Dereliction isn’t a “Flex”


Allah states: “Men are Responsible for Women.”…Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way).”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.4, V.34; ibn-Hibbān; al-Bayhaqī)

There’s an Important-Reason how/why I articulated the aforementioned so harshly. It’s because I’ve seen so/to many Men living their Lives with Women taking care of them, ascribing/subscribing to the Peter Pan Syndrome. Now, one may naturally wonder what the “Peter Pan Syndrome” actually is.

The “Peter Pan Syndrome”:

There’s Countless-Men whom literally spend their Entire-Existences via ad-Dunyā/the Mundane in This-Way. It’s undeniably-pathetic to boot. However, because of Countless-Factors via what I call “Social-Inheritance” & what Behavioral-Science calls “A.C.E. (Adverse Chilhood Experience): there’s a Pathological-Mindset which is had that enables People to become, to be, to remain, etc. Derelict/Irresponsible-Individuals. There’s Countless-Persons whom throughout their Entire-Lives audaciously/arrogantly think&feel that everyone owes them something.

Certain-Men have allowed themselves to be Emasculated-Doormats. But, they deem this to be “acceptable”, only because they’re getting Pussy from Certain-Women. Incredibly, there’s actually Men out here (who’d be willing & are doing) degrading themselves to be under the Feet of Women just so they can bust a Nutt. And, that’s utterly-shameful & drastically-shameless.

Our Issues caused by the “Peter Pan Syndrome” are monumental, to put it mildly & destructive to put it severely. We as Humans must find/make Better-Ways…achieving Personal-Responsibility is so essential.

Gareth Bryant

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