Muslim&Non-Muslim Islāmophobes aren’t Islāmic-Authorities


Allah states:

“They desire to extinguish the Light-Of-Allah via their Rhetoric. But, in spite of the Disbelievers hating it, Allah in stead perfects Their own Light.”

(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.9, V.32; Chpt.61, V.8)


This-Article is a Sharh/Commentary of 3-Articles I’ve previously authored separately, regarding Islāmophobia. I purposely detailed “Muslim&Non-Muslim Islāmophobes”, purposely, because as I always tell People: You don’t have to be Non-Muslim to be an Islāmophobe. Far too often, Weak-Ass Muslims capitulate/submit to Islāmophobic-Rhetoric & as well become Cheerleaders/Dick-Riders of Islāmophobia in the Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative of: “al-Khalafiyyah (Modernity)”, “al-Wāsitiyyah (Balance/Moderation)”, at-Taqdam (Progressiveness)”.

I’ll be focusing on 3 Specific-Genres which Lame-Ass Muslim-Islāmophobes & Non-Muslim Islāmophobes attempt to “attack”

1. The “The Qur’ān was documented Centuries after the Death of Muhammad” Argument

2. The “The Hadīth aren’t reliable” Argument

3. The “Marital-Age of `Ā’ishah” Argument

The Kitābah/Documentation of al-Qur’ān & as-Sunnah/Prophetic-Tradition

Number-1&2 can be answered jointly:

a. Why was it important to record/document al-Qur’ān & as-Sunnah?

The Kitābah of al-Qur’ān & as-Sunnah serves as a Hifzh/Protection for at-Tanzīl/Revelation from at-Tahrīf/Distortion. Also, it serves as a Way for Others who’ve not been capable/able to memorize al-Qur’ān & as-Sunnah to benefit literarily. Literacy is something very important via al-Islām. It’s also a Proof against Muslim&Non-Muslim Islāmophobes, whom pontificate/claim that al-Qur’ān & as-Sunnah were only documented “Centuries after the Death of Muhammad”.

Dissecting & Disproving the Kalām/Rhetoric of al-Qur’āniyyah/Qur’ānism

b. Who recorded/documented al-Qur’ān & as-Sunnah?

The Companions of Muhammad (Peace be upon them) whom were able to both read & write were commissioned personally via Muhammad, to document both the Verses of the Primary-Revelation/al-Qur’ān, as well as the Secondary-Revelation/as-Sunnah (May Allah be pleased with them).

The Companions known to document at-Tanzīl

1. al-Khulafā’-ur-Rāshidūn (the 1st Khulafā’/Islāmic-Rulers after the Death of Muhammad:

`Abdullah ibn-`Uthmān ibn-`Āmir (AKA Abū-Bakr as-Siddīq), `Umar ibn-ul-Khattāb, `Uthmān ibn-`Affān, `Alī ibn-`Imrān/Abū-Tālib, al-Hasan ibn-`Alī, Mu`āwiyah ibn-Sakhr.

2. al-`Asharat-ul-Mubashshirun (the 10-Companions promised Paradise by Name, during the Lifetime of Muhammad [Peace be upon him]):

Abu-Bakr as-Siddīq, `Umar ibn-ul-Khattāb, `Uthmān ibn-`Affān, `Alī ibn Abī-Tālib, `Abd-ur-Rahmān ibn-`Awf, Talhah ibn-`Ubaydillah, Sa`d ibn Abī-Waqqās, Sa`īd ibn-Zayd, az-Zubayr ibn-al-`Awwām, Abū-`Ubaydah ibn-il-Jarrāh.

3. Nisā’-un-Nabī/the Wives of the Prophet:

Khadījah bint-Khuwaylid, Hafsah bint-`Umar (ibn-il-Khattāb), `Ā’ishah bint Abī-Bakr, etc.

4. Ahl-ul-Bayt/Members of the Prophetic-Household:

`Abdullah ibn-il-`Abbās (ibn-`Abbās), Khadījah bint-Khuwaylid, Hafsah bint-`Umar, `Ā’ishah bint Abī-Bakr, Abū-Bakr as-Siddīq, `Umar ibn-ul-Khattāb, `Uthman ibn-`Affan, `Alī ibn Abi-Tālib, Sa`d ibn Abī-Waqqās, etc.

5. Other various Companions:

Zayd ibn-Thābit (the Official-Scribe of Muhammad), Ubay ibn-Ka`b, `Abdullah ibn-Mas`ūd, etc.

The Necessity to adhere to both The Qur’ān & the Sunnah/Prophetic-Tradition jointly and indivisibly

The Marital-Age of `Ā’ishah

This is the Most-Popular Slander historically against Muhammad, as per the Erroneous-Claim that they’re a “Child-Molester”:

Dear Islāmophobes (specifically those whom’re Judeo-Christian):

#SurvivingHypocrisy: The Anatomy of the RKelly Scandal-Saga

What’s the Islāmophobic-Origin of this Type/Kind of Slander?

It begins with Ahādīth/Narrations via Muslim&Abī-Dāwud, which documented Āthār/Reports affirming/confirming that `Ā’ishah bint-`Abdillah/Abī-Bakr (May Allah be pleased with them) was Age-6 when they were married to Muhammad ibn-`Abdillah (Peace be upon them) & that their Islāmic-Marriage was consumated once `Ā’ishah reached al-Balāghah/Puberty at Age-9. The Main-Target, ironically, is a Well-Known Muhaddith/Narration-Scholar who’s Contested Religio-Academic Mīrāth/Legacy is used as a Pseudo-Justification to “reject” the Ahādīth mentioning the Marital-Age of `Ā’ishah: Hishām ibn-`Urwah.

Who’s Hishām ibn-`Urwah?!!!

a. Hishām ibn-`Urwah ibn-iz-Zubayr was the Grandson of Companions of Muhammad (May Allah be pleased with them both)

b. Their Paternal&Maternal-Grandfathers were Companions whom’re listed amongst al-`Asharati-il-Mubashshirīn (the 10-Companions promised al-Jannah/Paradise) during the Lifetime of Muhammad (May Allah be pleased with them both).

c. Their Paternal-Grandfather:

az-Zubayr ibn-ul-`Awwām

Their Maternal-Grandfather:

`Abdullah ibn`Uthmān ibn-`Āmir (the Father of `Ā’ishah)

How/why is the Religio-Academic Mīrāth of Hishām ibn-`Urwah so hotly contested?!!!



Hishām ibn-`Urwah was described as being Unreliable, after moving to `Irāq via Ya`qūb ibn-Shaybah. Mālik ibn-Anas (ironically one of their Former-Students) went so far as to refuse any reports from Hishām ibn-`Urwah after moving from al-Madīnah to `Irāq. This is due to Hishām’s Poor-Memory (as per them becoming Geriatric).


So, you can see where this goes

Basically, a Person prior to Geriatrics was viewed as being an Islāmic-Authority being lambasted exclusively because of 1-Hadīth/Narration, due to them suffering from Memory-Issues due to them being Old. Now, here’s the Irony: literally no one ever questioned the Religio-Academic Prowess of Hishām ibn-`Urwah prior to their Move from Al-Madīnah to `Irāq/prior to becoming Geriatric. It’s a Known-Fact, that Hishām ibn-`Urwah reported the Marital-Age of `Ā’ishah prior to becoming Geriatric. Hishām’s Father (`Urwah ibn-iz-Zubayr) reported it as well & the Reliability of their Father had never been questioned, challenged, etc.

Now…on to the Checkmate: Confirming Reliability of Hishām ibn-`Urwah

1. Abū-Ishāq al-Huwaynī compiled the Names of those whom trusted `Urwah ibn-iz-Zubayr:

al-Aswad ibn-Yazīd, al-Qāsim ibn-`Abd-ir-Rahmān, al-Qāsim ibn-Muhammad ibn Abī-Bakr, `Amrah bint `Abd-ir-Rahmān, Yahyā ibn `Abd-ir-Rahmān ibn-Hātib.

2. Abū-Ishāq also compiled the names of those who followed Hishām ibn-`Urwah in narrating This-Hadīth:

ibn-Shihāb, az-Zuhrī, and Abū-Hamzah Maymūn (the Former-Slave of `Urwah).

3. Furthermore, Abū-Ishāq named those who narrated This-Hadīth from `Urwah ibn-iz-Zubayr via al-Madīnah:

Father&Son`Abdullah ibn-Dhakwān & `Abd-ur-Rahmān ibn-`Abdillah respectively, as well as `Abdullah ibn-Muhammad ibn-Yahyā ibn-`Urwah.

4. Amongst the People-Of-Makkah Abū-Ishāq mentioned:

Sufyān ibn-`Uyaynah

5. Amongst the People of ar-Rayy Abū-Ishāq mentioned:

Jarīr ibn-`Abd-l-Hamīd ad-Dubbī

6. Amongst the People-Of-Basrah Abū-Ishāq mentioned:

Hammād ibn-Salamah, Hammād ibn-Zayd, Wuhayb ibn-Khālid

As per the Ahādīth themselves

1. The Mutawātir/Well-Known Hadīth with the Strongest-Sanad/Chain: Hisham ibn-`Urwah ibn-Hishām, from his father `Urwah ibn-Hishām, from `Ā’ishah bint-`Abdillah (the Sister-In-Law of `Urwah ibn-iz-Zubayr & Maternal-Aunt of Hishām ibn-`Urwah). It was also narrated via Another-Sanad: az-Zuhrī from `Urwah ibn-iz-Zubayr, from `Ā’ishah.


3. It was also narrated via Another-Sanad: al-A`mash, from Ibrāhīm, from al-Aswad, from `Ā’ishah whom recalled that they & Muhammad wed when they were Age-6, consummated the Marriage with them when she were Age-9, and that Muhammad died when they were Age-18.


4. It was also narrated via Another-Sanad: Muhammad ibn-`Amr, from Yahyā ibn-`Abd-ir-Rahmān ibn-Hātib, from `Ā’ishah.


It’s ridiculously obvious, that These-Islāmophobes have nothing else better to do, than to spew Sucka-Shit via Monsterous-Fallacies. But, then again…this is literally what they’re all about Off-Rip anyway…this is completely their M.O. To conclude, let this be an Important-Lesson: this is precisely how/why the Muslim who’s serious about al-Islām never takes Muslim&Non-Muslim Islāmophobes as Religio-Authorities for anything. They’re amongst the Open-Enemies of al-Islām: they deem to misguide Others via Untruth/Dishonesty, they aim to spread at-Tahrīf/Textual-Distortion. They’re never be trust under any Circumstances. Never rely upon Muslim/Non-Muslim Islāmophobes, as per attaining Islāmic-Knowledge: it’s both Morally-Wrong & Morally-Unintelligent.

Gareth Bryant

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