Tag Archives: Natural Environment



The Fagradalsfjall-Volcano, Iceland

“Verily, for the Intelligent: there’s Signs via the the Creation of the Heavens&Earth as well as the Separation of Nite&Day.”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.3, V.190)

Observing the Natural-Environment of the Arabian-Peninsula: it’s easy to see how/why when Allah mentions Specific-Things (via at-Tanzīl/Revelation) that they struck the Minds&Hearts of the Companions of Muhammad so sussinctly. Watching Videos like this…it makes Sense how/why Allah is so descriptive when it comes to detailing an-Nār/the Fire. Whenever I see Videos about Volcanoes&Lava-Lakes: I’m immediately finding myself imagining what the Torture of the Nār of al-Ākhirah/the Hereafter must be. As well, it motivates me to continuously seek Protection with Allah from Jahannam/Hell.

It’s literally as though Allah purposely placed Volcanoes&Lava-Lakes in the Arabian-Peninsula, so that when Muhammad ibn-`Abdillah (Peace be upon them) received at-Tanzīl: they had a Real-Life/Real-Time Simulation, of what to teach their Companions (May Allah be pleased with them altogether), of what People can/should expect to be their Infinite-Abode if they use their Mashī’ah/Freewill to adhere to anything other than al-Islām. For anyone to dwell in any Environment containing Active Volcanoes/Lava-Lakes, to then be exposed to Revelation describing Hell which Volcanoes&Lava-Lakes existing in Ways whichvavtually mimic the Descriptions-Of-Hell: this captivated the Minds&Hearts of the Companions. This gave the Companions a Small-Window into how dreadful Life in Hell could possibly be.

This is actually how/why Allah revealed how Former-Peoples punished/destroyed via the Natural-Environment, Diseases, etc. because those’re Things which we constantly observe somehow/someway at all Times. Thunder, Winds, Rain, Volcanic-Eruptions, Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Mudslides, etc.: these’re Occurances which manifest themselves constantly/consistently all across Earth. It’s impossible to avoid the Holistic-Observance of the aforementioned. (Sadly) because Today’s-Muslim is so/too far-removed from when The Qur’ān was revealed: we’re incapable/unwilling to even attempt to see Descriptions of the Natural-Environment via The Qur’an as Connections between the Natural-World & the Hereafter.

Gareth Bryant

“Oh, Just Honey”: Honey-Based Business which aims to share their Sweetness of Success



Allah directly details, how They empowered the Bee to dwell within Various-Environments upon Earth. And, explains that the Purpose/Contribution of the Bee via the Natural-World is crucial/vital to the Survival of Countless-Plantlife on Earth.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.16, V.68&69)

One Particular-Entity, spearheaded by Seanece Cunningham, has proven to be an Invaluable-Resource as per their Profession as a Beekeeper & Honey-Harvester. This is coupled with the Fact that they’ve their own Business: selling Honey & Honey-Based Products. I’ve decided to interview them, that they give the Public a Glimpse into the World of Bee-Conservation, via Beekeeping, which most of us would never normally actually appreciate or even take notice of.

GB: What’s your Business about?

SC: Oh, Just Honey, an inner-city apiary located in Baltimore City, MD, offers raw honey & various products made with materials found within the beehive and other wholesome natural ingredients.

GB: What’s the Significance of Beekeeping?

SC: Although the honeybees’ ability far exceeds ours in managing their care. Beekeepers enter into a partnership with the tiny insect to benefit themselves and others by creating a system that extracts the bees’ created material; like its honey, pollen, propolis, and royal jelly.

GB: Are there Different-Types/Kinds of Honey and/or which Types/Kinds of Honey are best?

SC: Different types of honey dawn their name of the source of their nectar; a few examples are Clover, Manuka, Acacia, Buckwheat, and Orange Blossom. All honey has beneficial properties; however, some are said to be more potent than others like Manuka honey found only in New Zealand and collected from the protected Manuka tree. It contains over 2,300 natural compounds and is known as a powerful medicinal.

GB: Are Bees the Only Insects that produce Honey?

SC: Surprisingly no, bees aren’t the only insects that produce honey. Known as the honey ants or honey pots. They fill their abdomen with nectar and sap leaks on plant stems producing a delicious syrup called honeydew. Species like the Mexican honey wasps also, store excess nectar in their nests. Although these other creatures are in no way near as proficient and capable in production as the glorious honeybee. Only the honeybee yields enough honey for human consumption. By foraging nectar from various plants, flowers, etc. Honeybees will collect/store nectar and then place honey into cells made of wax secreting from glands on the undersides of their abdomen. Workers will then use their wings to fan, causing evaporation in the water levels of the nectar lower between 16%- 18% resulting in the thick sweet delicious substance of honey.

GB: What Environmental-Factors determine Beehive-Survival and/or Honey-Production?

SC: Working with honeybees for four years and observing several factors both internal and external having an impact on hives. The worker visit over 2000 flowers each day. Sadly, many crops’ are treated with deadly pesticides thus killing this beneficial pollinator. Also, changes in normal patterns of weather greatly affect the bee colonies. Longer harsher winters can kill entire hives and drought causes shortages in vegetation which they use to make food. Unfortunately, beekeepers are the top contributors to the creatures’ demise as well as pests and predators.

GB: Are there Other-Things (other than Honey) that Bees produce for Dietary-Consumption?

SC: The honeybee is the only insect that produces 3-Foods which humans consume: a. Honey, b. Bee Pollen, Royal Jelly.

GB: What’s the Purpose/Usage of Bee-Pollen, Royal-Jelly?

SC: According to the website Healthyy, bee pollen is 20% protein, 70% carbohydrate, 10% fiber, and fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. Pollen is known to possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties; treat cancer, infections, anemia, oral cavities, and atherosclerosis, and promote immunity and liver health. Its beneficial effects are due to its high nutrient content, enzymes, and compounds like tocopherols (vitamin E), flavonoids, and linolen.(Healthyy.net) Royal jelly, a white gelatinous substance is made to feed the eggs for the first three days and queens exclusively during development. It is said to aid in the anti-aging in and outside of the body. Many luxury brands use traces of royal jelly in facial creams. Royal jelly is said to boost fertility in men, heal wounds, treat osteoporosis, treat symptoms of menopause, and have various other health benefits.

GB: What’re the Risks/Dangers of Beekeeping?

SC: Beekeeping is rewarding and is needed for us to enjoy all the bee’s hard work. However, a lack of knowledge of any trade is harmful and poses risks. As More and more people are discovering beekeeping as a new hobby, most don’t understand its challenges. From personal experience, honeybee colonies expand rapidly in Spring and Summer, quickly outgrowing hives and small spaces. If not managed appropriately swarming occurs in which thousands of bees leave to find a new home. This natural phenomenon causes panic putting scared people at risk of harm. There’s call for laborist work like lifting heavy super boxes to check hives regularly. The extraction of honey, pollen, propolis, and royal jelly can quickly become overwhelming.

“Oh, Just Honey” has a Website/Online-Store for their Honey-Based Products, a Beekeeping-Channel on YouTube, and a Beekeeping-Podcast on Spotify:




For More-Info. concerning the Islāmic-Significance of Honey:


Gareth Bryant 1444, C.E./2022, C.E.

Fake-Wokeness & the Idiocy of the Muslim Flat-Earther


“Verily, for the Intelligent: there’s Signs via the Creation of the Heavens&Earth as well as the Separation of Nite&Day.”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.3, V.190)

Does the Qur’an say the earth is flat? Islamic scholarship & the multiplicity of readings approach

I was sent Several-Things by a Fellow-Muslim, whom I actually respect&love, concerning this “Flat-Earth Theory” Nonsense. I’ve heard just about every Flat-Earth Argument which actually exists. But, when I’ve witnessed Fellow-Muslims actually believe in this Goofy-Shit: I’m actually hurt by this. Forget the Fact that there’s no Revelatory-Texts (not even prior to the Revelation of The Qur’ān) which state that any Planet is “Flat”. Just merely the Audacity that there’s Muslims whom adamantly advocate for “Flat-Earth Theory” is truly disturbing: I honest look at them with the Same Side-Eye as Muslims whom claim that they’re “Qur’ān-Only”, or that those whom buy into the Darwinian-Pontification/Claim that Humans “evolved” from Primates.

These’re actually the Info. which was sent to me, which I’ll comment on each of them individually:

Tanwīr is literally one of the Most-Unreliable Tafāsīr (Qur’ānic-Commentaries), for the Record. And, the Fact that they’ve even chosen to cite/quote that Particular-Tafsīr (Qur’ānic-Commentary) is truly insulting. And, ironically, Tanwīr isn’t even a Tafsīr which `Abdullah ibn-`Abbās (May Allah be pleased with them) ever personally authored. It’s merely a Tafsīr dishonestly attributed to them. In fact, ironically, classically, Tanwīr has been scholastically-dubbed as a “Body/Collection-Of-Lies”.

In no Way does this prove that the Earth is “Flat”. None of the Classic-Mufassirīn (Tafsīr/Commentary-Experts) were Secular-Scientists & none of them traveled external of the Middle-East/Mediterranean-World.

Here’s some Fun-Facts about ibn-Bāz:

a. They were Blind ever since they were a Teenager.

b. They never received any Formal/Official Secular-Education (which obviously would include: Geology, Astronomy, Physics, etc.).

c. They never dwelled externally of the Arabian-Peninsula.

Of course ibn-Bāz would pontificate/claim that the Earth is “Flat”…any Blind-Person would, because they can’t see Shit.

But, of course, since ibn-Bāz said the Earth is “Flat”: these Muslim Fake-Wokers keep dick-riding a Fatwā from the 1990’s, C.E. which has been proven wrong even prior to the Birth of ibn-Bāz. This is actually the Jahālah/Stupidity which exists via the Muslim-World today. Muslims went from being the Global Trend-Setters of S.T.E.A.M. (S.cience T.echnology E.ngineering A.rtistry M.athematics), Wellness, Mental-Health, Psychology, Literature, etc. via the Dark/Middle-Ages to being “Flat-Earthers”. Make that Goofy-Shit make Sense. Muslims being “Flat-Earthers”, because a Blind-Person whom never saw a Map or Globe said & alluded to that this is what Muslims must/should believe, without any Revelatory/Scientific-Evidence, literally defies Basic-Intelligence.

This is precisely how/why Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Don’t be an Imma`ah/Dick-Rider.”.

Ironically, the Only-Time which the Earth is mentioned Word4Word as being flat/flattened is referring to Yawm-il-Qiyāmah/the Day-Of-Standing, when Allah states that the Earth will be made as a Flat-Plane. This clearly indicates that the Earth had never been That-Way prior to Yawm-il-Qiyāmah.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.14, V.48; al-Bukhārī; Muslim; al-Bayhaqī; Ahmad; at-Tabarī; as-Suyūtī)

The Fact that I even had to write this is personally annoying. It’s truly painful, that there’s Muslims (especially Muslims whom I personally know) whom actually believe in “Flat-Earth Theory”. But, as I always tell People: Apathy is worse than Ignorance.

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2022, C.E.