Muslim Fake-Wokers in the Wake of the Death of Elizabeth II


For the Longest-Time, as long as I can possibly remember: there’s been Various-Theories circulating the Muslim-World, concerning the Alleged Family-Ties between Muhammad (Peace be upon them) & Elizabeth II. Now, literally for Decades this has been a Thing which so many Muslims actually take serious & have conducted “Research” thus aiming to attempt proving these Alleged-Theories. There’ve literally been Muslims who elaborately falsified Genealogy-Charts which propose Familial-Links from Elizabeth II to Muhammad: ironically the Charts I’ve actually seen never even match with each other. And, now that Elizabeth II is dead, the Online-Fervor to continue the Legacy of this Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative has become that much stronger amongst Muslims.

It’s ridiculously easy to tell, that the Abovementioned-Chart is a Full-Fledged Fabrication. These-Claims have neither been vettted by Islāmic-Sources nor Secular-Sources, as per the Historical-Genealogy between Elizabeth II & Muhammad, which Certain-Muslims have literally been pontificating/claiming for a Long-Time. Certain-Muslims have literally gone so far as to even pontificate/claim that they themselves and/or their “Persons-Of-Knowledge” possess what’s commonly dubbed as “Secret-Knowledge”, a Religio-Euphemism for “Knowledge of the Ghayb/Unseen”.

The Verse which was cited/quoted via the Aforementioned, in a Pathetic-Attempt to “prove” the Religio-Validity of this “Secret-Knowledge” Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative: in That-Verse Allah is exclusively describing Themselves as being `Alīm/All-Knowing anyway, and they even got the Translation of the Verse wrong. The Correct-Translation is: “And an All-Knowing One is above every Possessor-Of-Knowledge.”. Those whom pontificate/claim to have the Knowledge of the Unseen are literally no different than/from Sāhir/Sorcerer and/or a Kāhin/Soothsayer (Astrologer, Numerologist, Palm/Tarot-Reader, etc.). And, Muhammad vehemently spoke against these Types/Kinds of Claimants to “Secret-Knowledge”: “Whomever trusts the Word of any Sāhir and/or Kāhin has rejected whatever revealed to Muhammad. `Alī ibn-`Imrān (May Allah be pleased with them) stated: “The Kāhin is a Sāhis & the Sāhir is a Kāfir (Disbeliever/Non-Muslim).
(at-Tabarī; as-Suyūtī; al-Kabā’r/The Major-Sins, adh-Dhahabī)

That-Pontification/Claim of possessing “Secret-Knowledge”: that’s actually more crucial as opposed to the Allegations that Elizabeth II is related to/descended from Muhammad. Now, this takes Things to a Dangerous-Realm theologically. Anyone pontificating/claiming to possess Knowledge of the Ghayb: that’s literally ash-Shirk/Association by default. Only Allah possesses Knowledge of the Unsee. In fact, ironically, one of the Names of Allah is `Allām-ul-Ghuyūb (The Ultimately-Knowledgable of Unseen-Things). And, by definition, this means that the Only-Things which any amongst the Makhlūq/Creation of Allah could possibly know is what Allah either teaches directly via at-Tanzīl/Revelation, or that Allah allows Their Creation to discover.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.30-33; Chpt.2, V.237; Chpt.2, V.239; Chpt.3, V.190; Chpt.5, V.13; Chpt.5, V.107; Chpt.5, V.116; Chpt.9, V.78; Chpt.34, V.48; Chpt.18, V.32-42)

It really angers me, greatly, whenever Muslims are so addicted to Oppression that they personality-worship their Oppressors. I mean, let’s be honest: the United Kingdom specifically has Lots of Muslim-Blood on its Hands via Conquests/Colonization of Regions of the Planet Occupied by Muslims. It’s like Muslims love absolutely to dick-ride Persons-Of-Influence/Power, because it makes them think/feel “better” about themselves. It’s very telling of a Conquered/Colonized-Mind which so/too many People have (particularly/especially amongst Muslims). Just as Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Don’t be an Imma`ah/Dick-Rider.”.

My Response to the Goofy-Shit:

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2022, C.E.

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