Tag Archives: Suicidal

Fake-Wokeness via Suicide-Culture


This isn’t the 1st-Time that People committed Suicide, as an “Act-Of-Resistance”. However, when there’s Peoole whom co-sign Suicide via any Form: that’s a Serious-Problem. It’s especially problematic if when Fellow-Muslims co-sign Suicide. Suicide is a Kibār/Major-Sin via al-Islām. And, there’s never any Islāmic-Entitlement/Justification for anyone to commit Suicide. This is detailed vividly via at-Tanzīl/Revelation.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.195; Chpt.6, V.151; Chpt.17, V.32; Muslim; an-Nawawī; al-Kabā’ir/The Major-Sins, adh-Dhahabī)

Someone whom I personally know, Hassan Shibly, posted a Video of Aaron Bushnell Moments prior to them setting themselves ablaze…that’s what led to their Self-Demise. I was highly triggered & angered, that so many Persons via Hassan Shibly’s Page audaciously lauded the Self-Destructive Actions of Aaron Bushnell: it was utterly disgusting to say the least. I even commented on Hassan Shibly’s Post, addressing the Fact that Suicide is Islāmically-Prohibited & anyone encouraging the Actions of Aaron Bushnell are Irresponsible.

Moreover, there’s never anything via al-Islām which endorses Suicide as a “Solutiin” for any Issue/Problem. Realistically, ending one’s own Life will never erase any Sort of Issue/Problem…this isn’t “Opinion”: it’s Stone-Cold Fact. Literally, no one can intelligently detail any Crisis via Human-History which was ever solved via Suicide.

As someone who’s literally prevented Others from attempting/committing Suicide (via my Professional&Personal-Life): for anyone to “praise” someone for committing Suicide truly disgusts me entirely. There’s literally nothing via al-Islām which honors or praises anyone to commit any Manifestation of Self-Harm. So, for any Muslim to co-sign this…there’s something fundamentally wrong with them theologically.

Gareth Bryant