Tag Archives: Excitement

The Portraits of my Life&Style


From 1425, A.H./2014, C.E. till the Present, Gareth Bryant has tried their Hand at Modeling. It’s been a very Interesting-Journey. Personally, it’s been awesome exploring a Realm so/too many Muslim-Men think/feel Self-Conscious about. I myself: I’ve literally been personally attacked via Fellow-Muslims, as per the Modeling I’ve done, for no other Reason than Gross-Fallacies about Male-Modeling. There’s actually Deliberate-Reasons how/why I’ve explored Fashion/Modeling.

Why my Love for Fashion matters

As I reminisce over my Origins, from a Muslim-Model to evolving into a Muslim-Chaplain: I’ve had Varied-Stages of my Fashion-Sense…it’s really Cool for me to observe myself “Outside-The-Box” Sort-Of-Speak. The Evolution of my Fashion-Style via Pictures tells a Story…my Story…from my own POV & exclusively upon my own Terms.

These-Pics reflect not only where I’ve been via the Fashion-World, but equally where I’ve been within the U.S. & elsewhere around the World via my Various-Travels from Here2There & everywhere else. It’s been fun as well as invigorating…most importantly self-educational. I’ve learned more about myself within the Past-Decade than I’d learned being alive for 4-Decades this far. This-Article reflects my Spiritual&Psycho-Social Rollercoadter Life…visible via the Emotions seen through my Pictures.

So, what awaits Gareth Bryant further in Life? I don’t know. But, as long as Allah grants me Life, I’ll continue to tell my Story as I see fit…with my Pics.

Gareth Bryant

1445, A.H./2024, C.E.