Deflection from Necessary-Truths


More often than not: Persons whom cite/quote the Aformentioned-Statements is exclusively to “silence” Others. It imposes the Impression that if one expresses their Opposition to anyone/anything, then they’re “not a True/Correct-Believer”, “not a Dutiful-Muslim”, “not upon the Way of the Salaf”, etc. & Yada-Yada-Yada. It’s a Method which is weaponized to keep Necessary-Critique at bay. This isn’t a “New/Modern-Phenomenon”, however, it’s being used in Ways unlike any other Muslim-Generations have ever used it prior to the 20th-Century, C.E.

The Cited/Quoted-Statement of Mu`ādh ibn-Jabal (May Allah be pleased with them)…as is very often misinterpreted: it’s implied to mean that if anyone opposes Established “Religio Higher-Ups”, it means that one is Khārijī/Religio-Rebellious, resulting from them not “complying” to the Whims of those whom self-suffer from Manipulation/Control-Addiction. So, according to Certain-Persons: it’s insenuated that if one speaks their Mind/Heart concerning anything then they’re misguided.

Very & far too often: the Aqwāl/Statements of the Salaf are manipulated, to spiritually blackmail Others. This, of course, is done exclusively to keep Religio-Opposition at bay. If/whenever anyone’s Positions are opposed, challenged, threatened, etc. they’re naturally willing to do basically anything to marginalize their Rivals. In the Case of Truth-Telling, this intensifies the Aforementioned-Sentiment. Those amongst us whom possess the Basālah/Courage to speak Truth2Power: we must always do so in spite of Consequences.

Gareth Bryant 1445, A.H./2023, C.E.

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