

I actually confronted This-Person, regarding their Character/Behavior:

This is the Reason how/why Allah commands Humanity seek Refuge with Them, against the Waswās/Deception of ash-Shaytān/Satan.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.114)

Via the Extended-Version of This-Video: the Person audaciously pontificated/claimed that they “didn’t have enough Time” to determine whether or not the Persons whom they directly interacted with intimately, in Real-Life, were Men as opposed to Women. Nah…they’re 💯%-Untruthful/Dishonest…the Fact that they’re actually pontificating/claiming that they “didn’t have enough Time”, to discern whether or not a Person was truly Male vs. Female: I’m absolutely not buying that Goofy-Shit. There’s 0-Doubt that there’s Male-Transformers whom attempt to deceive Hetero-Men. Yet, at the Same-Time, All-Humans have what’s called al-Fitrah (Natural-Instinct). This-Fitrah is directly/overtly imbedded into the very Soul, Mind/Heart, of All-Humans alike. Now, as per Male-Female Human-Relationships via al-Jinsiyyah (Sexuality): Vibes don’t lie, People lie. There’s Certain/Specific-Feelings which rise within People which only occur if/when one is interacting with Members of the Opposite-Gender. This isn’t my Opinion, this is Fact. So, if one is imitating Members of their Opposite-Gender, they can instinctively detect that. It’s simply that more often than not: People are afraid/ashamed to admit that they ignored Obvious Red-Flags. Now, as per the Person via This-Video…they’re 💯%-Cappin: if U a Homo 4 da Low then jus say dat.

al-Liwāt/Homosexuality itself is inherently no different than/from any other Sin. However, when those whom’re Homosexuals disguise themselves as the Opposite of their Birth-Genders: this makes Things that much worse by default. This “Transgender-Culture”, which began via the People-Of-Lot, as did al-Liwāt, which has become very popular…it’s a Deceptive-Trend which aims to convert Heterosexuals into Homosexuals. Also, it ironically places the Lives of those whom’re Transformers (Males/Females whom imitate the Opposite-Gender) in Serious-Danger. Heterosexual-People end-up having their Lives utterly ruined & their Sexual-Reputations permanently tarnished, resulting from this. (Literally) all of this could be easily-avoided if Transformers simply leave Heterosexuals alone.

No Human-Being has any Entitlement/Justification to hide/conceal their True Biological-Gender from Persons whom they’re sexually-interested in, sexually-involved with, etc. We all, as Humans, owe each other That-Type/Kind of Disclosure. And, if/when any Humans refuse to disclose their True Biological-Gender: they deserve whatever comes to them. These-Transformers are really Out-Of-Pocket. This is what gets Transformers injured and/or killed, being Dangerously-Deceptive…this Goofy-Shit has to stop. If Transformers attempt to deceive anyone, by fronting as though you’re the Gender they’re imitating & they get their Asses handed to them (rightfully so by the way): they’ve literally no one to blame/fault except themselves.

Gareth Bryant

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