Tag Archives: John Millam

The Ironic-Hypocrisy of White-Supremacy


The U.S. Federal-Government issued Secular-Legislation, an Anti-Lynching Act, named after one of the Most-Popular/Infamous Cases of Lynching-Activity via U.S.-History: it directly surrounds the Tragic-Narrative of Emmett Till. Emmett Till was a Chicago-Native (ironically) who’s own Father themselves was executed/murdered via Hanging by U.S.-Military Tribunal, during the World-War II Era, predicated upon Xenophobically-Motivated Rape&Murder-Charges. Likewise, Emmett Till was as well subjected to Allegations of Sexual-Predatism in a Time where even Afro-Americans looking at a Euro-Women and/or for “too long” (commonly dubbed “Reckless-Eyeballing”) meant signing one’s own Death-Warrant.

Louis Till was accused of Sexual-Abuse&Murder, while on Active-Duyy in Europe via Italy during World-War II. The Details, Trial, etc. surrounding the Case which led to the Court-Marshall & Death-Sentence of Louis Till, till This-Day, appears very much like a Classic/Typical-Syndrome known as the “Forbidden-Fruit” Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative. Basically, it means that Euro-Men can pillage&ravage any Woman from anywhere across the Globe. But, in the Same-Breath, it also means that no Non-Euro Man can have Access to Euro-Women…thus making the Euro-Woman the Subject of Idolization, Personality-Worship, etc. And, this literally explains how/why the Euro-Standard of what “Good-Looks/Beauty” is pontificated/promoted to be (another Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative for the Record) still captures the Soul&Psyche of People, Women particularly/especially, all around the World for Centuries.

The Centerpiece of the Emmett Till Tragedy is the 1-Time Engagement/Encounter between Emmett Till & Carolyn Donham, the Spouse of Roy Bryant (one of the Murderers of Emmett Till). The Base-Accusation against Emmett Till was that they whistled at Carolyn Donham while they went shopping at the Family-Owned Store of Roy Bryant (I’m honestly embarrassed & outraged that myself and this Son-Of-A-Bitch have the Same-Surname). In addition, Emmett Till was accused of outlandishly hurling Sexual-Advances at Carolyn Donham. Clearly, this was the Ideal-Excuse for Roy Bryant & their Maternal-Brother John Millam to take the Life of another Human-Being unjustly. As gruesome&inhumane as the Murder of Emmett Till actually was: the Murderers were of course acquitted of All-Charges…the Typical-Depiction of a “Kangaroo-Jury”. In fact, because of the Secular-Legal Statute of “Double-Jeopardy” Roy Bryant&John Millam were able to openly admit that they murdered Emmett Till & never had to worry about being retried for it.

Not even Carolyn Donham themselves, who’s literally admitted to lying about the Accusations against Emmett Till: no one has ever arrested nor prosecuted them. And, there’s a Simple-Reason for this: as per White-Supremacy via White-America…the “White-Woman” is the “White-Man’s Prize”. To convict any Euro-Woman for their participation in the Framing, Defamation, Murder, etc. of any Non-Euro Man would be tarnishing the Pseudo-Innocence/Purity of the “White-Woman”. This is what it truly boils-down to.

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2022, C.E.