Tag Archives: Social Problems

50-Shades Of The Minhāj


This is a Recurring Social-Experiment, concerning the Intimate/Secret-Lives of Lowclass-Niggas disguising themselves as “Good-Brothers” and the Muslims struggled&challenged to help them improve. Albeit initially a Parody of Religio-Social Ills via Muslim-Demographics/Communities: it’s actually predicated upon Real-Challenges which’re unique to the Muslim-American Experience, particularly/especially amongst Muslim Afro/Latino-Peoples.


…Baby-Abīs…So-Called “Students-Of-Knowledge”…
…Just Came Home from Jail/Prison-Niggas…
…Fake-Woke Niggas

Now, I, as a Chaplain (Counselor/Therapist) & coupled with my own Personal Religio-Challenges: this Social-Experiment is actually very important to me, because it rings so true to the Plight of Muslims whom’re struggling with their own Challenges, Insecurities, Vices, Addictions, etc. And, ironically/sadly, there’s not enough Resources invested into Muslim-Communities to adamantly confront these Religio-Social Issues. What’s truly necessary though is for Muslim-Leaders to truly work together, galvanize Religio-Social Resources, most importantly actually care about the Aformentioned-Issues & do something substantial about it. Also, just as important: each/every Individual-Muslim must introspectively address their own Life-Challenges & allow themselves to acquire Healing.

Gareth Bryant