Tag Archives: Unreal

Exposing Fraudulent-Refutations


This-Person had the Audacity to call themselves authoring a “Refutation” against me, which made absolutely 0-Sense. And, even their Website which they titled “Islam’s Finest”: when they first made their Website they misspelled their own Website & had it spelled as “Islam’s Finiest”…Nigga how dare you “criticize” anyone & you suck at Spelling?!!!

The Following-Articles contains the Weak-Ass “Refutations” they called themselves authoring against me:

Responding to False Statement of Gareth Byant of Hearsay and claims that Shaykh Dr. Rabee ibn Haadee Al-Madkhalee may Allah preserve him speaks ill of the Companions

Response to Gareth Bryant about Critizing Ameerulmumineen Umar and Dawatu As-Salafiya

I specifically remember having an Online-Argument with them, which literally predated the Articles aforementioned. Them & I had gone Back&Forth, concerning the Idiocy of as-Salafiyyah/Salafism:

Understanding Religio-Sectarianism amongst Muslims

The Dangers&Idiocy of Hizbī/Sectarian-Conflicts

Examining al-Kharajiyyah/Religio-Extremism via Mafia/Gang-Culture amongst Muslims historically & contemporaneously

Then, someone whom we both know chimed-in on the Discussion & Abul-Barā’ literally along with Another-Clown named `Abd-al-Jabbār jointly threatened the Other-Person. But, guess what?!!! Neither of those 2-Mothafuckas ever threatened me, and they only threatened the Other-Person because they’re of a Different-Ethnicity & figured that the Other-Person wouldn’t give them any Smoke. But, clearly, since both Abul-Barā’ & `Abd-ul-Jabbār know my Hands work: they wouldn’t dare to “threaten” me. Moreover, anytime/everytime Abul-Barā’ &`Abd-ul-Jabbār had ever seen me via Real-Life, neither of them ever talked any of that “Tough-Shit” to me that they talked to the Other-Person via Online. This obviously confirms that they’re both Really-Pussy.

So, naturally, since called-out both Abal-Barā’ & `Abd-al-Jabbār for being Bullies&Cowards, that’s when the Sucka-Shit “Refutations” went underway. Even via the Articles which they authored themselves: I was even capable/able to debunk all of their Arguments via the Comment-Sections of both of their Cute Lil “Refutations” about me. Both of the “Refutations” deal with 2-Slanders they accused me of:

1. I was accused of “slandering” a Companion of Muhammad (Peace be upon them), based upon a Sex-Scandal which took place after the Death of Muhammad during the Khilāfah/Islāmic-Governance of `Umar ibn-il-Khattāb (May Allah be pleased with them). As per the Accusation that I slandered a Companion: this was referring to a Companion by the Name of Nasr ibn-il-Hajjāj (May Allah be pleased with them), whom was banned from al-Madīnah becauze of their Good-Looks…literally because of their Good-Looks and for no Other-Reason. This was directly predicated upon the Amr/Order of `Umar ibn-il-Khattāb as the Khalīfah/Islāmic-Ruler of the Khilāfah/Islāmic-State. This was by far amongst the Most-Controversial Things `Umar ever did as a Khalīfah. Likewise, it was particularly unpopular. Even Nasr themselves wrote Poems (basically Dis-Tracks), against `Umar, for banning them from al-Madīnah & being treated unjustly via `Umar. The Dis-Track Poems were literally about `Umar pressuring Nasr to change their Appearance, resulting from how the Women of al-Madīnah desired them. Me, personally, I wouldn’t have listened to `Umar: I wouldn’t have done any of what they made Nasr do & I wouldn’t have left al-Madīnah. There’s 0-Way I would’ve let anyone change me, or evict me from anywhere, because I “look too good”…that’s Super-Wack: make that Goofy-Shit make Sense. Ironically, banning Nasr ibn-al-Hajjāj yielded Disasterous-Results. Nasr ibn-al-Hajjāj was banned from al-Madīnah, because it was feared that the Women of al-Madīnah would lust after them. However, that clearly wasn’t a Justified-Way to handle that Situation, because, Nasr themselves did nothing wrong. Nasr ibn-al-Hajjāj was forced to live in `Irāq via Basrah. They ended-up being a Guest of Mujāshah ibn-Mas`ūd: the Governor of Basrah. But, guess what happened?!!! Nasr ended-up Sneaky-Linking with the Wife of Mujāshah ibn-Mas`ūd & Mujāshah ended-up devorcing That-Woman & banning Nasr from Basrah. That literally wouldn’t have occured had Nasr not been unjustly kicked-out of al-Madīnah.
(ibn-ul-Jawzī, ibn-Shabbāh, al-Kharā`itī, ibn-ul-Qayyim)

2. I was accused of “slandering” the Progenitor of the Madkhalīs: the so-called Elites of as-Salafiyyah founded by Rabī` ibn-Hādī al-Madkhalī. Mu`āwiyah ibn-Sakhr: one of the Companions & one of the Foremost-Scholars of The Qur’ān & the Sunnah/Prophetic-Tradition…they were accused by Rabī` of not being as Islāmically-Knowledgeable as they truly were. Rabī` literally claimed Word4Word that Mu`āwiyah was never a Faqīh (Expert/Scholar of al-Fiqh/Religio-Legal Analysis). Meanwhile, ironically, `Abdullah ibn-`Abbās (May Allah be pleased with them): one of the Premier-Scholars amongst the Companions stated that Mu`āwiyah was in fact a Significant Person-Of-Knowledge…ibn-`Abbās literally called Mu`āwiyah a Faqīh. So…sumbody lyin & it damn sure wasn’t ibn-`Abbās. But, of course, by virture of Earl Allister, Jr. being a Madkhalī Dick-Rider: it’s really 0-Surprise that they’d jump out the Window to “defend” someone whom literally did precisely what they accused me of which was “reviling a Companion”.

Everything Earl Allister, Jr. accused me of was 💯%-Untruth/Dishonesty. And, the Only-Reason they came-out with these so-called “Refutations” was purely a Result of Desperation. They simply want to make a Name for themselves, via attacking someone whom knows as-Salafiyyah for the Bullshit that it truly is: it’s a Hizb/Religio-Sect no different inherently from any/all other Ahzāb/Religio-Sects. And this is precisely how/why Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Don’t be an Imma`ah/Dick-Rider.”. This is exactly what happens when you’re a Dick-Rider: you’ll end-up pursuing Ridiculoys Pseudo Witch-Hunts based on 0-Facts & All-Slander. Muhammad also foretold, that the Day-Of-Standing will be a Dark-Day for the Slanderer. And the Slanderer will have Flags placed next to them so all of al-Jinn/Fire-Beings & al-Insān/Humanity will know/find-out whom slandered Others via the Mundane. Furthermore, those whom slander will be made to forceit Portions of their Positive-Actions to those whom they slandered. But, if the Slanderer has no Positive-Actions to give then the Slanderer will be made to take on Portions of the Negative-Actions of those whom they slandered.
(al-Bukhārī; Muslim; at-Tirmidhī; al-Kabā’ir/The Major-Sins, adh-Dhahabī)

Gareth Bryant 1445, A.H./2023, C.E.

The Anatomy of Quitting on one’s Self



This-Article is almost exclusively based upon the Following-Works:

a. al-Bahr-ur-Rā’iq/The Calm-Ocean (a Trilateral-Compilation of the Works of: Abī-Hāmid al-Ghazālī, ibn-il-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah, ibn-Rajab al-Hanbalī), Ahmad Farīd

b. “Hierarchy-Of-Needs” (a Psycho-Analytical Theory), Abraham Maslow


As a Chaplain (Counselor/Therapist): I’ve personally encountered Various-Persons either expressing/verbalizing that they no longer see the Point of Life and/or express/verbalize their Contemplations/Desires, Motives/Intents, etc. to commit Suicide. My Niyyah/Motive is to thoroughly decipher the Difference between being Unlively & being Suicidal. Now, is there Correlation between Unliveliness & Suicide…Absolutely. However, does this mean that both are exclusively a Causation of one another…Absolutely not.


This results from any Human-Experience which triggers and/or reminds us of Negative-Times, Challenging-Happenings via our Existence within ad-Dunyā/the Mundane. If/when any Person loses what’s known as the “Will to live”-Naturally, Most-People will in fact think/feel that someone just wants to hang it up & end their Lives. It’s not always like this. There’s truly an Abundance of Complexities/Complications via someone’s Life-Experiences which cause Unliveliness. More often than not: a Person may simply not want their Life as is and/or they may want to live the Lives of Others whom they know, know of. It’s very probable that they don’t view who they are individually as valuable, meaningful, purposeful, important, etc. They very often may actually fantasize and/or become addicted to whom they see/view via T.V., Film, Entertainment, Porn, Online, Social-Media, etc. Then, they may wish to live the Lives they’re stimulated by as if intoxicated with wanting to be anyone/everyone externally of themselves. This-Concept “Living my Best-Life” is literally one of the Culprits of Personality-Addiction/Worship: it’s actually a Grave-Facade. Whenever Most-People conceptualize That-Mythos, it’s exclusively pertaining to Mundane-Gains & Material-Pleasures…as Allah states: “And the Mundane-Life is only the Matā`/Enjoyment of al-Ghurūr/Illusion.”. None of Those-Things will ever yield as-Sa`ādah/Happiness…as-Sa`ādah can never be externally acquired, rather, it must always be introspectively/interally fostered&cultivated: as-Sa`ādah is a Personal-Responsibility. Ironically, one of the Major-Reasons how/why so/too man Human-Relationships are negative, toxic, etc. and/or fail is because as Humans we audaciously/arrogantly expect Other-People to make us “happy”. But, it’s humanly impossible to make anyone happy, except ourselves…like I always tell People: No one can make us happy, but anyone can make us miserable. And, when they continuously see Person-After-Person disappointing them, worse yet making them miserable (because they refuse to find as-Sa`ādah intrapersonally) they delve further into a Spiritual/Psycho-Emotional Abyss. This is precisely how/why Allah states: “Those whom believe pay attention: Upon you are yourselves.” & “Verily, Allah doesn’t change what’s within any People unless/until they change what’s within themselves.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.105; Chpt.13, V.11; Chpt.57, V.20)


As per what I’ve aforementioned, via the Pic  concerning “wanting to die”: in All-Truthfulness/Honesty, it’s a Misnomer. I’ll explain what I actually mean. Even if/when anyone becomes and/or is Suicidal: they don’t actually want to die…they really only want their Suffering, Life-Challenges, etc. to die. However, Suicidal-Persons (for Various-Reasons) allow ash-Shaytān/Satan to convince them that the Only-Way to end their Suffering/Life-Challenges are to end themselves. Speaking of Suicide, as per my Professional-Experience: there exists a Strong-Correlation between Suicide & Sexual-Abuse. At least 98% of Persons I’ve counseled regarding Suicide were sexually-abused (at least once via their Life-Times). Being Suicidal is literally a Person’s Last-Call for Help…it’s actually a Spiritual/Psycho-Emotional S.O.S.-Signal. This is the Reason how/why the Average-Suicidal authors what’s known as the “Suicide-Note”. They do this to catch they Attention of at least 1-Person who actually cares enough to reach-out to them, to stop/prevent them from committing Suicide. For example: the Famous-Series “13 Reasons Why”, which is literally based on a True-Story/Actual-Events by the way: I’ve literally seen almost all the 13-Reasons manifested via Other-People I’ve actually counseled. I mean, via the Nasr/Help-Of-Allah: I’ve literally been able to physically prevent People from threating/attempting Suicide rite in front of me via Real-Time & via Real-Life.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.195; Chpt.7, V.11-25; Chpt.114; Muslim)

So, what’s to be done…what can be done…how can anyone help People dealing with either Unliveliness, Suicide, or both, etc.?!!!


ar-Ruqyah (Healing/Treatment)

The Following is a List of Discussion-Topics which I use via my Life-Coaching. It’s geared towards facilitating Self-Awareness, in light of honing one’s own Maturation/Advancement of Intrapersonal & Interpersonal Intelligence/Communication. The Responses to these aren’t “One&Dones”. The Responses are meant to evolve with any whom chooses to use this. The Person’s-Responses may be completely different an Hour, Day, Week, Month, Year, Decade, Score, etc. from rite now as we speak. As I always tell People: People are just like the Weather & Weather changes everyday. It’s exclusively discretionary. So, if a Person wants to answer these everday, evert Week, Month, Year, etc. then that’s completely up to them.

1. (Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.51, V.56)

Explain what your Existence means to you personally.

2. (Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.13, V.11)

Detail what Potential/Purpose means to you.

Detail your Personal-Goals in Life.

Detail your Personal-Roadblocks which hinder your Personal-Goals from becoming Reality.

3. (“Oh, Allah: just as you’ve perfected my Physique, perfect my Character also.”
[Fortress Of The Muslim])

Tell how you view yourself in the Present.

Tell how you want to be viewed in the Future.

Relate how much you genuinely like yourself (on a Scale from 0-10).

Relate how much you genuinely dislike yourself (on a Scale from 0-10).

4. (Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.286 & Chpt.5, V.28)

Compare/Contrast: Strengths vs. Weaknesses…”SWOT-Analysis”:





5. (Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.64, V.14 & Chpt.80, V.33-36)

Describe your Relationships with your Family.

6. (“A Person is upon the Path of their Friend. So, beware concerning whom you befriend.”
[Abū-Dāwud, an-Nawawī])

Describe your Relationships with your Friends.

Discuss how influential you are amongst People.

Discuss how influential People are over you.

From Then to Now: Life-Review concerning what you’ve learned about yourself.


Gareth Bryant

“Transabled”: These-People just can’t be serious!!!


The Persons depicted via This-Video are literally pontificating/promoting Self-Harm. This is 💯-Mahrūm (Islāmically-Prohibited), as Allah states: “And don’t be led to Destruction, via your own Hands.”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.195)

Wow…it’s truly come to this: Persons literally causing Unnecessary-Harm to themselves, via Fake-Wokeness. It’s just simply Defiance of Basic-Intelligence, to cripple one’s Self, in order to pontificate/claim that one was “supposed to be Disabled”. But, the Irony is that if they were actually born with the Disabilities which they’ve imposed upon themselves, then they’d be audaciously angry with Allah unjustifiably, for being tested/challenged to live with Disabilities.

Honestly, this really hails from Attention-Addiction. Certain-Persons just fiend to be noticed by Others via: Popularity, Fame, Relevance, Controversy, etc. Yes…they’re literally Attention-Whores. But, deeper than that: they’re literally Spiritually-Lost…as Allah states: “And don’t be like those whom forgot Allah, so Allah allowed them to forget themselves.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.59, V.19)

Persons like those via the Video are addicted to Egotism, just like Allah tells us: “Have you seen those whom take their Desires as their God? Are you then their Enabler?”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.25, V.23)

This Type/Kind of Goofy-Shit is really the Overt/Direct-Redult of the Tolerance/Acceptance of al-Liwātiyyah/Homo-Culture. It’s precisely like what Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Verily, the Character/Behavior of the People-Of-Lot is what I fear for my Nation mostly.”.
(al-Kabā’ir/The Major-Sins, adh-Dhahabī)