Tag Archives: Pseudo Justification

The Anatomy of Entitlement-Addiction


Allah states: “Those whom believe pay attention: Upon you are yourselves.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.105)

A Popular-Idiom: “There’s no such Thing as a ‘Free-Lunch’.”.

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) was once asked: “What’s the Most-Meritable Action?”…Muhammad replied: “The Labor of the Man via their own Hand.”.

Entitlement-Addiction is 💯%-Reality. It gravely depreciates the Value of any/every Human-Society. Entitlement-Addiction is psycho-socially destructive. The Notion that everyone owes you something/everything, without earning anything via one’s own Merit is honestly quite disgusting to say the least. I’ve literally observed/witnessed Countless-Persons manifest Entitlement-Addiction & Persons who’ve given-in to being manipulated by Others via Entitlement-Addiction.

I specifically remember saying to myself, promising Allah, etc. that I’d never be a Person like my Mother. By that, I mean this: my Mother was always been a Kind-Hearted Individual. Yet, at the Same-Time, their Classic-Flaw was always that they gabe too much of their Personal-Generosity to those whom never deserved it. I literally watched my Mother look-out for Degenerate-Leeches, whom wanted nothing more than to use Others. And, my Mother & I would constantly/consistently get into Arguments concerning them allowing Others to leech off of them. It’s literally amongst the Premier-Reasons how/why I’m such a Selfish/Hard-Hearted Person.

For the Record…there’s an Important-Difference between Selfishness & Apathy: Apathy is not caring about/for anyone else, except one’s Self. Selfishness is caring about/for one’s Self firstly. And, it’s 💯% Islāmically-Acceptable to be a Selfish-Person, as opposed to being an Apath. I remember my Mother literally attempting to make me feel “bad” about being a Selfish-Person…them & I had Countless-Arguments concerning this as well. I used to actually think/feel wrongly, about being Selfish…afterall: this was my Mother telling me not to be Selfish. But, then, my Fitrah/Instincts would always kick-in & say: “Nah…Fuck dat: be Selfish.”. And, honestly, I’m a Better-Person for trusting my Instincts as per an-Nafsiyyah/Selfishness.

Muhammad stated: “Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way).”.

Another-Dimension of Pseudo-Entitlement is if/when People oppress the Other without Consequence. There’s literally Certain-Persons whom audaciously/arrogantly think they can do anything to Others & feel that those whom they oppress are supposed to simply tolerate/accept azh-Zhulm/Oppression. Equally, there’s Certain-Persons whom audaciously/arrogantly expect to receive Mercy, Forgiveness, Pardon, a Pass, etc. from those they’ve oppressed.

Those whom witnessed the Aforementioned-Scenario really tried to make me think/feel that I treated That-Person whom I publicly-dismissed wrongly. I refused to make anyone make me fall into “Guilt” as per how I chose to direct the Tone, Tempo, Atmosphere, etc. of the Scenario. I did what I did…I will never feel “negative” about it…I will never regret what I did…I will never apologize for what I did. What I did was based upon al-Asl/Principle & as I aleays tell People: Never apologize for making Principled-Decisions.

The Person whom I dismissed with Pride: I literally didn’t have to bark on them or black-out. Literally, my Actions via my Silent-Treatment towards them spoke louder than anything I could’ve ever verbalized. My Silence & Lack of Embrace towards them stated the following Ole-Saying: “Fuck ya Life.”. I’m really grateful, that Allah granted me the Opportunity to commit to what I did. It was important to directly send a Message to That-Person, to let them know that they’re not “entitled” to carry themselves however they want with Others without experiencing ash-Shar`iyyah/Retribution.

The Last-Dimension I’ll mention regarding Pseudo-Entitlement is pertaining to Pathological-Complainers. Meaning, those whom complain about everything about haven’t contributed to the Tahsīn/Improvement of anything.

For Example:

These-People literally think/feel that they’ve the Justification to “complain” about what they failed to establish, accomplish, etc. Meanwhile, ironically, they’ve the Nerve to blame/fault Latter-Generations as per the Failures of the Former-Generations. And, of course, anytime anyone brings this up they’re accused of being “ignorant”, “disrespectful”, and literally 💯%-Deflection. They’re triggered by what’s mentioned, because they know what was mentioned is 💯%-Truthful/Honest…just as Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Apathy/Arrogance is deflecting Truth & mocking People.”.

Gareth Bryant