Tag Archives: Sexual Perversion

Fake-Wokeness covering-up Sexual-Abuse



The Fact that People are defending a Sexual-Predator/Abuser, for no Other-Reason than the “Gender-Preference/Identity” of the Sexual-Predator/Abuser tells you a lot. It shows how much the Homosexual-Agenda actually hates Women, more than anyone else who’s deemed, accused, etc. of manifesting Misogyny. We all know: had the Person accused of raping Scott Smith’s Child wasn’t a Male-Transformer (a Biological-Male imitating a Biological-Female), then this-Scenario definitely would’ve played-out differently.

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2022, C.E.

Sexual-Grooming Realities


I came across the Following-Video, about how someone admittedly bragged about sexually-grooming someone else:


Realities of Suicide: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0fbn0VabqW3oWwFgDqH5Ck


The Following-Video is literally Classic/Textbook-Tactics which Sexual-Abusers/Sexual-Predators do to Children. Everything which is detailed via This Video are Universal-Sifāt/Characteristics of the Mughtasib/Sexual-Abuser whom targets Children: Sexual-Predators whom target Children universally target as well Single-Women with Children & whose Children don’t have Positive/Healthy-Relationships with their Fathers. Sadly, the Assessment of This-Woman concluding that their Mother purposely setting-up their own Child is actually a lot more commonplace than Most-People think/feel. And, ironically, 98% of Persons whom I’ve counseled as per al-Ightisāb/Sexual-Abuse are those whom had Negative/Toxic-Relationships with their Fathers. There’s actually Certain-Women whom’re directly-complicit, via the Ightisāb of their Children, resulting from al-Ghall/Resentment against the Fathers of their Children. Anyone/everyone whom cares for Children must/should watch This-Film & learn from this.


Sexual-Grooming has such a Strong-Correlation with Sex-Crimes, that even Persons whom’re Proponents of al-Liwātiyyah/Homo-Culture have taken Certain-Stances against Grooming.

al-Ightisāb/Sexual-Abuse is a Serious Societal-Issue. It’s plagued Humanity for Ages. However, the Dimension of al-Waswās/Grooming is definitely the most Sinister-Manifestation of al-Ightisāb. Grooming occurs in Many-Ways, via Many-Spaces: Workplace-Settings, in Religious-Settings, School-Settings, Jail/Prison-Settings, etc. There’s many Blatant-Indicators that Grooming takes Places. They can either be subtle or direct…covert or overt. They all are used via Groomers to acquire the Same-Results: to place their Targets in Compromising-Circumstances, where they either can’t resist/fight-back these Sexual-Predators, or where they feel guilty because they allowed themselves to foolishly fall for the Traps set by Sexual-Predators.

Here’s Several-Examples of what Grooming looks like via Various-Settings:

It’s a Known-Fact, that the Vast-Majority of Sexual-Predators/Abusers are Porn-Addicts. There’s very Strong-Correlation between Sexual-Predatism & Porn-Addiction.

In the Modern-World, one of the Easiest-Ways to groom anyone is via Social-Media. That’s simply because so many Persons are Consumers of Social-Media and/or are addicted to Social-Media. This really goes for any Addiction for That-Matter. One Universal-Characteristic/Quality is which is Universal amongst Sexual-Predators/Groomers is that they almost exclusively target the Same-Kinds/Types of People:

1. Persons whom have 0-Relationships or Negative-Relationships with their Bio-Fathers and/or 0 Positive Male Role-Models.

2. Persons whom hail from Broken-Homes (very similar to Point-A).

3. Persons whom have Low Self-Esteem.

4. Persons whom’re easily impressed, easily intimidated, easily influenced/manipulated, etc.

5. Persons yearning for Comradery, Belonging, Fraternity, Family, etc. (very similar to both Point-A & Point-B).

6. Persons whom’re Loners: those known to not have Lots of Friends, Loved-Ones, etc. if any…those whom’re known to be Introverted and/or Anti-Social, Self-Insular, Self-Isolated, Self-Alienated, etc.

7. Those whom’re suffering with by Developmental-Challenges, Physical-Abnormalities, Severe-Illnesses, etc. & those whom’re generally Anotomically-Weaker (Children, the Elderly, etc.).

The Typical-Mindset of a Sexual-Groomer is universal amongst Sexual-Predators, although they manifest Dimensions of Grooming differently depending exclusively upon their Target-Demographics:

In All-Truthfulness/Honesty…watching Videos such as these, albeit necessary as per my Profession as a Chaplain (to be understand Human-Behavior) definitively pains&&disgusts me. These-Types/Kinds of Persons anger me greatly as a Human whom always attempts to be a Moral/Principled-Person. Also, I’ve literally worked on Sex-Crime Cases via my Prison-Chaplaincy Experience. These-Types/Kinds of Cases are the Most-Difficult Cases which I’ve ever dealt with…Hands-Down. To actually have to sit with my Clients who’ve committed Sex-Crimes, of Various-Degrees, and for them to admit/detail their Crimes: it’s honestly nearly unbearable. It truly requires much Maturity, Forbearance, Tolerance, Patience, etc. to even be in the Same-Room as Persons like them. It’s in no Way any “Easy-Task”. However, someone’s gotta do it & Allah (via Their Wisdom) has decided that I’m amongst those whom’re called to commit to This-Work.

Keep in Mind: this is only referring to 1-City. So, just imagine the Rest of the United States.



Moreover, there absolutely must be More-Resources provided to Communities to combat Sexual-Grooming. There needs to be Religio-Spiritual & Psycho-Emotional Resources, Law-Enforcement Resources, Self-Defence Resources, etc.: all of These-Resources are of Equal-Importance. One such Resource, which I constantly/consistently do Work with is an Entity known as Buddy Speaks. They do Excellent-Work, regarding Lectures, Presentations, Seminars, Workshops, Trainings, etc. This-Organization focuses exclusively upon Sexual-Abuse Awareness, Sexual-Abuse Prevention, Sexual-Abuse Survival, Victim/Survivor Support, Family-Support for Loved-Ones of Victims/Survivors of Sexual-Abuse, etc. You name it…they do it. We’re all equally responsible, in front of Allah, to protect ourselves as well as each other from al-Ightisāb.

For More-Info. regarding Sex-Crimes:


For More-Info. regarding Buddy Speaks:


Gareth Bryant