The Reality of Human-Relationships


Every Human-Relationship is predicated upon the “Give-And-Take” & “What’s in it for me?” Concepts. Everyone wants something from someone else, via somehow & someway. It’s simply Human-Nature to manipulate & be manipulated, to use & be used. As per the Modern-World, however, too many People lose Sight of Reality & allow themselves to become addicted to Naivety. Tok many of us as Humans-We dwell within a Socio-Cultural Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative that pontificates & promotes the Fallacy that “there’s Good in everybody”. As per Potential…this is absolutely true/honest, but as per Practicality…this is completely untrue/dishonest.

And, one of the Proofs of this is how dangerously People define/interpret the Concept of “Soulmate”. There’s literally been Countless-Hunans throughout the Annals of Human-History who’ve allow themselves to get/be stuck in Negative/Toxic-Relationships, because according to them Those-Persons were their “Soulmates”. Likewise, there’s been Countless-Humans who’ve fumbled Positive/Healthy-Relationships & it was because they didn’t consider Those-Persons their “Soulmates”.

For the Record: the Concept Soulmate has nothing to do with Sexuality exclusively & everything to do with Human-Relationships holistically. Realistically, any Human can be one’s Soulmate. Also, 1-Human can actually have Multiple-Soulmates. Muhammad (Peace be upon them) foretold concerning how Allah allowed al-Arwāh/Human-Souls to chop it up prior to the Creation of the Body of Adam (Peace be upon them). Then, they described how if Certain-Souls which interacted with each other found one another via ad-Dunyā/the Mundane then they’ll have Harmonious-Relationships. But, they also warned that if Certain-Souls never interacted with each other & found one another via ad-Dunyā then they’ll have Chaotic-Relationships.
(al-Bukhārī, al-Qurtubī)

Because of these misinterpretations, People far too often allow themselves to aimlessly be manipulated by Others. Basically, there’s always going to be Certain-People whom constantly/consistently attempt to finesse Other-People. There’s Persons whom never want to give to Others, but always want to take from Others. That-Kind/Type of mentality lacks all of the Things which makes any Human-Relationship positive/healthy.

These 6-Things must be had at All-Times, in order for Human-Relationships to prosper. Respect is the Most-Important amongst the 6-Things. Without Respect the Other-5 can’t exist via any Human-Relationship. And, it’s very easy to notice within Others, if/when any of the 6-Things aren’t being manifested. We too often think that we can “settle” for less than All-6. That’s completely incorrect to have such a Mindset. It’s because, if we compromise 1-Thing, eventually we’ll compromise All-6 Things.

All-Relationships are complex & complicated…none of us can help that. However, what can, must, should be done is us doing Better-Jobs concerning whom we develop Relationships with & why.

Gareth Bryant

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