Tag Archives: Pronouns

How to Islāmically-Navigate “Pronounism”


You ever had anyone ask you “What’re your ‘Pronouns’?”…yeah: that annoys the Hell outta me too. This Type/Kind of Question is now Commonplace anywhere/everywhere. Social-Gatherings, Job-Applications, Employment-Interviews, Social-Media Platforms, etc. you name it. It’s quite honestly a Microcosmic-Dimension of the Greater Pro-Homo Agenda which pontificates/promotes al-Liwāt/Homosexuality…as Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Verily, the Character/Behavior of the People-Of-Lot is what I fear for my Nation mostly.”.
(al-Kabā’ir/The Major-Sins, adh-Dhahabī)


It’s so commonplace, that if you don’t “recognize” someone’s “Pronouns” you can be Secularly-Legally Penalized, Professionally-Terminated, etc. In fact, in the United States: there was a Wake Forest Medical-Student, by the Name of Keychelle Del Rosario, whom completely did something Criminal to a Healthcare-Patient because of this Pronoun-Nonsense:


So, for the Muslim…operating as Muslim-1st: how do we address this “Pronouns-Issue” Islāmically? We must know precisely how Pronouns are used via at-Tanzīl, and then also we must investigate whether or not and/or how do English-Pronouns intersect with Arabic-Pronouns (since Arabic is the Religio-Language of al-Islām). The Linguistic-Intersectionality between Arabic-Pronouns & English-Pronouns is very important. It’s especially significant as per how at-Tanzīl/Revelation is understood, regarding Gendercentric-Classifications. This is particular to the Ways which Allah is self-described via at-Tanzīl, within The Qur’ān Word4Word & how Allah describes Various-Creations (like Human-Beings for example). So, I plan on giving a very Simple-Tutorial concerning Arabic-English Linguistic-Intersectionality, regarding how Allah self-uses Pronouns. Now, via the Modern-World where People are given the Green-Light to identify by any Pronouns they choose, coupled with Persons (both Muslims & Non-Muslims) attempting to classify Allah via Gendercentric-Pronouns. It’s important that this be understood accurately/honestly via an Islāmic-Lens.

In fact, for a Long-Time, ever since I’ve been a Muslim: I’ve literally heard these Religio-Theological Debates/Arguments, regarding how/why Allah self-describes by using “We”, “Us”, “Our/Ours”, etc. and/or self-describing as “He”, “Him”, “Himself”, etc. as opposed to “She”, “Her”, “Herself”, etc. These-Debates/Arguments (chiefly spewed by Islāmophobes) don’t always necessarily come from a Space/Place of Sincere-Inquiry. Rather, they actually hail from attempting to attack the Integrity of Islāmic-Theology, via pontificating/claiming that because Allah self-describes with the Usage of: Masculine/Plural-Pronouns, and both 1st&3rd-Person Pronouns, etc. that Allah isn’t how at-Tanzīl (via The Qur’ān & the Sunnah/PropheticTradition) really details. They attempt to accuse al-Islām of comparing Allah to al-Makhlūq/Creation, simply because Allah chooses to self-describe with the Usage of Pronouns via at-Tanzīl.

Lesson-1…What is a Pronoun via English?

Words used instead of Noun or Noun-Phrases. Pronouns refer to either Nouns/Noun-Phrases aforementioned, or to Noun/Noun-Phrases not needed to be named directly/overtly.

Lesson-2…The Pronoun-Categories are as Follows:

1st-Person Singular (I, Me)…أنا

1st-Person Plural (We, Us)…نحن

2nd-Person Singular (You)…أنتَ/أنتِ

2nd-Person Plural (You all/Y’all)…أنتم/أنتنَّ

3rd-Person Singular (He/Him, She/Her It)…هو/هي

3rd-Person Plural (They, Them, it)…هم/هنَّ

Lesson-3…How do English-Pronouns intersect with Arabic-Pronouns?

Good-Question…Answer: It exclusively pertains relatively to whom/what is being referred to. For the Sake-Of-Conversion, we’re going to primarily refer to Allah: Creator/Lord of the Universe, via Process-Of-Elimination (Courtesy of Noble-Qur’ān, at-Tabarī, as-Suyūtī, Lisān-ul-`Arab/Tongue of the Arab: Lexicon of the Arabic-Language [ibn-Manzhūr], Kitāb I`rāb-ul-Qur’ān/Book of Qur’ānic-Linguistics [ad-Da`ās])

1st-Person Singular…Allah uses “I” & “Me” to self-describe…”أنا”

1st-Person Plural…Allah uses “We” & “Us” to self-describe…”نحن”

2nd-Person Singular…Allah uses “You” to self-describe…”أنتَ”

2nd-Person Plural…Allah does not use “You all/Y’all” to self-describe.

3rd-Person Singular…Allah neither uses “Her/She”, nor “It” to self-describe. Allah uses only “He”, “Him”, “Himself”, etc. to self-describe…”هو”

3rd-Person Plural…Allah doesn’t use “It” to self-describe. Allah uses “They”, Them”, etc. to self-describe…”هو”

Now, I know what you’re thinking…”Wait a Minute: how is it that Allah uses both the 3rd-Person Singular & Plural?!!!”. Agreed: this is rather complex/complicated. The Pronouns “They”, “Them”, etc. can be either Singular or Plural, depending upon Context. But, because of this: if/when we’re referring to Allah (knowing that Allah is only Singular via Their Divine-Nature), “They”/”Them” could/would only be paralleled with “هو” as opposed to “هم”, in spite of “هم” being the 3rd-Person Plural of “هو” via Regular-Language in Arabic. At the same-Time, being as though Allah uses al-Lughah/Language however They want: Regular linguistic-Rules could/would never apply to Allah anyway. And, these Particular-Pronouns (much like “I”, “Me”, “We”, “Us”, etc.) are Gender-Neutral. This is especially important to keep in Mind, because, Allah via their very Fitrah/Nature is Genderless. And, via the Arabic-Language: anyone/anything that exists as Genderless are exclusively described via Masculine/Gender-Neutral Pronouns. This is how/why Allah will never be described as “She”, “Her”, etc. This is also how/why the Angels (Peace be upon them altogether) are never described as “She”, Her”, etc. because Angels are Genderless.

Now, in spite of the Fact that Allah is Genderless, Humanity is Gendercentric. And, there’s no Way that the Arabic-Language (a Language which is way older than English for the Record) gives Credence for Men & Women to self-identify with Pronouns which don’t correlate with their Birth-Genders.

For example:

a. No one who’s Biologically-Male can ever refer to themselves as
“أنتِ (Feminine-You)”، “هي (She/Her)”،  “أنتنَّ  (Feminine-Y’all)”، “هنَّ (Feminine-Them)”

b. No one who’s Biologically-Female can ever refer to themselves as
“أنتَ (Masculine-You)”، “هو (He/Him)”، “أنتم (Masculine-Y’all)”، “هم (Masculine-Them)”


So, here’s obviously where the Conflict-Of-Interests come into play. For the Muslim, whom operates as Muslim-1st: there’s an Uphill-Challenge as per this Wave-Trend of “Pronouning” & subsequently there Immense-Pressure for Muslims to conform to “Pronouning”. I’ve literally seen it…I’ve actually seen Muslims self-identify as “Pronouns”, as a Way to be Fake-Woke & to fit-in with these Modern-Times. It’s literally done, as a Result of Cowardice, fear of being different & fear of not conforming to Pop-Culture. Actually, it’s an Addiction to want to pathologically fit-in. This is precisely how/why Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Don’t be an Imma`ah (Trend-Follower, Groupie, Dick-Rider, etc.). The Linguistic-Definition of “Imma`ah” is “One whom repeats, does, anything/whatever they see.”. Basically, an Imma`ah is addicted to the “Monkey-See-Monkey-Do” Syndrome. There’s Lots of Pressure both by Muslims&Non-Muslims (whom pontificate/promote Pro-Homo Agendas) to impose upon Muslims to conform to/comply with “Pronounism”. This is being marketed in a Clandestine-Way, to make Muslims more accepting of al-Liwāt.


Gareth Bryant 1443, A.H./2022, C.E.