Debunking the Infamous Ash`arī-Kalām/Rhetoric Talking-Point: The “Allah doesn’t exist in a Place.” Argument


Allah states:

“And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”

(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8)

Why the “Necessity” to “Debunk” any “Ash`arī Talking-Point”?!!!



Very often…in fact far too often actually-There’s Certain-Persons via Team-Ash`arī, and/or Pseudo-Ash`arīs (or as Lavotte Saunders [the Golden-Boy of Team-Atharī] has told me as per our Prior-Convos are Ash`arī-Pretenders), whom live to theologically attack Fellow-Muslims simply because they’re Non-Ash`arīs. This, of course, in spite of the Fact that the Progenitor/Founder of al-Ash`ariyyah/Ash`arism literally warned against doing so on their own Deathbed via Baghdād. `Alī ibn-Ismā`īl ibn-Ishāq (AKA Abul-Hasan al-Ash`arī), Progentior/Founder of the Ash`arī-`Aqīdah/Theology-School…on their own Deathbed they literally made at-Tawbah/Repentance against their own Former-Madhāhib/Stances surrounding imposing Unjust-Takfīr/Blasphemy against Muslim Non-Ash`arīs.

The Ugly-History of the “`Aqīdah/Creed-Wars”

The Tawbah of Abil-Hasan al-Ash`arī

“Take witness, that verily I no longer make Takfīr/Blasphemy against any amongst the People-Of-Qiblah/Direction. All of them worship the Same-God, but they only differ regarding Theological-Interpretations.”


How/why is the Deathbed-Tawbah of Abil-Hasan al-Ash`arī so important?!!!



Its important as it’s a Hujjah/Refutation, against any/all Pseudo-Ash`arīs whom pontificate to have “Correct-Creed”: those whom claim to ascribe to Ash`arism yet literally reject the Deathbed-Tawbah of Abil-Hasan al-Ash`arī. Conveniently, there’s Countless-Ash`arīs whom audaciously/arrogantly reject the Deathbed-Tawbah of Abil-Hasan al-Ash`arī: the Irony of course being that one of the Persons whom recorded & transmitted the Deathbed-Tawbah of Abil-Hasan al-Ash`arī was al-Bayhaqī…an Ash`arī themselves. And, there’s none whom dares to pontificate/claim that al-Bayhaqī is a “Liar”, a “Dishonest-Person”, “Unreliable”, etc.

Gareth Bryant’s Hujjah/Refutation against the “Imāms-Roundtable”

What does it mean to “reject” the Deathbed-Tawbah of Abil-Hasan al-Ash`arī?!!!

There’s an Important-Sabab/Reason how/why there’s Countless-Ash`arīs and/or Ash`arī-Pretenders would dare reject the Deathbed-Tawbah of Abil-Hasan al-Ash`arī…it’s because it directly debunks any/all their Pseudo-Justifications to impose Unjust-Takfīr against Fellow-Muslims whom’re Non-Ash`arīs. These-Persons can’t stand it, if/when the Deathbed-Tawbah of Abil-Hasan al-Ash`arī is brought-up. The Deathbed-Tawbah of Abil-Hasan al-Ash`arī literally knocks the Winds rite outta the Sails of their FisherPrice Ash`arī-Boats.

The Haqqover/Super-Hizbī: Debunking the Pseudo-Justifications for Takfīr-Culture

How does any “Ash`arī Talking-Point” promote “Unjust-Takfīr”?!!!



It’s literally within my Article-Title, “Allah doesn’t exist in a Place.”?!!!

Well…what’s “Wrong” with the Statement itself?!!!

The Statement itself is 💯%-Truth/Honesty. Yet, at the Same-Time, no Muslim ever believes the Opposite of That-Statement anyway.

What does that mean?!!!



Meaning, as per the Average/Regular-Muslim…it’d literally be impossible for any Muslim to ever pontificate/claim that Allah exists via any “Place”. In fact, I can humanly guarantee that no Ash`arī has ever personally known any Average/Regular-Muslim claim that Allah exists in any “Place”. So, for any Ash`arī to scream to the Top of their Lungs (figuratively & literally because I’ve witnessed both via Online & Real-Life) “Allah doesn’t exist in a Place.”: they sound Dumb-As-Fuck addressing this to any Fellow-Muslim. No Average/Regular-Muslim “believes” that Allah is: “confined”, or “limited”, or “subjected”, or “constricted”, or “restricted”, or “exclusive” to any “Space”, “Place”, “Location”, “Duration”, “Station”, Direction, etc.

at-Tafwīdh/Neutrality vs. at-Ta’wīl/Interpretation concerning the Sifāt/Qualities-Of-Allah

Well…how/why would/should any Ash`arī ever think/feel they “need” to constantly/consistently recycle the “Allah doesn’t exist in a Place.?!!!



Ash`arīs (more accurately/honestly these Ash`arī-Wannabes) exclusively aim to claim that Muslims whom’re Non-Ash`arīs commit ash-Shirk/Association.

What’s ash-Shirk mean?!!!



ash-Shirk is literally the Polar-Opposite of at-Tawhīd/Islāmic-Monotheism. ash-Shirk is to pontificate/claim anything about Allah which isn’t directly predicated upon at-Tanzīl/Revelation. In Other-Words slandering Allah.

(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.1; Chpt.18, V.1-6; Chpt.109; Chpt.112)

And, there’s Countless Nuzūl/Revelatory-Texts which proves that no Average/Regular-Muslim believes that Allah exists via any “Place”.

A Mathl/Example of what I mean is the Following-Nuzūl

Allah literally describes themselves as:

“God-In-Heaven” & “God-In-Earth”

Now, the Word “In” much
like the Word “في”:

It doesn’t mean “Within the Heavens”, nor “Within the Earth”…

…via Asbāb-in-Nuzūl/Revelatory-Context:

“في” means “على”/”In” means “Above”

Ironically, it’s literally no different
than/from when Allah states:

“That-Book is Guidance for the Pious, because there’s 0-Doubt within it.”…As per Asbāb-in-Nuzūl:

“ذلك” actually means “هذا”

“That” actually means “This”

Even as far as how Allah describes Themselves existing above everything else which exists:

Al-`Alī/The Ultimately-Above

Al-Muta`āl/The Ultimately-Exalted

Al-A`lā/The Most-High

(Each of these are amongst
the Asmā’/Names-Of-Allah)

(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.2; Chpt.43, V.78-89; at-Tabarī; as-Suyūtī; Lisān-ul-`Arab: Lexicon of the Arabic-Language, ibn-Manzhūr)

That’s Absolutely-Horrendous…how/why would any Muslim impose such Slanderous-Allegations, against any Fellow-Muslim, just because they’re Non-Ash`arī?!!!



Dem Mothafuckas are Evil. They subscribe to what’s known as al-Kharajiyyah/Religio-Extremism. And, ironically the Most-Extreme (Pun-Intended) Sifah/Manifestation of al-Kharajiyyah is Unjust-Takfīr/Takfīr-Culture against Fellow-Muslims. They’re precisely how/why Muhammad (Peace be upon them) described al-Khawārij/Religio-Extremists as being “Kilāb-un-Nār/Dogs of the Fire”.


Now, to be just/fair…Certain-Ash`arīs aren’t the Only-Individuals whom impose Unjust-Takfīr. I’ve personally witnessed Persons via Other-Ahzāb (Religio-Cliques, Religio-Teams, Religio-Gangs, Religio-Mafias, etc.) amongst Muslims do the Same-Thing. And, truthfully/honestly, I’ve written more Articles against those Other-Ahzāb than I’ve ever written against Team-Ash`arī.

Romance of the 3-`Aqīdahs

Is Unjust-Takfīr/Takfīr-Culture the Only-Sifah of al-Kharajiyyah?!!!



No…there’s Varied-Sifāt which constitute al-Kharajiyyah.

Are only Ash`arīs or Ash`arī-Wannabes al-Khawārij?!!!



al-Kharajiyyah never has, nor will it ever will be Sectariancentric. Meaning, no Exclusive-Hizb/Sect alone are al-Khawārij. Realistically, any Muslim via any Hizb could be a Khārijī/Religio-Extremist…even Muslims whom’re Non-Hizbī/Sectarian could be al-Khawārij. And, that’s because al-Kharajiyyah has nothing to do with al-Hizbiyyah/Religio-Sectarianism exclusively, rather it has everything to do with al-Khuluq/al-Adab (Character/Behavior). Not only are there Ash`arī-Khawārij, there’s: Atharī-Khawārij, Māturīdī-Khawārij, Qadarī-Khawārij, Jabarī-Khawārij, Mu`tazilī-Khawārij, Sūfī-Khawārij, Shī`ī-Khawārij, Salafī-Khawārij, Ikhwānī-Khawārij, Hanafī-Khawārij, Mālikī-Khawārij, Ja`farī-Khawārij, Hanbalī-Khawārij, Shāfi`ī-Khawārij, Zaydī-Khawārij, Ibādhī-Khawārij, Zhāhirī-Khawārij, Deobandi-Khawārij, Brewlewi-Khawārij, etc. and so on.

Examining al-Kharajiyyah/Religio-Extremism via Mafia/Gang-Culture amongst Muslims historically & contemporaneously

So, how do/can we move on/forward from here?!!!

Well…I personally can’t speak for Others. However, for myself exclusively-I’ve literally made it Part of my Life’s-Work, to constantly/consistently strive against 3-Things which painfully plague the Muslims:

1. al-`asabiyyah/Xenophobia

2. al-Hizbiyyah/Religio-Sectarianism

3. al-Kharajiyyah/Religio-Extremism

The Tahkam/Irony is that All-3 are perpetually interconnected with one another & intersectional of each other.

I’ll give a Mathl of what I mean. Muslim-Arabs during World-War I used All-3 of These-Things, as Pseudo-Justifications to directly assist Non-Muslims fight against al-Khilāfah/Islāmic-Governance (via the Ottoman-Empire), during the Entirety of World-War I. This, of course, directly led to the Inception/Invention of Israel which all Muslim-Arabs have the Audacity to Bitch&Moan about.

Muslim-Politics & Muslims whom manipulate it for their own Ambitions

Speaking against & writing about the Ugliness of these Muslim-On-Muslim Atrocities: it’s become a Major-Staple of my Religio-Academic Research, moreover of my Religio-Activism.

Gareth Bryant

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  1. Pingback: The Theological-Hypocrisy of Muslims whom favor Certain Non-Muslims via al-`Asabiyyah/Xenophobia | Gareth Bryant

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