Tag Archives: SWOT Analysis



Looking in one’s Spiritual/Psycho-Emotional Mirror is an Extremely-Scary Experience. It requires us all, by default, to face the Goofy-Shit/Sucka-Shit which we indulge in & co-sign for ourselves as well as Others. It’s not something which is comfortable at all. It really takes Courage, to face one’s Self & stare into the Ugliness of our own Storms which causes so much Spiritual/Psycho-Emotional Damage. As I always tell People: Courage isn’t the Absence-Of-Fear, it’s the Willingness&Ability to confront Fear.

Yet, at the Same-Time, one may ask: “Well, even if/when I decide to face my Demons…what’s next?!!! What do I do with that?!!!”. These are quite honestly Excellent-Questions, because one just can’t look at their own Demons & just leave them like that…there must be Things done about them after facing them. I’ve got Some-Answers.

The Following is a List of Discussion-Topics, geared towards facilitating Self-Awareness, in light of honing one’s own Maturation/Advancement of Intrapersonal & Interpersonal Intelligence/Communication. I use this constantly/consistently if/whenever I counsel People & it’s been proven to always be helpful & effective.

1. (Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.51, V.56)

Explain what your Existence means to you personally.

2. (Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.13, V.11)

a. Detail what Potential/Purpose means to you.

b. Detail your Personal-Goals in Life.

c. Detail your Personal-Roadblocks which hinder your Personal-Goals from becoming Reality.

3. (“Oh, Allah: just as you’ve perfected my Physique, perfect my Character also.”
[Fortress Of The Muslim])

a. Tell how you view yourself in the Present.

b. Tell how you want to be viewed in the Future.

c. Relate how much you genuinely like yourself (on a Scale from 0-10).

d. Relate how much you genuinely dislike yourself (on a Scale from 0-10).

4. (Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.286 & Chpt.5, V.28)

Compare/Contrast: Strengths vs. Weaknesses…SWOT-Analysis:





5. (Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.64, V.14 & Chpt.80, V.33-36)

Describe your Relationships with your Family.

6. (“A Person is upon the Path of their Friend. So, beware concerning whom you befriend.”
[Abū-Dāwud, an-Nawawī])

a. Describe your Relationships with your Friends.

b. Discuss how influential you are amongst People.

c. Discuss how influential People are over you.

d. From Then to Now: Life-Review concerning what you’ve learned about yourself.

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2022, C.E.