Tag Archives: Prison Life

“Jail/Prison-Love” is an Illusion


I’ve had Several-Convos, with Muslim-Men&Women, Past&Present, etc. regarding the Issue of marrying People whom’re Incarcerated. Keep in Mind: a. I’m not talking about if Persons were married prior to their Spouse got sent to Jail/Prison. b. I’m not talking about anyone marrying anyone whom is now Free. I’m exclusively referring to Persons whom choose to attempt marrying Persons whom’re literally currently/still “Behind-The-Wall”, “In-The-Can”, etc.

This definitely occurs more often as Muslim-Women “marrying” Muslim-Men whom’re Active-Convicts/Inmates, as opposed to Muslim-Men “marrying” Muslim-Women whom’re Active-Convicts/Inmates:

1. It’s Islāmically-Prohibited for any Free-Person to marry anyone who’s a Slave-Person.

2. An Inmate/Convict via Jail/Prison is a Slave by default (13th-Amendment, U.S.-Constitution).

3. What can a Jail/Prison-Nigga realistically provide for any Woman from Behind Bars?!!! #IllWait

4. Who’s going to be the Walī/Islāmic-Guardian of any Woman who’s Behind-The-Wall?!!! #IllWait

5. What’s the Mahr/Bridal-Gift going to be: a Pack of Cigarrettes & Wam-Wams?!!! #IllWait

6. How’s it even possible for any Man who’s “married” to any Woman who’s Locked-Up to protect them?!!! #IllWait

7. How can you possibly know whether or not your “Jail/Prison-Spouse” isn’t someone’s Jail/Prison-Bitch and/or whether or not they play that “Gay-For-The-Stay” Game?!!! #IllWait

8. How can you realistically guarantee that your “Jail/Prison-Spouse” isn’t cheating on you with Jail/Prison-Staff of the Opposite-Gender?!!! #IllWait

Being that this applies much more to Muslim-Women, as opposed to Muslim-Men…The Irony is that the Same Muslim-Women whom would marry any Muslim-Man who’s a
Convict/Inmate (literally without their Freedom) are the Same-Individuals who’d turn-down a Man who’s actually about something. And, there’s an Important-Reason for this: those Types/Kinds of Women are addicted to Criminality…they suffer from “Good-Girl likes Bad-Boy” Syndrome. That’s a Real Psycho-Emotional Pathology by the way. They literally idolize the Male-Criminal, and deem any Man whom doesn’t have any Criminal-Record as being a “Square/Lame”.
It’s a Sick-Mindset/Mentality.

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2022, C.E.

Transformer-Culture via Prison-Life


Yes…this really happened. It’s not a Joke, nor a Meme, etc. This is literally State-Spondored Sexual-Predatism/Abuse. Allowing Persons (Males especially) whom’re Inmates/Prisoners into Facilities which’re Gendercentric, simply because they pontificate/claim to self-identify as a Gender which opposite of their Birth-Gender…what the Hell do you think/feel is going to take place?!!! Not only is allowing this Morally-Deplorable, it simply defies Basic-Intelligence. This in no Way promotes anything less than Pure-Evil. So, now, all any Man has to do is self-identify as a “Woman”, get directed to any Female Jail/Prison & then have Access to ptentially an Unlimited-Supply of Sexual-Prey. And, this is clearly done to appease the Pro-Homo Agenda…as Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Verily, the Character/Behavior of the People-Of-Lot is what I fear for my Nation mostly.”.
(al-Kabā’ir/The Major-Sins, adh-Dhahabī)

Gareth Bryant 1443, A.H./2022, C.E.