Tag Archives: Hated

Let em dislike you


This-Person had the Audacity to call themselves authoring a “Refutation” against me, which made absolutely 0-Sense. The Irony is that they’re a Proven-Coward. I specifically remember having an Online-Argument with them. Them & I had gone Back&Forth. Then, someone whom we both know chimed-in on the Discussion & Abul-Barā’ literally along with Another-Clown named `Abd-al-Jabbār jointly threatened the Other-Person. But, guess what?!!! Neither of those 2-Mothafuckas ever threatened me, and they only threatened the Other-Person because they’re of a Different-Ethnicity & figured that the Other-Person wouldn’t give them any Smoke. But, clearly, since both Abul-Barā’ & `Abd-ul-Jabbār know my Hands work: they wouldn’t dare to “threaten” me. Moreover, anytime/everytime either Abul-Barā’ or `Abd-ul-Jabbār had ever seen me via Real-Life, they’ve never had that Same-Energy.

I say this, because we exist in a World full of Cowardly-Persons. Meaning, that they’ve allowed themselves to become adopt/manifest Appeasement-Addiction. However, the Reality is, as the Ole-Saying goes: “You can’t please everybody.”. Now, in spite of how Cliché That-Statement is…Lots of Truth/Honesty is contained within it also.

Many/Most-People truly thrive upon Recognition & Acceptance, and don’t take kindly to Rejection & Alienation. This is obviously a Psycho-Emotional Staple of Human-Nature. At the Same-Time, like I always tell People: Courage isn’t the Absemce-Of-Fear, it’s the Willingness&Ability to confront Fear. I’ve always not cared that much about the Personal-Opinions of Others: especially if/when Those-Opinions are truthful/honest…slandering me is a Different-Story.

Having Others dred you isn’t a “Bad-Thing”, and actually one ought to express ash-Shukr/Gratitude. This is because if/when someone dislikes another: that’s the Most-Authentic they’ll be with Others.It’s actually one’s so-called “Friends” whom’ll trap those they befriend via Masking, Deception, etc.