Tag Archives: Reminder

The Dangerous-Consequences of the Vape-Craze


Allah states: “And don’t be led to destruction, via your own Hands.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.195)

An Entire-Family & Community are rocked as well as broken, resulting from a Tragedy which could’ve and should’ve been avoided. This-Scenario is the Direct-Result of at-Takāthur/Greed. This is precisely how/why I’ve 0-Trust for anyone whom loves Money: for the Rite-Price they’ll do anything/hurt anyone for it. A Man lost their Spouse (whom was pregnant at the Time) & their 2-Children, all because they wanted to profit monetarily off of an Addictive-Trend. Now, their Family is gone & they’ve literally no one to blame/fault, except themselves.

Literally, because of the Shamelessness & Carelessness of This-Person: their Spouse & Children have perished at their Hands. And, they must sit with That-Reality asong as they live. Realistically, it would’ve been easy for Allah to have caused the Wife&Children of This-Person to have survived the Ordeal and/or taken the Life of those responsible for the Scenario. But, Allah is the Best-Of-Planners. Allah has chosen This-Scenario to be imposed upon the Person responsible, as an `Ibrah/Lesson. And, in turn, let this be an `Ibrah for ourselves. Realistically, we’ve 0-Idea how detrimental our Individual-Behavior can negatively affects Others: our Loved-Ones, Relatives, Families, etc.

The Question must be introspectively asked via the Person responsible for all of this: “Was it really worth it?!!!”

Gareth Bryant

ar-Rifq/Compassion via at-Tadabbur/Introspection


This is how/why I look like somebody’s Mummified Baby-Abī/Daddy:

For sometime now my Left-Ear just kept feeling Red&Raw…I initially thought it was simply Insect-Bites, like a Mosquito catchin me slippin. But, then, my Ear began to swell-up. My Ear was looking like a Dajjāl/Anti-Christ Eye…Shit was Crazy. So, upon that, I was like: I gots to get This-Shit checked-out. All the while though I learned something significant about myself. This Ear-Swelling of mine actually made me feel “Ugly”…I literally felt “Deformed”. It had a Serious-Affect on my Psyche. And, moreover, it reminded me how People from All-Walks of Life…there’s Persons whom deal with
All-Kinds/Types of Deformities, which can’t just be resolved via an Emergency/Urgent-Care Visit. It compelled me to at least get some Type/Kind of Glimpse/Lens into what Other-People (with Conditions astronomically more severe than I can ever imagine) go through on a Daily via their Individual-Challenges/Struggles. This in Totality was a Valuable-`Ibrah/Lesson which Allah chose to impose upon me. Plus, as Muhammad (Peace be upon them) mentioned that any/all Suffering which any Muslim is challenged/tested by Allah with: it serves as a Mechanism to remove Untold-Amounts of Sins from one’s
Hisāb/Record…as Allah states: “It’s They whom created both Death&Life, challenging which of you do best.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.67, V.2; an-Nawawī)

Gareth Bryant 1443, A.H./2022, C.E.