Tag Archives: Muslim Gangster

The Niggadelphia-Effect


Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated:

“Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way).”



This-Article is mainly socio-culturally inspired by “The Miseducation Of The Negro” (Carter G. Woodson) & “The Philadelphia Negro” (W.E.B. DuBois).

The Relevance/Importance of Sociology

Mu`ādh ibn-Jabal (May Allah be pleased with them) stated:

“Always accept Truth, even if it comes via a Kāfir (Disbeliever/Non-Muslim) or a Fāsiq (Sinful-Muslim).”


This is how/why there’s an Islāmic-Principle that exists which states:

“Truth is Truth, regardless of whom/where it comes from.”

The Sabab/Reason how/why I’m so fond of the Socio-Secular Works like “Miseducation Of The Negro” & “The Philadelphia Negro” is because the Maslahah/Purpose of those 2-Works is to learn/understand Niggas. Muslim & Non-Muslim Afro/Latino-Peoples (Yeah…Spics is Niggas en Espanol) have a History via the Western-Hemisphere unlike any Human-Demographic. Their jointly-connected/intersected American-Experience is 💯%-Inseparable. Now, specifying Muslim Afro-Latino-Americans…instead of utlizing al-Islām as the Ultimate-Tool to correct the Human-Hāl/Condition: Muslim Afro/Latinos only use al-Islām as an `Udhr/Excuse to switch Slave-Masters. Muslim Afro/Latino-Peoples are largely/mainly (from a Religio-Social Paradigm) just NWA (Niggers with `Aqīdah/Islāmic-Theology). In spite of “The Miseducation Of The Negro” & “The Philadelphia Negro” being penned/authored during the 1st-1/2 of the 20th-Century, C.E.-Literally everything which Carter G. Woodson & W.E.B. DuBois put on Paper is not only truthful/honest…it still occurs today after all these Years.

My Heart breaks because of the Idiocy of the Muslim Afro-American

Exploring Niggadelphia


Philadelphia (AKA Baghdād, Pennsylvania): the so-called “City of Brotherly-Love”…as per Philly’s Consistent-History of Violence: one must wonder what “Love” could anyone possibly be talking about. Philly has always been a Town Deep-Tissue Scarred via Unjust/Senseless-Violence & Debaucherous-Criminality. From the Euro-Mobs (Irish, Italian, Sicillian, Polish, etc.), to the Afro-American Mobs (The NOI, Philly Black Mafia, Junior Black Mafia, Black Gorilla Family, etc.), to Muslims using Ahzāb/Religio-Sects (Salafīs, Atharīs, Ash`arīs, Sūfīs, Shī`īs, Hanbalīs, Mālikīs, Shāfi`īs, etc.), to Muslims even using Masājid/Mosques as their Religio-Sectarian Enclaves/Bases, etc. This Trend of Destruction seems to take 0-Prisoners, when it comes to whom’re oppressed by these Types/Kinds of Goofy-Shit.

The Shameless-Trend amongst Muslims known as “Janāzah-Boycotting”

Albeit I’ve never lived in Philadelphia (I’ve only been a Philly-Visitor)…I’ve most definitely had to directly confront/address the Oppressive-Onslaught of Muslim-Criminal Culture via Philly. For example, when I was Salafī (from 1421-1428, A.H./2000-2007, C.E.): that 7-Year Duration was literally the closest I ever got to being a Gang-Member. And, via the United States: Salafīs nationwide have always gotten an Anbundance of their Hizbī/Sectarian-Cues from Philadelphia…this 💯%-Fact/0%-Fiction.

The Hujjah/Indictment against the Salafī-Mafia

Ghībah/Gossip-Gangs & Hizbī/Sectarian-Wars

The Victims/Casualties of the “Muslim-Gangster”

The Reality of Muslim-Criminality

The Mentality of the True-Muslim towards a Fellow-Muslim

Examining al-Kharajiyyah/Religio-Extremism via Mafia/Gang-Culture amongst Muslims historically & contemporaneously

What attracts People to Muslim-Gangster Culture?!!!

1. Lack of Islāmic-Guidance

2. Lack of Fatherhood/Male-Parenthood

3. Lack of Self-Esteem

4. Lack of Individuality


“Jail/Prison-Love” is an Illusion

The Longevity of this Type/Kind of Sucka-Shit

For Years…Philly as been the Epicenter for Seismic/Earthshattering Hizbī-Wars. And, very much like Real-Zalzāl/Earthquakes: Other-Regions of Muslim-America have been severely affected via the Hizbī/Sectarian-Conflicts which’ve catapulted/exported the “Muslim-Gangster” Mythos from Philadelphia to: NYC, Atlantic City, Newark, Seattle, Bmore, D.C., Boston, Chicago, LA, Detroit, ATL, Cleveland, etc. basically anywhere there’s Lots of Muslim-Niggas. And, albeit Salafism has been blamed/faulted largely & almost exclusively for this: No…this absolutely cannot & must not be attributed to the Salafīs only. Every Hizb/Religio-Sect which Muslim Afro/Latino-Americans Dick-Ride have Equal-Share (as per causing Muslim-On-Muslim Violence, Muslim-Street/Gang Culture, etc.).

Sectarian Patriot-Games amongst Muslims of the Western-World

How/why is this even a Reality?!!!

Allah states:

“And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”

(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8)

Realistically, if I don’t/refuse to regard any Fellow-Muslim as my Religio-Spiritual Equal: it’s easy to subject them to Theft, Rape, Murder, etc. witgout having any Type/Kind of an-Nadam (Remorse/Regret). Takfīr/Blasphemy-Culture & Tahzīb/Heresy-Culture amongst Muslims causes this directly as well as particularly (albeit to be just/fair not exclusively). Takfīr/Tahzīb-Culture are Terriying-Realities. This is predicated via Refutation-Culture amongst Muslims. This “You’re off da Minhāj”…”You don’t have Correct-`Aqīdah”, etc.: these Damning/Damaging-Accusations against Fellow-Muslims are literally like issuing Religio-Contracts out on Others. I’ve literally been “refuted” via Various-Ahzāb. These-Types/Kinds of “Refutations” against Fellow-Muslims have literally caused Countless-Muslims to:

a. Lose Life&Limb

b. Lose Spouses, Children, Parents, Siblings, Community, etc.

c. Lose Reputation and/or Communal-Standing

d. Lose Friendships, Incomes, Social-Advancements, etc.

Refutation&Boycotting Culture amongst Muslims

The Evil&Destructive-Nature of Takfīr-Culture

How can we combat this…is there even Hope?!!!



I don’t have the “Answers”. But, I’m not willing to just sit on the Sidelines & be “OK” with People committing themselves to at-Tahlukah/Self-Destruction either. It’s just as Allah states:

“Have you seen those whom take their Desires as their God? Are you then their Enabler?”

(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.25, V.43)

We must stop giving into this ridiculous Covering-Up for those whom we know commit Crimes in the Name of the Muslims. The Muslim is never supposed to be “OK” with Fellow-Muslims being immersed in al-Jarīmah/Criminality. The Muslim is never supposed to harbor the Mujrim/Criminal (regardless of whether they’re Muslim, or Relative, or Partner-In-Crime, etc. Allah literally address this: to stand for Justice/against Oppression…even if it’s to punish ourselves, our Relatives, Friends, the Affluent, the Impoverished, the Weak, the Powerful, etc.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.4, V.135)

We must, as Muslims, cease co-signing the “Muslim-Gangster” Mythos, because, it’s al-Jahālah/Sucka-Shit. And, just like the Ole-Saying goes: “If you co-sign Sucka-Shit you’re a Sucka too.”.

Gareth Bryant