Tag Archives: Religio Extremists

Ash`arīs Gone Wild


Allah states:

“Have you seen those whom take their Desires as their God? Are you then their Enabler?”

(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.25, V.43)

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated:

“Don’t be an Imma`ah/Dick-Rider.”


During Amīn Muhammad’s “Scattered-Thoughts” Facebook-Live “Refutation” against Gareth Bryant, I noticed something very strange. I saw so many Persons commenting and adding “3453” in their Comments. And, I was left wondering to myself: “What da Fuck is 3453”?!!! As the Comedic-Idiocy of Amīn Muhammad transpired via their FB-Live…I observed the Shenanigans of their Fans, Followers, Groupies, etc.: basically they were co-signing anything/everyting being stated.

That-Live was the Direct-Result of my “Fake-Shaykh” Article. Amīn Muhammad was All-The-Way Triggered, because of my Article. It was Self-Evident, that they were out of their Comfort-Zone doing the Live. And the Fact that I didn’t entertain Amīn Muhammad, to join their Live: that infuriated them…they literally played into my Plan precisely.

Gareth Bryant’s Hujjah/Refutation against the “Imāms-Roundtable”

Gareth Bryant is used to getting slandered

Here’s the Link to Amīn Muhammad’s Pseudo-Clapback against Gareth Bryant:

This isn’t the 1st-Time Persons have issued Pseudo-Refutations against Gareth Bryant:

Why my Love for Fashion matters

Exposing Fraudulent-Refutations

The Nifāq/Hypocrisy of Amīn Muhammad

There’s Several-Proofs as per what I mean:

1. They literally did the Same-Thing they accused me of, during their Live, via having Negative/Toxic-Character&Behavior. They tried to insult my Intellect/Intelligence, they tried to accuse me of being “Pussy”, they called me of of my Name…trying to be “Funny” as per calling me “Garth Brooks”. The literal, real, actual (Atharism-Intended lol) proverbial: “Pot calling the Kettle Black.”.


2. However, the Irony is that Fahīm Lea (Amīn Muhammad’s Right-Hand Man, Pseudo-Enforcer/Capo, etc.) literally “threatened” me Several-Times & the Last-Time Fahīm Lea saw me In-Person they ain’t do Shit. Also, “Garth Brooks” was a Personal-Nickname my School/Class-Peers gave me from Elementary-School to High-School.

They hate You cause they couldn’t break You

3. Amīn Muhammad never “sent” me any “Link” to join their FB-Live. Them & their Cronies literally took That-Fallacy & ran with it, claiming that I “Ducked&Dodged” Amīn Muhammad. That-Narrative is 💯%-Untruth/Dishonesty. And, This is precisely how/why al-Buhtān/Slander is a Kibār/Major-Sin.

Verification is a Life-Or-Death Necessity

4. But, let’s talk about how the Entirety of Team-Ash`arī Ducked&Dodged Gareth Bryant for the Entirety of Ramadhān-1445, A.H. whereas the Only-Ash`arī whom dared to challenge openly my “Tafwīdh vs. Ta’wīl” Article was Tālib Nathaniel: my Sibling of the Pen.

at-Tafwīdh/Neutrality vs. at-Ta’wīl/Interpretation concerning the Sifāt/Qualities-Of-Allah

Fraternity in spite of Rivalry

5. Amīn Muhammad tried to edge me on, to “trigger” me, etc. (so that they could make an Ass out of me via their FB-Live). No…I make an Ass out of myself, via my own Shurūt (Terms&Conditions).

I don’t submit to Unrealistic-Expectations

Now back to “3453”: what’s this supposed to be?!!!

According to Ash`arī-Fanboys “3453” is a “Passcode”, to learn the Islāmic-Knowledge, from a Traditional-Route” (by this it means Dick-Riding Ash`arism)

According to this “Passcode”:

“3” is supposed to represent “5-Pillars of Islām”….”6-Pillars of Īmān”…”Ihsān”.

“4” is supposed to represent “Acts-Of-Worship”, “Socio-Cultural Customs”, “Character-Building”, “Character-Refinement”.

“5” is supposed to represent “Islāmic-Knowledge”, “Religio-Actions”, “Sincerity”, “Self-Control”, “Religio-Fear”.

“3” is supposed to represent “Islāmic-Academia”, “Islāmic-Pratice”, “Islāmic-Propagation”.

Seeing this posted by so many People, I began to have a Red-Flag Moment. I was reminiscent of al-Kihānah/Numerology. al-Kihānah is the Pontification/Claim that Number-Groupings, Number-Combos, etc. have “Special-Meanings” which influence/determine Phenomena, Events, Afterlife, Life&Death, Wealth, Health, etc.

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated:

“Whomever takes/trusts the Word of a Sāhir (Sorcerer), or a Kāhin (Fortune-Teller, Numerologist, etc.) has denied whatever revealed to Muhammad.”

`Alī ibn-`Imrān (May Allah be pleased with them) stated:

“The Kāhin is a Sāhir & the Sāhir is a Kāfir (Disbeliever/Non-Muslim).”

(al-Kabā’ir/The Major-Sins, adh-Dhahabī)

This “3453” Code literally has all the Sifāt/Characteristics of Cultish-Behavior. Ironically, Amīn Muhammad attempted to deny Allegations that they’ve a Cult-Following. But, the “Refutation” against Gareth Bryant literally proved how Cultish the Students, Fans, Followers, Groupies, etc. of Amīn Muhammad truly are.

Everything which Amīn Muhammad tried to do…it failed. Everything they tried to conceal about their Fraudulent-Selves…it was exposed. Everything which has been attributed to their Students, Fans, Followers  Groupies, etc.: it’s proven to be Cultish-Behavior. Very plainly…these Amīn Muhammad Loyalists are Hizbī/Sectarian-Cultists.

Gareth Bryant