Tag Archives: Daniel Haqqiqatjou

Daniel Jou’s Pseudo Moral-Authority & Hypocrisy


Allah states:

“And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”…
…”Those whom believe pay attention: Why do you say what you don’t do?!!! Most-Hated/Hateful to Allah is saying what you don’t do!!!”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8; Chpt.61, V.2&3)

I was sent the Following-Video, pertaining to what seemed to look like a Rap-Battle Cipher, as opposed to Muslim Religio-Academics maturely conversing. Daniel Jou was literally using the Influence of their Fanboy/Dick-Rider Base as Crowd-Fodder against William Webb.

I’ll begin with the Full-Context of the Video

Daniel Jou, as per usual being a Judgmental-Prick: apparently decided to “exposes” William Web, because of them supporting & speaking well of a Fellow-Muslim (whom caused quite the Controversy) by the Name of Noor Tagouri. Noor Tagouri agreed to & did an Interview for Playboy Magazine…for Obvious-Reasons: any Muslim would/should be concerned that any Muslim would ever agree to be on any Platform which pontificates/promotes az-Zinā/THOTery. OK…so Noor Tagouri does the Playboy-Interview & the Muslim-World is in an Uproar about it. Now, for Some-Time, William Webb was often criticized heavily for endorsing Noor Tagouri. In fact, Countless-Muslims whom did & still do support the Playboy-Interview attempted to legitimize it because Malcolm Little (AKA Malcolm X) as well did a Playboy-Interview while no Muslim attempts to blackball the Legacy of Malcolm Little resulting from that Playboy-Interview. This was actually a Direct-Point which William Webb mentioned, via the Lengthier-Version of the Debate between themselves & Daniel Jou. For the Record…a Necessary-Clarification: the Playboy-Interview which Malcolm Little did was in 1963, C.E. It was a Year prior to the Reversion of Malcolm Little. Malcolm Little wasn’t a Muslim until 1964, C.E. (1-Year prior to their Death in 1965, C.E.).

Here’s the Full-Video:

As per the Full-Video:

Islāmically, even if someone is a Fāsiq/Public-Sinner, the Most-Correct-Opinion is always to give Confidential-Nasīhah/Correction firstly. And if that doesn’t work, then it’s to be taken further. Now…don’t get me wrong: I publicly took Issue with Noor Tagoori doing the Playboy-Interview as well, which William Webb & I discussed also. However, for Daniel Jou to directly-imply that Noor Tagouri “posed” for Playboy: not only was that Untruth/Dishonesty, but likewise it was al-Buhtān/al-Humazah (Slander/Defamation). But, here’s the Irony: Daniel Jou has 0 Islāmic-Entitlement/Justification to judge anyone as per at-Taqwā/Morality. Daniel Jou has literally publicly-defended a Confirmed/Convicted Mughtasib/Sexual-Abuser…we’ll get into that later though.

I’ll now get into the Nifāq/Hypocrisy of Daniel Jou, as per whom they judge & whom they don’t. I directly confronted the Person whom sent me This-Video. Sadly, they, like Countless-Others: they’re a “Daniel Haqiqatjou Dick-Rider”. So, them & myself went Back&Forth as per the Sent-Video.

The Person I had This-Convo with: they literally bailed, because all they knew how to do was Dick-Ride Daniel Jou. They obviously didn’t know this, but I know William Webb personally. So, as soon as I wrapped-up the Convo I had with them, I immediately contacted William Webb. Them & I actually had a Fruitful-Convo about this apparent “Daniel Haqiqatjou vs. Suhaib Webb” Muslim-Sphere Rap-Beef Fitnah/Drama. They themselves expressed that they’re grateful for the Discourse between themselves & Daniel Jou. I can clearly see how/why they’re grateful as per the Experience. It most definitely served as an Opportunity, to clarify what’s really the Entire-Deal. And, to no Surprise: Daniel Jou without Fail made themselves look exactly like how they truly are…an Apathetic-Asshole.

Via the Video Daniel Jou literally speaks with 2-Tongues. On the One-Hand, they mentioned that they’re not a Person-Of-Knowledge. But, immediately on the Other-Hand audaciously/arrogantly attempts to “correct” a Person-Of-Knowledge & ironically being Dead-Ass Wrong: their Niyyah/Motive corrupt, their Approach ill-mannered, their Posture haughty, etc. And, the Fact that they actually tried to use the Crowd against William Webb, as though they were at a Live-Version of Verzuz: I definitely conclude this to be one amongst Daniel Jou’s Most-Immature Antics I’ve ever seen recorded about/from them. Persons like Daniel Jou refuse to operate via Usūl/Islāmic-Principles. As I always tell People: Judgmentalism always exposes whom we truly are.

Daniel Jou literally has 0 Moral-Authority over anyone, if they’ve 0-Reservations about defending Persons guilty of al-Ightisāb.


Daniel Jou is a Bitch: they’ve 0-Entitlement/Justification to complain about any Criticism from anyone against them. They actually think/feel they’re Islāmically-Entitled/Justified to talk Shit about whomever they want, judge whomever they want, etc. But, yet (via the Same-Breath), they expect Others to a “Pass”, “70-Excuses”, etc. Nah…Nigga: Daniel Jou is experiencing ash-Shar`iyyah (Retribution/Payback), directly resulting from what they’ve done to Others & coming back to haunt them. They’re simply getting it how they live it. Daniel Jou, as per how the Salafīs/Madkhalīs treat them, has to charge this to the Dunyā/Mundane.

Gareth Bryant