Tag Archives: Facebook

Social-Media Addiction via the Age of Heightened Political-Awareness


Sha`bān 24th, 1445, A.H./March 5th, 2024 a Worldwide-Shutdown of Social-Media took place. Meta (the Parent-Company of Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp) was hit with an Apparent Cyber-Bug. The Meta-Servers had been down for sometime, which led People to race to Twitter to tweet, complain, etc. about it. Meta-Execs responded that the Problem would be fixed.

However, for myself, it’s suspicious that during one of the Most-Tumultuous Political-Climates via Human-History this “Cyber-Bug” conveniently occurs. And, it’s actually really ironic being that Countless-Persons globally get News-Media, Current-Events, Updates about those affected by Warzones, News-Reports about those being oppressed via Governmental-Corruption, etc. by using Platforms like FB & IG. FB & IG keep Untold-Millions connected with each other as well as Socio-Politically Aware of Political-Happenings.

So, if/when Things like this occur suddenly…we must have our Antennas all the Way up, concerning how/why this happened. I mean, given the Political-Climate, the 1st-Thing which came to my Mind was that it’s being allowed/done purposely to assess 2-Things:

a. How Social-Media Addicted People really are.

b. How well do People handle something like this, without resorting to Panic-Mode.

c. How well could Digital-Information be controlled & kept from Masses of People globally.

As per “A”:

Obviously Social-Media Addiction is a Staple-Reality for Many-Persons globally. Many-People literally have Social-Media Dependence & experience Social-Media Withdrawal as though attempting to quit or forced to quit a Drug-Habit.

As per “B”:

People fleeing to Twitter, to just have the Social-Media Fix is like a Person’s FavoriteDrug-Dealer running-out of their Supply…what will any Addict do? They’ll simply go to any other Dealer who has what they want to get the High they pursue.

As per “C”:

Being that the Palestine/Israel-Conflict (which since Oct. 7th, 2023 has been reminiscent of Nazi-German Oppression during World-War II) is reaching New-Heights of Theft, Rape, Murder…clearly it would be Self-Serving if the Info.-Switch were temporarily cut-off so that Persons posing Digital-Resistance to Israeli-Occupation would be rendered disconnected referring to Uodates about the Conflict.

At the End of the Day: let’s all be mindful of what we allow to be addicted to & constantly remind ourselves that anything like Social-Media granted to the Masses as per Public-Consumption…we’re not in Control. We’re simply being monitored via our Social-Media Usage. We’re all…all of us Social-Media Users…we’re Digital Lab-Rats & our Social-Media Sites/Apps are the Hamster-Wheels & Mazes we venture into & play with on a Daily-Basis..

Gareth Bryant

Life after getting Hacked


Allah states: “It’s They whom created both Death & Life, challenging which of you behaves best.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.67, V.2)

Anything which the Human experiences, from the Time we’re conceived until our Final-Hour, is a Fitnah/Test. There’s Certain-Fitn/Tests which’re meant to teach us something. Then, there’s Certain-Fitn meant to admonish/humiliate us. And, then there’s Certain-Tests meant to grant us Joy, Happiness, etc. Unfortunately, it’s almost impossible to always tell or decipher which Fitnah indicates which Purpose. What must/should at All-Times be remembered: Allah makes/allows it all to occur.

I’ll use myself as an Example: my Ole Instagram-Page (@themuslimmodel) was hacked & then I was locked-out of my own Account. Then, the Hacker/Hackers changed the IG-Name to “@themuslimmodel_” & began mass-messaging People, attempting to scam them out of Monies. I had reported this Several-Times to Meta, Facebook, Instagram, etc. (their Quality/Security Resource-Departments are really crappy honestly). However, the Fact that this was able to occur to anyone is worse than the Fact that it happened to me. Ironically though: I wasn’t even angered when this happened. I allowed myself to not overreact. I kept Composure & relied upon Allah, then Basic-Intelligence, to attempt resolving This-Issue.

I’m surprisingly grateful, that Allah allowed/decided this to happen to me for Several-Reasons:

a. It serves as a Dhikr/Reminder, that only Allah controls everything & that only They can impose/prevent anything Positive/Negative.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.284)

b. It serves as a Dhikr that everything via ad-Dunyā/the Mundane is temporal/temporary: it all has an Expiration-Date. Just as Allah states, regarding the Existence of the Jinn/Fire-Being & the Human-Being on Earth (via The Qur’ān: Chpt.55, V.26&27): “Everyone upon it shall perish. But the Face of your Lord, Possessor-Of-Majesty&Nobility, remains.”.

c. It serves as a Dhikr that Social-Media really isn’t that important. Also, via Social-Media: so/too many Persons live Fake-Lives & portray Pseudo-Narratives of themselves. Most-People simply aren’t what they actually pontificate/promote via Social-Media…Most-People aren’t Socially-Transparent anyway.

d. Honestly, there’s more Important-Things which I’m more concerned about, as opposed to losing any Energy over a Social-Media Hack. However, the Main-Thing for me is simply to make it clear to People that I never take any Part/Share in Monetary-Scams.

e. It’s actually a Relief for me: I get to have & experience a Social-Media Rebirth after a Social-Media Death. Just as Allah details how/why They decided to create/impose Seasonal-Weather upon the Earth: “Rebirth after its Death…as Signs for Intelligent-Persons.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.164)

Gareth Bryant 1443, A.H./2022, C.E.

Hackers are Evil


Typically, I’ve been pretty good at dodging Digital/Online-Scams. I can usually see a Scam coming from a Mile away. Literally, this is the 1st/Only-Time this has ever happened to me via Social-Media Usage. But, unfortunately, they managed to get me This-Time & honestly I don’t know how they did it. What I do know is that This-Experience has taught me something valuable:

a. It’s caused me to remember that what occurred is simply a Test from Allah.

b. It’s a Reminder that anyone can get caught Slippin, especially via Online-Hacking.

c. These Hackers are way more sophisticated than Most-People expect.

Please, report my Ole-Page via Instagram: @_._themuslimmodel_ so that Meta can actually shut This Page down.

Gareth Bryant 1443, A.H./2022, C.E.