Tag Archives: Job

The “Writings-On-The-Wall” Financial-Plight of the “Imām”


Allah states:

“Those whom believe pay attention: Revere Allah & speak a Straight-Word.”

(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.33, V.70)

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated:

“Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way).”


The Need for Financial-Security of an “Imām”

One of my Religio-Collegues William Webb (AKA Suhaib Webb) made an Interesting-Post, via Facebook, regarding the Issue of Retirement for one who’s an “Imām”. Before I get into my Personal-Take on the Issue, I’ll be quoting Word4Word what William Webb articulated. Finances have historically always been an “Achilles’-Heel” for “Imāms” dwelling external of Muslim-Countries. However, via the Modern-World & specifically as per the 21st-Century, especially via a Post-Covid World, etc. the “Imām” is in Deep-Shit financially.

“Often, I meet Imams who have not prepared for the transition into retirement. Here is a check list that should help.

1. Seek Financial Advice: Engage with financial advisors who understand both personal and religious finances. Even a short-term consultation can help navigate potential investment and tax issues.

2. Earn Enough Now: Make sure you are paid enough to retire. Often Imams wait until its too late; they have not thought or budgeted in a way that helps them retire. Talk with your employer now to ensure, inshallah, a succesful retirement.

3. Plan Your Retirement Lifestyle: Begin thinking about your life post-retirement. Whether it involves continuing community service at a reduced pace, or pursuing personal interests, having a plan is essential to avoid feeling lost.

4. Acquire New Skills or Certifications: Consider enhancing your qualifications with skills that are beneficial in retirement, such as counseling or teaching, to maintain an active role in your community.

5. Understand Your Retirement Benefits: Be clear about where your retirement income will come from, including community support, savings, or other pensions, and when you can access these funds.

6. Be Conservative with Retirement Savings: Protect your financial future by managing your retirement funds conservatively, especially considering market uncertainties.

7. Learn About Required Minimum Distributions (RMD): Understand the rules and tax implications of withdrawals from your retirement accounts, ensuring compliance and financial stability.

8. Utilize RMDs as Housing Allowance, If Applicable: Investigate whether you can use RMDs as a housing allowance to benefit from tax savings, adhering to IRS regulations.

9. Prepare for a Long Life: Plan your finances to support a longer-than-average lifespan, ensuring you do not outlive your resources.

10. Make Wise Decisions on Social Security: If eligible, strategize the timing of your Social Security benefits to maximize your financial returns.

11. Plan for Healthcare Costs: Recognize healthcare as a significant retirement expense. Explore eligibility for programs like Medicare and budget accordingly.
Decide Where to Live: Consider relocating for better access to family, healthcare, or reduced costs. This decision should balance financial practicality and personal happiness.

12. Budget Wisely: Adapt your budgeting strategies to reflect changes in income and expenditures during retirement.

13. Live to Die: Recognize the inevitability of death with hope in Allah. Embrace this reality by living a life that prepares you for meeting Allah, which can bring peace and purpose to your retirement years.

14. Leave Students Behind: Ensure you are mentoring successors who will continue your religious and community work, preserving the dīn.

15. Prepare Your Shar’iah Will: Have your will drafted and reviewed by a qualified lawyer to ensure it is compliant with both Islamic law and your country’s legal standards, reflecting your wishes accurately.

16. Negotiate Transition Plans with Your Community: Engage with your board 5 years before your intended retirement to plan a smooth transition. This approach prevents conflicts and ensures that responsibilities are transferred seamlessly to your successors.

I hope checklist offers a thorough guide for Imams, covering financial, legal, personal, and communal aspects to facilitate a comprehensive and comfortable transition into retirement.”

I personally view the Number-2 of what William Webb mentioned “Earn Enough Now” to be the Most-Important for me to focus on, because Number-2 is ironically the Sabab/Reason for most of the Other 16-Points aforementioned via William Webb.

All of These-Things can easily
be remedied, if Imāms get

Realistically, it’s impossible for the Average-Imām to “Earn Enough Now”, because the Average-Imām presides over Financially-Destitute Communities or Financially Non-Affluent Communities via Regions of the Muslim-World where they’re in Non-Muslim Countries. Most-Persons whom’re “Imāms” literally spend their Entire-Lives as “Imāms” financially as they say “Scrappin da Pot”…all under the Pseudo-Auspicies of “Islāmic-Work”.

al-Imāmah/Imāmship over Masājid/Mosques, Communities, etc. has never been a Source of Dignified/Sustainable-Income, especially via Regions of the Muslim-World in which Muslims are A’immah/Imāms in Non-Muslim Countries. When we look at the A’immah of the Past: most of them either were Islāmic-Government Employees, Muslim-Kingdom Employees, Self-Made
Ballers/Businessmen, Recepients of Hefty-Mīrāth/Inheritance, etc. Moreover, the Position of Imām is such that Most-Muslims don’t really view as a Career that’s worth investing in…that’s precisely how/why the Position of an Imām anywhere via Non-Muslim Countries is so poorly compensational financially.

As per Career-Choice, Hands-Down: the Imām is clearly the Most-Expendable, Most-Vulnerable, Least-Valued/Appreciated, Most-Underrated, etc. This is solely because they must “hustle” their Way to get the Next-Paycheck via “Fundraising” for their Masājid, Communities, so that they can feed off the Donations extrated thereof. Equally, there’s never been “Job-Security” for any “Imām”, unless they’re Bureaucratically-Employed via Some-Type/Kind of Religio-Governmental Apparatus (which has never existed in Most Non-Muslim Countries)


Equally, there’s something else to consider as per the Role of Imāmah

Let’s keep it 💯…if the Position of “Imām” of a Masjid/Mosque, Community, etc. were authentically viewed as a Real-Job/Career and Persons had to actually petiton/apply for the Role of “Imām”, then quite honestly Most of the Imāms whom’re A’immah rite now as we speak (especially via Non-Muslim Country Regions of the Muslim-World) would:

a. Not even be worthy of applying for the Position/Role, because their Professional-Skills would be nearly non-existent.

b. Would’ve utterly bombed the Interview-Phase of seeking the Position/Role.

c. Would’ve probably been fired during their 1st-Year of Imāmship.

Also, if the Position of “Imām” were taken serioysly via the Real-Movers/Shakers (the Financial-Dons) of Muslim-Communities, then they’d actually invest in the Dignified-Salaries of Imāms & facilitate a Standard-Salary for Imāms anywhere accross the Planet.

Let’s investigate what it actually takes to be an “Imām” in the 1st-Place

I’m going to exclusively be focusing on the Professional-Skills necessary to be an “Imām”, if the Role of “Imām” were in fact viewed via any Professional-Light. Realistically, anyone who’s an “Imām” must/should have at least one of the Following-Skills:

1. CPE/Clinical Pastoral Education

2. Sociology/Social-Work

3. Wellness/Mental-Hygiene

4. Crisis-Management

5. Suicide-Awareness/Prevention

6. Substance-Abuse Awareness/Prevention

7. Sexual-Abuse Awareness/Prevention

8. Crime/Gang Awareness/Prevention

9. Psychiatry/Psychology

10. Community-Organizing/Development

I say this authoritatively, because, Muhammad (Peace be upon them) the Greatest-Leader via Human-History literally had all of the Aforementioned-Skills (albeit via Practice not via Name/Title). Now, let’s all ask ourselves objectively: How many A’immah do we actually know personally who’s even proficient in one of the Aforementioned-Skillsets, let alone all of them?!!! That what I thought…Most of us don’t know any.

What Leadership actually looks like

As it stands, even to choose being an “Imām” requires Huge-Sacrifice

Aside from the Financial-Dimension of “Imām-Life”, which will always be major-The Lifestyle of the “Imām” often yields rather Tumultuous-Outcomes for the “Imām” themselves as well as their Loved-Ones, Households, etc. Being an “Imām” makes one a “Khādim/Slave” to those whom they’re entrusted to serve communally. An “Imām” really doesn’t have a Life…if they do have a Life then that’s a Clear-Sign that they’re nit even doing their Job rite & must/should be removed from al-Imāmah anyway. But, yet, that doesn’t even occur. There’s Countless-Amthāl/Scenarios of “Imāms” resorting to Atrocious-Offences, whether they be: Embezzlement, Sexual-Indiscretions, Oppression, etc. and they still possess their Positions as “Imāms”.

The Domestic-Price of Leader-Life

So, to conclude, if Muslims want/expect more from/out of their “Imāms” then “Imāms” must/should be better qualified to be “Imāms”. If “Imāms” want/expect for Muslim-Communities to compensate them better (as per their Khidmah/Service), then be skilled enough professiinally to be deserving of such. One can’t simply expect just because they’re a Hāfizh (Qur’ān-Memorizer), a Qārī (Qirā’ah/Qur’ān-Recitation Expert), `Ālim (Religio-Scholar), etc. that they’re Islāmically-Entitled/Justified to a Baller-Salary (especially if/when you’ve 0 Professional-Skills). Nah…my Nigga: dat ain’t enough. There’s literally Persons way more Religio-Academically Knowledgeable than the Average-Imām whom never even wants the “Imām-Life”. So, clearly, having Religio-Academics isn’t all there’s to it.

As Muslims, we must no longer be “content” with anyone freshly coming out of some Random “Madrasah/Muslim-School”, “Jāmi`ah/Islāmic-University”, etc. & they can simply get the “Imām-Slot”. This is literally how/why the Role of “Imām” is so devalued: it’s because Peoole are getting Others to be “Imāms” whom’re Underqualified, Underskilled, Underexperienced, afraid to get Deported, Naive, Manipulatable, etc. The “Imām” must/has to be Intelligent, Daring, Insightful, Independent, Courageous, an Earthshaker, a Glass-Ceiling Breaker, a Trend-Setter, a Trailblazer, a Radical, a Revolutionary, a Warrior, etc. as per the Socio-Moral & Socio-Political Fitn/Trials of the Times. And, it must be predivated upon Religio-Professionalism.

Gareth Bryant

Everything has a Cost…even “Islāmic-Work”


Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way.”.
(ibn-Hibbān, al-Bayhaqī)

A Popular-Idiom: “There’s no such Thing as a ‘Free-Lunch’.”.

There’s Lots of Truth/Honesty to That-Statement. As per Human-Nature: everyone wants something for nothing. This is particularly real when it comes to what Many/Most-Persons consider Religio-Work. I’ll give an Example of what I mean by this.


As a Chaplain, there’s this Religio-Stigma that Chaplains are so “Holy”, that they don’t need Material-Gains (like Monetary-Currencies) as per Self-Sustainability. I say: “Nah my Nigga…I’m just as Sinful as you: now pay me what you owe me.”. Muslims specifically (albeit not exclusively) get-down like this all too often. And, I’ve personally witnessed/endured it & had to confront/address it also.

Imāms/Religio-Leaders, Shaykhs/Religio-Teachers, `Ulamā’/Religio-Scholars, Muslim-Chaplains, etc.: anyone whom professionally operates via any of the Aforementioned-Occupations…we deal with This-Type/Kind of Goofy-Shit all the Time. Everyone actually thinks/feels that you “must” do what you do “Free-Of-Charge”, because “Islāmic-Knowledge is supposed to be for free”.

The following are Several-Things as per how/why I know my Worth, as a Chaplain operating via Religio-Work & whom deserves to be compensated relative to my Terms/Conditions:

About Gareth Bryant

Sadly, there’s Certain-Muslims whom deem Religio-Work as not Compensationworthy. Meaning, that via the Minds/Hearts of Certain-Persons they should be doing it “Fī Sabīlillah/Via the Path-Of-Allah”. Well…guess what?!!! Ensuring that I’ve Food&Drink in my Belly, Clothing on my Back, Shelter to dwell in, etc. are all Sifāt/Dimensions of “Fī Sabīlillah”…as Muhammad was once asked: “What’s the Best-Action?”…Muhammad replied: “The Labor of the Man via their own Hand.”.
(al-Bazzār, al-Hākim)

Now…as Muslims you’d think that comprehending this is an Easy/Simplex-Endeavor. But, Oh…No!!! Too many of us literally think/feel we’re entitled/justified to attain Services for free. And, Certain-Muslims will audaciously/arrogantly pontificate and/or claim that Service-Prices are “Too High”…they’ll literally beg for “Discounts” which they don’t even deserve…they’ll attempt to bait you into “Religio-Guilt”, via manipulating the “You’re supposed to do it for the Pleasure-Of-Allah” Kalām/Rhetoric…etc. And, also, additionally: they try to hit yoh with the “Jazākallah/May Allah reward you.” Song-And-Dance Routine/Tactic. This automatically means dat U ain’t gettin paid.

By default/definition…this is a Serious-Issue/Problem & equally it’s a Negative/Toxic-Mentality. It’s both degrading & exploitive. People actually want to use Others, without granting them any Just/Fair-Compensation & That-Shit is Super-Wack.

In conclusion: Just stop trying to “Get-Over” on Others & compensate them accordingly…as per their Professional-Worth. And, to the Professionals out there…know your Professional-Worth & never tolerate/accept anyone to cheapen your Professional-Worth.

Gareth Bryant