What Muslim-Blacks really go through



The Aforementioned is an Interview which I did for EidFilms/MuslimTones titled “Black Muslims Speak”, a Docu-Series chronicling the Experiences of Muslim Afro-Peoples. Originally, This-Interview was produced via EidFilms & then picked-up as a Cover-Story via OnePath Network:


There’s many Detailed-Challenges which Muslim Afro-Peoples continue to face. Yet, sadly, it’s still very much ignored. It’s not given the Seriousness which it greatly deserves. I’ll be giving some much-needed Amthāl/Examples of precisely what I mean:

1. The “Bilāl-Myth”: the Fact that Most-Muslims still won’t admit that Bilāl ibn-Rabāh (May Allah be pleased with them) was Arab really tells everything we need to know.


2. The Religio-Distortion of Revelatory-Texts which paints Blackness as Inherently-Evil.


3. The Opposition to the Concept “Black Lives Matter” via Muslim Religio-Academics/Scholars.


4. The Clown whom claimed that Afro-Americans are the Byproducts of az-Zinā/THOTery via 1-Nite Stands. Keep in Mind: This-Person made Those-Statements upon the Minbar/Platform during a Jumu`ah-Khutbah/Friday-Sermon. By the way: the Person whom made These-Statements literally imposed Evil-Eye upon me, which literally almost ended my Life, when I pressed them about it.


5. The Shackling of Muslim Afro-Americans to Muslim Religio-Scholarship from Muslim-Countries under the Guise of there being “No Persons-Of-Knowledge” amongst Muslim Afro-Americans.


6. Muslim Afro-Americans conforming to Cultural-Colonization.


Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2022, C.E.

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