Tag Archives: Affection

The Mythos of “Unconditional-Love”


Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated:

“Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way).”…”Beware of loving anyone extremely, because 1-Day you may have to hate them.”.

(ibn-Hibbān&al-Bayhaqī, at-Tirmidhī)

When anyone pontificates/claims that they love “unconditionally”, they literally make me cringe…for Several-Reasons:

a. Most-People confuse Love with Infatuation/Lust.

b. Countless-People claim to love Others they don’t even respect & it’s literally impossible to love anyone/anything which is unrespected.

c. Countless-People only manifest Weak-Love.

Love is in fact conditional, and it’s something very easy to prove:

Allah literally establishes the Fact that They Themselves have Love-Limits. So, if the Creator/Lord of the Universe has Love-Limits: how dare you pontificate/claim that there exists “Unconditional-Love”?!!! Allah literally states whom They hate/unlove via The Qur’ān Word4Word. Allah states They hate/unlove those whom don’t believe in Allah, those whom oppress, those whom’re arrogant, those whom’re flamboyant/extravagant, those whom’re wasteful, etc.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.3, V.32; Chpt.4, V.18; Chpt.6, V.141; Chpt.7, V.31; Chpt.31, V.18)

Allah is the Creator/Lord of the Universe: no one/nothing via the Universe could possibly be “More-Loving” than Allah. So, by virtue of this…since Allah manifests Conditional-Love, who’re any Creature/Being think they are to pontificate/claim that they’ve “Unconditional-Love”?!!! Make that Goofy-Shit make Sense.

Even as Muslims, when we theologically profess our Love for Allah & Their Messenger…literally that’s conditional. It’s conditional, because:

a. The Only-Reason we (as Muslims) love Allah is, because, we truly believe that Only Allah is the Sole-Creator/Lord of the Universe & only They alone are Worshipworthy.

b. The Only-Reason we (as Muslims) love Muhammad (Peace be upon them) is, because, they were granted the Status of an-Nubuwwah (Prophecy/Prophethood)…made to be the Khātim (Seal/Finality) of an-Nubuwwah…granted the Final-Revelation (The Qur’ān & the Sunnah/Prophetic-Tradition).

Let’s even look at our Personal-Relationships:

1. Do we love our Parents the same as our Children?

2. Do we love our Significant-Others the same as our Siblings?

3. Do we love our Friends the same as our Relatives?

The Answers to each/all of these Particular-Questions are going to be “No”. That’s simply a Sifah/Manifestation of al-Bashriyyah (Human-Nature/Behavior). Moreover, the Love we have for the Aforementioned-Categories of Humans aren’t supposed to be the same. The Positions of any/all those Categorical-Persons will mean Different-Things, always via our Entire-Lives.

All-People express Love, exclusively based upon whom they’re attached/connected to. If there’s 0-Bond, then there’s 0-Love. Even when I hear Certain-Persons say: “I love everybody.”…that’s a Damn-Lie. I literally challenge People who claim they “love everybody”…all of the Time. I mention Various-Types/Kinds of Persons literally to prove that “loving eveybody” is not only false but impossible.

Gareth Bryant