Ignorance + Apathy is both a Poison & Venom


The Above-Person, Yahyā Travis, thinks they’re Islāmically-Knowledgeable & Intellectually-Superior. You’ll plainly notice it via the Convo below. Ironically, they audaciously/arrogantly even think they’re Religio-Academically Superior to the Progenitor/Founder of the `Aqīdah/Theological-School which they & Bozos like them Dick-Ride. Them & I have gone Back&Forth Several-Times. Literally each/every Time-Yahyā Travis has literally never been capable/able to intelligently, truthfully, honestly, articulate anything which they claim to actually pontificate/claim to stand for. The Aforementioned-Individual (who’s simply a Theologically-Manufactured Drone-Follower just as those like them via Ash`arīs): they literally only want to attempt making anyone whom opposes them seem More-Ignorant than they are. They & those like them are Apex-Deflectors/Gaslighters…very Dismissive-Folk. They reject any/all Facts which don’t compliment their Ego/Desires: Objectivity is 💯%-Absent from them.

This Recent-Back&Forth, between Gareth Bryant & Yahyā Travis, stems directly from my “Fake-Shaykh” Article:

Gareth Bryant’s Hujjah/Refutation against the “Imāms-Roundtable”

Here’s Yahyā Travis’ Rhetoric regarding Ash`arism

at-Tafwīdh/Neutrality vs. at-Ta’wīl/Interpretation concerning the Sifāt/Qualities-Of-Allah

Here’s Gareth Bryant’s Response

The Haqqover/Super-Hizbī: Debunking the Pseudo-Justifications for Takfīr-Culture

Here’s Yahyā Travis attempting to “Clean-Up” their Rhetoric

The “Persons of the Qiblah” vs. The “Persons of the Sunnah”

Here’s where Gareth Bryant catches them Slippin

And, this is when Yahyā Travis revealed their “True-Colors”…I in turn responded to it:

Yahyā Travis: “Gareth Bryant you are not just ignorant! You are obsessed, meanwhile I will continue to worship Allah عز وجل who is transcendent of having obligations and prohibitions and your worship of an entity that is prohibited from harming you will have you harmed without end.”

Gareth Bryant: “Abu-Asiyah Yahya Abdul-Majid Travis

Accusing a Fellow-Muslim of worshipping other than Allah is al-Buhtān/Slander
(a Kibār/Major-Sin & equally it’s
al-Kufr/Disbelief), as Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated:

‘No Person accuses another of either being a Fāsiq/Sinner or a Kāfir (Disbeliever/Non-Muslim), except that he’s one himself, if the Other isn’t which he claimed.’

‘Whomever attributes/ascribes Kufr (Disbelief) to his Brother is just like his Killer/Murderer.’
(al-Bukhārī, at-Tirmidhī)

‘If a Muslim calls someone a Kāfir (Disbeliever/Non-Muslim): if they are then let it be, otherwise they themselves are a Kāfir.’

Yahyā Travis: “Gareth Bryant Allah is not Attributed with obligations and prohibitions the individual that believes that Allah is attributed with those does not worship Allah.
قال الله تعالى: فاعلم انه لا إله الا الله
Allah the Exalted in Status revealed :
So know there is no god except Allah
Means that one must have definite knowledge of Allah which includes distinguishing between Allah and the creations. The one who is ignorant of Allah does not have valid worship. Declaring that Allah has obligations or prohibitions is sheer ignorance.  So what you call Allah is not Allah.  You are a kafir for believing that Allah is prohibited from anything or obligated to do anything.  Now get off my page and go learn the true Islam and stop your ignorant spamming of my page.”

Gareth Bryant: “Abu-Asiyah Yahya Abdul-Majid Travis

The Kāfir/Disbeliever is yourself,
as per your Buhtān/Slander, via imposing Unjust-Takfīr against a Fellow-Muslim. You literally blatantly ignored the Prophetic-Prohibition against Unjust-Takfīr.
And, that by default/definition
makes you & those like you a
(Peace be upon them) described al-Khawārij/Religio-Extremists as ‘Kilāb-un-Nār/Dogs of the Fire’.

May Allah curse you:

via ad-Dunyā/the Mundane

via al-Qabr/the Grave

via al-Ākhirah/the Hereafter.”

As is very clear, via the Aforementioned-Convo, Yahyā Travis is so out of their Depth. They’re truly in over their Head. They’re a Classic/Typical Pseudo-Academic. They’ve proven how much of a Bozo they actually are. It’s deeply pathetic, how careless they are. They literally don’t even care how faulty their own Argument is. Their Desperation by default speaks for itself.

It’s actually very hurtful, if/when Persons attempt to venture out of their Depth. Yahyā Travis is one of Countless-Persons just like this.

Gareth Bryant

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  1. Pingback: Romance of the 3-`Aqīdahs | Gareth Bryant

  2. Pingback: The Ugly-History of the “`Aqīdah/Creed-Wars” | Gareth Bryant

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