whom they are, what they claim, etc.: Gareth Bryant isn’t going to accuse them of having Beliefs, Postures, Stances, etc. which don’t even exists. This is the Reason how/why I’ve written This-Article…it’s because I respect Salafīs for being Theologically-Muslim more than I hate them for being Religio-Sectarian.

For anyone…I mean anyone…to accuse the Salafīs of having their own “`Aqīdah” they honestly don’t know what the Fuck they’re talking about. And I know my Sibling of the Pen (Tālib Nathaniel) is going to greatly disagree, with what I’m going to say, but the Facts are the Facts: the Average/Regular-Salafī (regardless of how Academically-Ignorant they are) is most definitely a Default-Atharī. I can truthfully/honestly say as such (as an Atharī-Academic/Theologian myself), that Salafīs are in fact Renegade/Prodigal-Atharīs.

Gareth Bryant