Tag Archives: Ill Will

an-Nazhr/al-`Ayn (Evil-Eye) via al-Hasad (Envy)


Allah commands us to seek refuge with Them from Envy & Envious-Individuals.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.113&114)

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) warned against disclosing Good-News about one’s Self all the Time, and being comfortable keeping Certain-Things to one’s Self, stating that: “The Blessed are always envied.”.

What’s “an-Nazhr/al-`Ayn anyway?!!!

It’s an Islāmic-Concept, as well as a Universal-Concept, regarding having Ill-Will towards someone directly or indirectly & as a Fitnah/Test: Allah will at Times allow one’s Malice against Others manifest via Various-Ways. Those Ways could literally be anything which negatively occur to someone, resulting from an-Nazhr/al-`Ayn. There’s Examples which’ll be further detailed as the Article continues.

Real-Effects of an-Nazhr/al-`Ayn via Real-Life

The following are 2 Revelatory-Texts showing just how serious an-Nazhr/al-`Ayn really can be. Sadly, so/too many People (Fellow-Muslims included) honestly ignore the Reality of the Negative-Effects of an-Nazhr/al-`Ayn. Worse yet, there’s actually Muslims who’ll audaciously/arrogantly claim that an-Nazhr/al-`Ayn are “Unreal/Ficticious”.

Avoiding al-Ghadhab/Anger

The Anatomy of Quitting on one’s Self

I’ve personally witnessed Both-Scenarios detailed via the 2 Separate Revelatory-Texts which I’ve cited/quoted. I’ve personally experienced 1/2-Scenarios imposed upon myself. I’ll get into that later on in the Article.

Ways to protect one’s Self from al-Hasad & an-Nazhr/al-`Ayn

My Personal-Narrative regarding the Reality of Evil-Eye

1441, A.H./2020, C.E. I had learned about a Religio-Figure by the Name of Said Rageah…Muslim Somali-Canadian: they went viral for expressing/verbalizing Untruthful/Dishonest-Claims against Muslim&Non-Muslim Afro-Americans. They accused Afro-Americans of being the Socio-Sexual Byproducts of az-Zinā/YHOTery via “1-Nite Stands”. I, along with Countless Muslim Afro-Americans, rose-up in Resistance to this Islāmophobic/Xenophobic-Slander against both Muslim & Non-Muslim Afro-American Peoples. When George Floyd got unjustly-killed/murdered via U.S. Law-Enforcement: Muslims & Non-Muslims dived inyo the Fray of Lectures, Speeches, Protests, etc. Said Rageah being no different. In fact, Said Rageah had responded to a Post I shared: it was referring to a Muslim-Somali who stated that wiping over their Socks while doing Wudū’/Ablution means more to them than George Floyd’s Life.

This-Posture, clearly, not only Islāmophobic/Xenophobic…additionally it obviously made this Muslim-Somali a Live-Target for Muslim&Non-Muslim Afro-Americans. As Said Rageah attempted to do Ethnocentric Damage-Control, to avoid Ethno-Criticism, I immediately confronted Said Rageah via my Post-Thread & reminded them of their Islāmophobic/Xenophobic-Statements against Muslim&Non-Muslim Afro-Americans, as well as their Fake-Ass Apology claiming that what they stated was a “Slip-Of-The-Tongue”: “@Said Rageah You’re still not getting a Pass for accusing Afro-Americans of being Products of az-Zinā/THOTery via “1-Nite Stands”…U still aint Shit 4 dat. “Slip-Of-The-Tongue” my Ass: there’s no Way that someone is going to say the Same-Thing in Multiple-Languages & for that to be a “Slip-Of-The-Tongue”. Your Bullshit-Apology is Non-Accepted. People like them via that Video which I posted are the Direct-Products of Persons like you.”

Them being triggered via my Response to them, they replied to me Word4Word: “Life is Short…enjoy it while you can.”. (Literally) within less than 2-Hours of them stating this: I got Blindsighted-Hit via a Motorcycle going the Opposite-Direction of my Home-Block, which is a 1-Way Street. After getting hit I was rushed to the Hospital, for Medical-Care, Evaluation, etc. I immediately, while at the Hospital responded to what Said Rageah had last stated on my Post-Thread. I told them Word4Word: “@Said Rageah You imposed Evil-Eye upon me. May Allah curse you via ad-Dunyā/the Dunyā & al-Ākhirah/the Hereafter.”.

A Hujjah/Indictment against Said Rageah: a Muslim-Hatemonger

So, in conclusion, an-Nazhr/al-`Ayn is 💯-Haqq (Real/Reality). You’ve the Mashī’ah/Freewill to deny its Haqq if you want to. But, for me…I’m Wise/Intelligent enough to fully recognized/accept what it is & for what it is.

Gareth Bryant