Tag Archives: Wokeness

Fake-Wokeness via Pseudo-Toughness


Allah states:

“Have you seen those whom take their Desires as their God? Are you then their Enabler?”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.25, V.43)

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated:

“Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way).”

Ironically though, this Lil-Nigga prolly ain’t never kill a Goat or Sheep for `Īd-il-Adhā, let alone Another-Human. It truly sickens me, that Muslims want to be “Street-Niggas” so badly. Talkin all dat “Tough-Shit” isn’t a “Flex”, not at all. And, sadly, this is the Result of:

1. Muslim-Criminal Culture

The Reality of Muslim-Criminality

2. Negative-Relationships with Fathers

The Toxic-Results of Fatherlessness

3. Fake-Woke Political-Activism

Fake-Wokeness via Suicide-Culture

4. Groupie-Culture


5. Pop-Culture/Music Industry via “Drill-Rap”

What it means to be “Unholy”

Most of these Muslim-Dudes have never actually been in any Real-Life Situations…(Allah knows best) they’ve probably had less than 10-Fights via their Entire-Lives. But, now all of a sudden, because of a Hot-Button Religio-Political Issue y’all Young-Niggas wanba be Billy-Badasses?!!! Go back in y’all Mothafuckin-Cribs & shut da Fuck up. Y’all talkin all of this Tough-Shit: If the Da`wah/Invitation for al-Qitāl/Combat were issued/conscripted rite now to venture into Palestine or anwhere else Muslims are being severely oppressed, Most Muslim-Men wouldn’t even be able to comply because:

1. Their Īmān/Islāmic-Faith isn’t even at the Levels it should be.

2. They Pussy & would probably run from the Battlefields Under-Pressure.

3. Don’t know anything about Combat-Training.

4. Don’t know how to use any Sort of Weaponry correctly.

5. Don’t know any Survival-Skills, to survive via any Warzone-Terrain.

They talkin all this “IDFK” Sucka-Shit, yet ironically: they’ve never killed any IDF-Personnel. They’ve never killed any Islāmophobe who’s ever attacked any Muslim, Masjid/Mosque, Islāmic-Center, etc. They’ve never Popped-On any Corrupt-Cops, Drug-Dealers, Human-Traffickers, Sexual-Predators/Abusers, Gang-Members, etc. In fact, the Only-Thing these Wannabe “Muslim Tough-Guys” do is oppress Fellow-Muslims. This is literally all for Show, to attempt compensating for their own Weaknesses & Incapabilities.

The Niggadelphia-Effect

Here’s Another-Irony…these Clown-Ass Individuals ain’t never rep “CMLK” (Corrupt Muslim Leaders Killer), or “ALK” (Arab Leaders Killer). I mean…afterall…as we all know/should know: Muslim-Arab Leaders were literally amongst the Human/Historical-Reasons how/why the Palestinian-Conflict even exists in the 1st-Place. Yeah…they won’t dare do that though. They won’t dare admit that the Treacherous-Actions of Muslim-Arabs, colluding with Non-Muslim Powers against al-Khilāfah/Islāmic-Governance (via the Ottoman-Empire), during World-War I caused all of what the World has witnessed since 1948, C.E. This is a Direct-Manifestion & Result/Consequence of Muslim-Arab Guilt.

Muslim-Politics & Muslims whom manipulate it for their own Ambitions

As Muslims, we’ve truly got to do better than this Goofy-Shit.

Gareth Bryant

A Dictionary can prevent Lots of Intellectual-Fuckery


The Fake-Woke Goofy-Shit:

My Response to this Fake-Woke Goofy-Shit:

Fake-Wokeness is literally (amongst Other-Things) a Spiritual&Intellectual-Toxin/Poison. It aims to exclusively keep its Ascribers/Adherents as Compliant Dumb-Asses. The Pathetic-Irony is that there’s literally Countless-Persons, the World over, whom actually respect, trust, take seriously, etc. Persons whom pontificate/promote This-Kind/Type of Idiocy. The Worst-Part about Persons like the aforementioned, whom produce Public-Content like the aforementioned:

1. They literally don’t even care how Pathologically-Ignorant they really are. They’re exclusively interested in influencing/dominating Others. This is directly the Result of them self-suffering from Low Self-Esteem Addiction & in turn they become addicted to manipulating Others.

2. There’s actually Persons whom’re impressed/intimidated by These-Clowns. And, because they self-suffer from Low Self-Esteem Addiction, they themselves in turn become addicted to being manipulated.

3. There’s really People whom spend their Lives jumping from Trend2Trend, chasing the Illusion of Inclusion, Coolness, Relevance, etc.

For any/all those actually interested in the Real-Definitions of both “Humble” & “Narcissist”:


not proud or haughty : not arrogant or assertive.


an extremely self-centered person who has an exaggerated sense of self-importance.


By the way: Narcassist is from Narcassism & Narcassism is a Psycho-Emotional Disorder. There’s literally nothing “positive” about Narcissism. “Narcissist” is actually a Psycho-Clinical Euphemism for “Apath”. Apathy/Arrogance is the Polar-Opposite of Empathy/Compassion.

This-Clown Ryan Daniels is precisely how/why I’ve 0-Trust for anyone whom doesn’t use Dictionaries, because they’ve 0-Respect for Language. This- Fake-Woke Ass Nigga literally “Googled” the Words “Narcissist” & “Humble”, without actually even looking them up via a Dictionary. It truly shows you just how Comfortably-Ignorant Certain-Persons actually are. Apathy is worse than Ignorance.

This is precisely how/why Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Don’t be an Imma`ah/Dick-Rider.”. We’re literally taught This-Warning, as Muslims, because via at-Tanzīl/Revelation we’re given Amthāl (Scenarios/Examples) of Humans whom existed prior to the Revelation of The Qur’ān that literally subjected themselves to al-Imma`tiyyah/Dick-Rider Culture.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.8, V.38; Chpt.16, V.24; Chpt.18, V.55; at-Tabarī; as-Suyūtī; ibn-Kathīr)

Gareth Bryant