When Loneliness becomes Solace


Sologamy: “Marrying” one’s Self.

It’s truly abysmal, that being addicted to Loneliness is tolerated/accepted as something normal when it’s truly abnormal. Humans weren’t created to live Live without Opposite-Gender Mates. And, the Fact that the Concept “Sologamy” exists amongst Humanity is really saddening to me. Ironically, I actually know People personally who’ve directly & indirectly have chosen to subscribe to “Sologamy”…most commonly via Celebacy. I think/feel that because the Modern-World has become so treacherous, as per Interpersonal-Relationships, so many People are literally opting for a Life-Of-Loneliness. And, this is an Unhealthy/Toxic-Trend, all emboldened via Fake-Wokeness.

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