Tag Archives: Misinformation



Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way.”.
(ibn-Hibbān, al-Bayhaqī)

Every once in awhile, I come across very Idiotic/Moronic-Arguments thus posed via Islāmophobes. They’ll say This&That about/against al-Islām…Regular Bullshit-Kalām/Rhetoric. However, the following below is a bit unique in that it’s pontificating/claiming that al-Islām must be “False”, because it doesn’t bend to Human-Intellectualism.

Here’s the Bullshit-Argument:

Here lies my Response to their Islāmophobic-Bullshit:

Islāmophobes literally don’t care how pathologically-ignorant they really are, regarding al-Islām. They’ll miscite/misquote anything, misinterpret anything, take anything out of context, mistranslate anything, etc. simply to attempt “proving” their Lame-Ass Islāmophobic-Arguments. The Irony is that they always end-up Dead-Ass-Wrong anyway. So, whenever they’re proven wrong-Literally, something should go tbrough their Minds that their Kalām doesn’t work.

Some-Examples of what I mean:

Judeo-Christian Islāmophobia via at-Tahrīf (Religio-Textual Distortion)

al-`asabiyyah/Xenophobia: Anti-Blackness via at-Tahrīf (Textual-Distortion, Mistranslation, etc.)

I actually came accross a Social-Media Post, via someone I know…they made an Excellent-Point regarding Islāmophobic-Rhetoric. Several Awesome-Points were detailed as per the Hypicritical-Nature of Islāmophobia itself.

Courtesy of `Alī Camarata

Will a baby who is killed be in Hell?

Recently a Christian posted a misleading translation a hadith that said a baby buried alive will be in the Hellfire. The surprising part of this was multiple Christians who jumped on the post exclaiming how horrible Islam is, how evil Muhammad ﷺ is, and how could anyone believe in such a religion. Firstly, the actual hadith is “The woman who buries her baby girl alive and the maw’udah are both in Hellfire.” — The meaning of ‘the burier’ is the midwife and the maw’udah is the one for whom she was buried, which is the child’s mother. (Tuhfat al-Abrar 1/110) — When the pre-Islamic Arabs buried their baby girls alive, the mother would not do it herself but rather would have the midwife do it for her. Hence, the maw’udah in this tradition means maw’udaha la ha, the one for whom the baby girl was buried. This surprised me because Christianity believes that babies are not born pure due to original sin and must be purified by baptism. Thus an unbaptized baby who dies goes to purgatory and Hell. So while they thought they were having a dig at Islam, they were criticizing the teachings of Paul which form the foundations of Christianity. Rather the Truth is that God and all prophets teach opposite to this. Babies are born pure and unable to sin until maturity when a human knows right from wrong and thus can earn sins. The Quran makes this clear when discussing a baby who is killed saying they will question their killers in the afterlife with “for what was I killed” but are innocent themselves. The branch or splintering is where Paul changed the religion after Jesus and that branch was canonized under Rome in the 4-5th centuries just before God sent the final prophet to renew and correct against those errors. God has taught through all prophets that humans are born innocent and earn their own sins. Pauline theology differed with babies holding burden of original sin.

But, of course, what the Islāmophobe relies ultimately upon is the Ignorance of the Muslim. This is literally one of the Asbāb/Reasons how/why Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Pursuing Knowledge is a Farīdhah/Islāmic-Mandate, upon every Muslim.”. Knowledge is a Sutrah/Protection from adh-Dhalālah/Misguidance. Knowledge, particularly/especially Islāmic-Knowledge, is an Personal-Responsibility. Sadly, this isn’t a Responsibility which is taken as seriously as it must/should be via Muslim-Masses. Unfortunately, there’s so many Muslims who’ve adopted Complacency-Addiction: they’re comfortable with being Islāmically-Ignorant. A Muslim without Knowledge is like a Sheep without a Shepherd. And, the Waswās/Deception of ash-Shaytān/Satan is like the Wolf, which preys upon the Ignorant-Sheep.

This automatically proves the Following-Fact: Critics of al-Islām aren’t “Truth-Seekers”…the exclusively find & make Unjustified-A`dhār/Excuses, to reject al-Hudā/al-Hidāyah (Guidance).

Gareth Bryant

Islāmophobia via “Ex-Muslim” Culture


“So, Whomever wills then let them believe & whomever wills then let them disbelieve.”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.18, V.29)

Even prior to the Revelation of The Qur’ān, there’ve been Countless-Beings who’ve defected from al-Islām via ar-Riddah/Apostasy: ash-Shaytān/Satan, the People-Of-Noah, The People-Of-`Ād, the People-Of-Thamūd, the People-Of-Midyān, the People-Of-Iram, the Children-Of-Israel, etc. And, even till the Present-Day: there’s still Countless-Beings whom trade al-Hudā/al-Hidāyah (Guidance), in exchange for adh-Dhalālah (Misguidance). All across the Earth, there’s Persons whom pontificate/promote themselves as being “Ex-Muslims” as if it’s a Kind/Type of Celebrity-Status.

For every single Person whom slanders al-Islām, rejects al-Islām, mocks al-Islām, leaves al-Islām, etc. there’ll be an Equal-Number of Persons whom accept al-Islām. Allah affirms/confirms This-Fact Word4Word, via at-Tanzīl/Revelation. Those whom turn away from al-Hudā/al-Hidāyah: they’re truly Cursed-Individuals. And, if/when they choose to perish upon adh-Dhalah: they self-impose al-Muhriqah/Damnation upon themselves. There’s 0-Rajā/Hope for those like them.

I’ve literally known Persons who’ve committed ar-Riddah, even prior to me becoming a Muslim. Ironically, since 1417, A.H./1996, C.E. until now: the same exact Islāmophobic-Arguments which Murtads use today: I’ve personally witnessed being used via Murtads Decades ago. And, to no Surprise: almost all of the Murtads I’ve ever known were on a Fake-Wokeness Wave. Their Flawed-Logic: led by their Nafsiyyah/Egotism, as well as the Waswās/Deception of ash-Shaytān…Murtads actually think/feel that they’ve come from Darkness2Light via ar-Riddah while ironically it’s the inverse: they’ve left Light & delved into Darkness. Here’s examples of the Ex-Muslim Arguments which I’m referring to, which’re Classic Ex-Muslim Arguments by the way:

Fake-Wokeness leads to al-Kufr/Disbelief

Domestic-Violence has no place in the Muslim-Community!!!

In fact, very succintly, I specifically remember Murtads whom were Members of the same Judeo-Christian Community I was Part of, prior to being a Muslim: they constantly/consistently tried to convince me to commit ar-Riddah. They literally used every Islāmophobic-Argument I’ve aforementioned. I specifically recall 1-Murtad had gotten so desperate to get me to become a Murtad…this is how That-Scenario went down:

I remember This-Person & I conversing…they’d mentioned that they were once a Muslim and had even went to Makkah to perform al-Hajj/Pilgrimage. So, at That-Point, being a New-Muslim I was intrigued via what they had to say concerning their Religio-Spiritual Experience. Of course, prior to going for Hajj myself I really had 0-Idea what the Experience could’ve actually been like. So, This-Mothafucka had the Audacity to tell me that they saw Jesus-Christ at the Ka`bah/Cube. And, they pontificated/claimed that Jesus-Christ (keep in Mind that Jesus is a Muslim by virture of them being a Nabī/Prophetic-Individual) told them to go back to Judeo-Christianity which is 💯% Shirk/Association-Based. Now…honestly…I’ve 0-Idea what made their Goofy-Ass actually think/feel that Fabricated-Hadīth/Story would’ve ever been enough, for Gareth Bryant to depart from al-Islām.

Number-1: Clearly, the Mercy-Of-Allah was with me & shielded my Mind/Heart from taking that Goofy-Shit seriously.

Number-2: The Goofy-Shit they were kickin…That-Shit really didn’t comply with Basic-Intelligence. I’m not good at Math, but I’m Smart/Wise enough to know when Certain-Shit jus don’t add-up.

Number-3: Via al-Basīrah/Vision (via Hindsight) it’s clear to me, that they’re obviously Majnūn (Jinn-Influenced/Possessed) & they allowed adh-Dhalālah/Misguidance to consume them.

I know, for a Fact, that my Tahrīr/Resistance to their Islāmophobic-Woes could/would ever sway or lure me away from what Allah has set my Mind/Heart upon. And, this frustrated them as well as any like them-Murtads are Severely-Triggered when their Islāmophobic-Tactics don’t work on Muslims. For the Lufe of me: I can’t even fathom how/why anyone would be convinced to leave al-Islām, based on such Obviously-Falsified Arguments. It’s truly a Sign of Egotism, where Certain-Persons don’t even care how ridiculous any of these Islāmophobic-Arguments are: they’re just bent on worshipping their Egos/Desires & following what seems “Woke”, “Trendy”, etc. I mean, when I was confronted with all of these Ridiculous-Arguments: most of these I learned/knew about even prior to being Muslim & even as a New-Muslim with 0-Knowledge I knew that all Those-Arguments were Sucka-Shit. So, it truly makes me wonder how/why is it that Persons could’ve been Muslim-Born, or could’ve been Muslim for Decades, etc. but yet still fall for Untrue/Unintelligent-Postures such as what I’ve aforementioned. It’s truly pathetic, that they don’t even care though…as I often always say: Apathy is worse than Ignorance.

Gareth Bryant

Fake-Wokeness & the Idiocy of the Muslim Flat-Earther


“Verily, for the Intelligent: there’s Signs via the Creation of the Heavens&Earth as well as the Separation of Nite&Day.”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.3, V.190)

Does the Qur’an say the earth is flat? Islamic scholarship & the multiplicity of readings approach

I was sent Several-Things by a Fellow-Muslim, whom I actually respect&love, concerning this “Flat-Earth Theory” Nonsense. I’ve heard just about every Flat-Earth Argument which actually exists. But, when I’ve witnessed Fellow-Muslims actually believe in this Goofy-Shit: I’m actually hurt by this. Forget the Fact that there’s no Revelatory-Texts (not even prior to the Revelation of The Qur’ān) which state that any Planet is “Flat”. Just merely the Audacity that there’s Muslims whom adamantly advocate for “Flat-Earth Theory” is truly disturbing: I honest look at them with the Same Side-Eye as Muslims whom claim that they’re “Qur’ān-Only”, or that those whom buy into the Darwinian-Pontification/Claim that Humans “evolved” from Primates.

These’re actually the Info. which was sent to me, which I’ll comment on each of them individually:

Tanwīr is literally one of the Most-Unreliable Tafāsīr (Qur’ānic-Commentaries), for the Record. And, the Fact that they’ve even chosen to cite/quote that Particular-Tafsīr (Qur’ānic-Commentary) is truly insulting. And, ironically, Tanwīr isn’t even a Tafsīr which `Abdullah ibn-`Abbās (May Allah be pleased with them) ever personally authored. It’s merely a Tafsīr dishonestly attributed to them. In fact, ironically, classically, Tanwīr has been scholastically-dubbed as a “Body/Collection-Of-Lies”.

In no Way does this prove that the Earth is “Flat”. None of the Classic-Mufassirīn (Tafsīr/Commentary-Experts) were Secular-Scientists & none of them traveled external of the Middle-East/Mediterranean-World.

Here’s some Fun-Facts about ibn-Bāz:

a. They were Blind ever since they were a Teenager.

b. They never received any Formal/Official Secular-Education (which obviously would include: Geology, Astronomy, Physics, etc.).

c. They never dwelled externally of the Arabian-Peninsula.

Of course ibn-Bāz would pontificate/claim that the Earth is “Flat”…any Blind-Person would, because they can’t see Shit.

But, of course, since ibn-Bāz said the Earth is “Flat”: these Muslim Fake-Wokers keep dick-riding a Fatwā from the 1990’s, C.E. which has been proven wrong even prior to the Birth of ibn-Bāz. This is actually the Jahālah/Stupidity which exists via the Muslim-World today. Muslims went from being the Global Trend-Setters of S.T.E.A.M. (S.cience T.echnology E.ngineering A.rtistry M.athematics), Wellness, Mental-Health, Psychology, Literature, etc. via the Dark/Middle-Ages to being “Flat-Earthers”. Make that Goofy-Shit make Sense. Muslims being “Flat-Earthers”, because a Blind-Person whom never saw a Map or Globe said & alluded to that this is what Muslims must/should believe, without any Revelatory/Scientific-Evidence, literally defies Basic-Intelligence.

This is precisely how/why Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Don’t be an Imma`ah/Dick-Rider.”.

Ironically, the Only-Time which the Earth is mentioned Word4Word as being flat/flattened is referring to Yawm-il-Qiyāmah/the Day-Of-Standing, when Allah states that the Earth will be made as a Flat-Plane. This clearly indicates that the Earth had never been That-Way prior to Yawm-il-Qiyāmah.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.14, V.48; al-Bukhārī; Muslim; al-Bayhaqī; Ahmad; at-Tabarī; as-Suyūtī)

The Fact that I even had to write this is personally annoying. It’s truly painful, that there’s Muslims (especially Muslims whom I personally know) whom actually believe in “Flat-Earth Theory”. But, as I always tell People: Apathy is worse than Ignorance.

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2022, C.E.

A Dictionary can prevent Lots of Intellectual-Fuckery


The Fake-Woke Goofy-Shit:

My Response to this Fake-Woke Goofy-Shit:

Fake-Wokeness is literally (amongst Other-Things) a Spiritual&Intellectual-Toxin/Poison. It aims to exclusively keep its Ascribers/Adherents as Compliant Dumb-Asses. The Pathetic-Irony is that there’s literally Countless-Persons, the World over, whom actually respect, trust, take seriously, etc. Persons whom pontificate/promote This-Kind/Type of Idiocy. The Worst-Part about Persons like the aforementioned, whom produce Public-Content like the aforementioned:

1. They literally don’t even care how Pathologically-Ignorant they really are. They’re exclusively interested in influencing/dominating Others. This is directly the Result of them self-suffering from Low Self-Esteem Addiction & in turn they become addicted to manipulating Others.

2. There’s actually Persons whom’re impressed/intimidated by These-Clowns. And, because they self-suffer from Low Self-Esteem Addiction, they themselves in turn become addicted to being manipulated.

3. There’s really People whom spend their Lives jumping from Trend2Trend, chasing the Illusion of Inclusion, Coolness, Relevance, etc.

For any/all those actually interested in the Real-Definitions of both “Humble” & “Narcissist”:


not proud or haughty : not arrogant or assertive.


an extremely self-centered person who has an exaggerated sense of self-importance.


By the way: Narcassist is from Narcassism & Narcassism is a Psycho-Emotional Disorder. There’s literally nothing “positive” about Narcissism. “Narcissist” is actually a Psycho-Clinical Euphemism for “Apath”. Apathy/Arrogance is the Polar-Opposite of Empathy/Compassion.

This-Clown Ryan Daniels is precisely how/why I’ve 0-Trust for anyone whom doesn’t use Dictionaries, because they’ve 0-Respect for Language. This- Fake-Woke Ass Nigga literally “Googled” the Words “Narcissist” & “Humble”, without actually even looking them up via a Dictionary. It truly shows you just how Comfortably-Ignorant Certain-Persons actually are. Apathy is worse than Ignorance.

This is precisely how/why Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Don’t be an Imma`ah/Dick-Rider.”. We’re literally taught This-Warning, as Muslims, because via at-Tanzīl/Revelation we’re given Amthāl (Scenarios/Examples) of Humans whom existed prior to the Revelation of The Qur’ān that literally subjected themselves to al-Imma`tiyyah/Dick-Rider Culture.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.8, V.38; Chpt.16, V.24; Chpt.18, V.55; at-Tabarī; as-Suyūtī; ibn-Kathīr)

Gareth Bryant