Tag Archives: Swindling

Everything has a Cost…even “Islāmic-Work”


Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way.”.
(ibn-Hibbān, al-Bayhaqī)

A Popular-Idiom: “There’s no such Thing as a ‘Free-Lunch’.”.

There’s Lots of Truth/Honesty to That-Statement. As per Human-Nature: everyone wants something for nothing. This is particularly real when it comes to what Many/Most-Persons consider Religio-Work. I’ll give an Example of what I mean by this.


As a Chaplain, there’s this Religio-Stigma that Chaplains are so “Holy”, that they don’t need Material-Gains (like Monetary-Currencies) as per Self-Sustainability. I say: “Nah my Nigga…I’m just as Sinful as you: now pay me what you owe me.”. Muslims specifically (albeit not exclusively) get-down like this all too often. And, I’ve personally witnessed/endured it & had to confront/address it also.

Imāms/Religio-Leaders, Shaykhs/Religio-Teachers, `Ulamā’/Religio-Scholars, Muslim-Chaplains, etc.: anyone whom professionally operates via any of the Aforementioned-Occupations…we deal with This-Type/Kind of Goofy-Shit all the Time. Everyone actually thinks/feels that you “must” do what you do “Free-Of-Charge”, because “Islāmic-Knowledge is supposed to be for free”.

The following are Several-Things as per how/why I know my Worth, as a Chaplain operating via Religio-Work & whom deserves to be compensated relative to my Terms/Conditions:

About Gareth Bryant

Sadly, there’s Certain-Muslims whom deem Religio-Work as not Compensationworthy. Meaning, that via the Minds/Hearts of Certain-Persons they should be doing it “Fī Sabīlillah/Via the Path-Of-Allah”. Well…guess what?!!! Ensuring that I’ve Food&Drink in my Belly, Clothing on my Back, Shelter to dwell in, etc. are all Sifāt/Dimensions of “Fī Sabīlillah”…as Muhammad was once asked: “What’s the Best-Action?”…Muhammad replied: “The Labor of the Man via their own Hand.”.
(al-Bazzār, al-Hākim)

Now…as Muslims you’d think that comprehending this is an Easy/Simplex-Endeavor. But, Oh…No!!! Too many of us literally think/feel we’re entitled/justified to attain Services for free. And, Certain-Muslims will audaciously/arrogantly pontificate and/or claim that Service-Prices are “Too High”…they’ll literally beg for “Discounts” which they don’t even deserve…they’ll attempt to bait you into “Religio-Guilt”, via manipulating the “You’re supposed to do it for the Pleasure-Of-Allah” Kalām/Rhetoric…etc. And, also, additionally: they try to hit yoh with the “Jazākallah/May Allah reward you.” Song-And-Dance Routine/Tactic. This automatically means dat U ain’t gettin paid.

By default/definition…this is a Serious-Issue/Problem & equally it’s a Negative/Toxic-Mentality. It’s both degrading & exploitive. People actually want to use Others, without granting them any Just/Fair-Compensation & That-Shit is Super-Wack.

In conclusion: Just stop trying to “Get-Over” on Others & compensate them accordingly…as per their Professional-Worth. And, to the Professionals out there…know your Professional-Worth & never tolerate/accept anyone to cheapen your Professional-Worth.

Gareth Bryant