Tag Archives: Misdirection

al-Kufr/Disbelief via Feminism



In 1438, A.H./2017, C.E. I authored a Facebook-Post titled “Feminism is Kufr/Bladphemy”. It’s been, to date, one of the Most-Controversial Things I’ve ever written publicly. Ironically, as Time has elapsed (as Allah would have it): basically everything which I argued via This-Post came to fruition. I’ll detail the Examples of what I mean later.

The Post itself:

Feminism is Kufr/Blasphemy

Obviously, by virtue of the Title of this Treatise, I will most definitely lose some Online/Real-Life Friends, Allies, Associates, etc. (as if I really give a God-Damn). However, this must be said, because, as I’ve been analyzing & synthesizing what had transpired over one of my Posts, concerning very valid and serious Issues within Islām, as well as among the Muslims & how we appear within our respective Socities: I’ve realized that Feminism particularly not only ignites Enmity between Men&Women generally under the Pseudo-Agenda of “Gender-Equality”, but it also is another Tool of ash-Shaytān/Satan which he constantly uses to keep an already divided Ummah/Nation of ours divided further, in which (not exclusive to Feminism, but other Things which the Modern-Muslim has attached themselves to) at the expense of challenging and/or even denying the legitimacy of various Things which are not only Islāmically-Valid, but are Things which have been directly allowed/legislated by Allah: Creator/Lord of the Universe, personally within the Qur’ān.

Now, for my Examples as Proofs that Feminism is Kufr, I’ll only be using Evidences directly from the Qur’ān, because no Muslim can ever state/claim that any of the Verses of the Qur’ān are anything less than Sahīh/Mutawātir (Flawlessly-Authentic/Indisputable).

My Proofs are the Following:

1. Men are allowed to inherit more from their Parents than Women are.(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.4, V.11)

2. Muslim-Men are allowed to marry Multiple-Wives vs. Muslim-Women are only allowed to marry 1-Husband.(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.4, V.3)

3. Muslim-Men are allowed to marry Non-Muslim Women ([only Jews&Christians] Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.5). Muslim-Women are prohibited from marrying any Non-Muslim under any Circumstances.(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.221; Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.24, V.2&3)

4. Muslim-Men are allowed to have Sexual-Intercourse with their Female-Slaves vs. Muslim-Women being prohibited from having Sexual-Intercourse with anyone whom she’s not married to.(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.4, V.3; Chpt.23, V.6)

These are just some from among many Proofs. These Islāmic-Allowances, each/all of them are 💯% Diametrically-Opposed to Feminist-Values. So, what do Muslims who ride the Feminist Band-Wagon do to consolidate being Muslim and also wanting to support and/or be Feminists? As I’ve already mentioned: these Islāmic-Allowances all come from al-Qur’ān directly. So, I can’t be blamed for grabbing other Sources which People will Knee-Jerk disaggree with. Because, afterall: any/all Muslims relative to the Revelation of the Qur’ān: from Scholars & Laymen alike, Literate & Illiterate alike, `Arab & Non-`Arab alike, regardless of Muslim-Sectarian Persuasion, totally agree that the Qur’ān is Revelation which is the Speech of Allah.

So, since this is the Case, that these Islāmic-Allowances oppose Feminist-Values, you face a significant Dilemma. Disagreeing, rejecting, the validity of these Islāmic-Allowances represents a direct disagreement with Allah, basically based upon the Principles of Feminism: all of these Islāmic-Allowances are Misogynistic by Nature. Now, you have an even bigger problem: by supporting a Gender-Centric Ideology (which Feminism is and whose Mantra is covertly Gender-`Asabiyyah/Bias), which very clearly opposes many Things which are not only Islāmically-Allowable but which is directly mentioned within the Qur’ān, the question you have to ask yourself are 2. 1: Do you believe that Allah is a Misogynist? 2. Do you accept that which Allah allows via Revelation, inspite of the fact that Feminism is the hot new Trend which you want to be a part of, but many Things which Allah allows opposes what Feminism stands for.

I strongly suggest that you objectively receive what I’ve written, and accept it as Food For Thought:







Examples of al-Kufr via Feminism:

Keep in Mind…the Person via This-Video (addressing themselves as “Adunola”) literally admitted to knowing 0 about the Arabic-Language. Yet, ironically, to pontificate/promote Fake-Wokeness via Feminism: they attempted to “define/interpret” Words from Arabic which they’ve 0-Knowledge of, as well as attempted to connected Words like “al-Lāt” (one of the Names of the Pagan-Arab Pantheon Gods) to the Word “Allah”. The Word “Allah” (the Primary-Name of the Creator/Lord of the Universe) & the Word “al-Lāt” are comoletely-unrelated linguistically…the Arabic-Language itself undoubtedly proves this. Literally, everything via This-Video is % predicated upon al-Bātil/Falsehood via Fake-Wokeness, via Feminism.
(Lisān-ul-`Arab: Lexicon of the Arabic-Language, ibn-Manzhūr)

In response to Rashida Tlaib’s Statement, regarding when she stated that she believes that Allah is a “Woman”, referring to Allah as “My Allah is She” (this is literally what was stated Word4Word mind you), when in fact Allah has no Gender: neither Female nor Male. Clearly, their Knowledge of al-`Aqīdah/Islāmic-Theology is severely Off-Key. This is why Feminism is al-Kufr/Disbelief, because it leads to Things like this. Ironically, mostly all Pantheons/Pagan-God Hierarchies were Matrilineal/Maternal & catered to Femininity. Even the Top-Gods of the Pagan-Arabs, prior to the Revelation of The Qur’ān, were Female: al-Manāt, al-Lāt, al-`Uzzā.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.53, V.19&20; at-Tabarī; al-Qurtubī; as-Suyūtī)




And speaking of Pagan-Arab Gods…there’s this Goofy-Shit:

‘We Had the Guts to Say Yes to This’: Artists Explain Why They Ignored Widespread Censure to Participate in Desert X’s Saudi Edition

“The deeper that one goes down the rabbit hole, the darker the evil becomes. It so happens that the feminist artist commissioned to erect the idol at al-Ula (the same location as the people of Thamud), has constructed similar gyno-centric idols elsewhere, some including a ritual where participants dance and circumambulate around the idol.” https://www.litaalbuquerque.com/

Just as Allah states: “The Arabs are clisest to Disbelief&Hypocrisy.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.9, V.97)

Amina Wadud pontificating to be a “Female-Imām”, and worse yet committing al-Buhtān/al-Humazah (Slander/Defamation) against Anbiyā’/Prophetic-Individuals.



Bruce Jenner being labled “Woman Of The Year” via Time Magazine…an Insult to every Human-Female via Human-History. Yet, ironically, as well as, pitifully, there’s been Countless-Women who’ve actually celebrated This-Idiocy.



Cancel-Culture used via Feminists to marginalize any Persons whom refuse to co-sign/dick-ride Feminism. This has been occuring for Years. However, since the Covid-Era it’s intensified a tremendously.



Pathological-Strife between Men & Women, over which Gender is “superior” vs. “inferior”, has initiated Gender-War not seen since the “Sexual-Revolution” Era.


The Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative of Muslims pontificating/claiming that Muslim-Women can “marry” Non-Muslim Men…basically an Excuse for Muslim-Women to THOT till they drop.


The Idiotic-Concept known as Ethical/Feminist-Porn…this truly through me for a Whole-Loop. I never thought that I’d ever live long enough to ever witness “Ethics”, “Feminism”, etc. linguistically attached to Pornography.


Needless to say: I lost Several-Friendships, made a Host of Frienemies, got banned from Speaking-Engagements/Events, etc. Obviously, I didn’t give a Damn, because I’ve got what’s called the “Courage to be Disliked”. However, strangely enough…as Years went by: this Manosphere-Concept/Movement, Red-Pillism, Alpha-Maleism, the Kevin Samuel/Andrew Tate Types, etc.-I’ve literally been saying the Similar-Things as them, literally prior to me even knowing that any of These-Personalities & any of These-Concepts/Movements ever existed. It’s just very interestingly ironic, how People whom I’ve never even met before via Real-Life (regardless of whether they’re Muslims or Non-Muslims): we’ve been able to come to almost Identical-Conclusions as per the Destructive-Nature of Feminism. And, much like Certain-Individuals: I myself have been subject to Certain-Persons accusing me of being “Anti-Women”, a “Misogynist”, “Sexist”, etc.: utterly ridiculous at best…I’ve equally been accused to “upholding the Patriarchy” (as if there’s something actually wrong with Patriarchy anyway). Yeah…that’s been my Life. I absolutely have had People literally cut me off, simply because I don’t/won’t co-sign/dick-ride Feminists Flag-Bearers. I honestly take it all in Stride though. I exist to make the Uncomfortable comfortable…as Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way).”.
(ibn-Hibbān, al-Bayhaqī)

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2023, C.E.

The Hidden X-Factor of al-Liwāt/Homosexuality


Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Verily, the Character/Behavior of the People-Of-Lot is what I fear for my Nation mostly.”.
(al-Kabā’ir/The Major-Sins, adh-Dhahabī)

This-Video via YouTube details a Challenge to Homosexuals pertaining to the Impossibility to possess 5-Things. One of those Things were a Positive-Relationship with one’s Father/Male-Parent. The Reactions to the 2nd-Thing which basically none of those in the Video were capable of affirming/confirming were clearly obvious. Also, I’ve literally witnessed the Reality of this via my Profession as a Chaplain & even in my Personal-Life: almost every single Person whom I know (Relatives included) whom ended-up being Homosexuals had Negative/Toxic-Relationships with their Bio-Fathers and/or 0-Relationships with their Bio-Fathers. Also, the same rings true as per those whom I’ve provided Counseling/Therapy to, regarding Sexual-Identity Crisis and/or al-Liwāt/Homosexuality. And, more often than not: it’s not like the Bio-Fathers didn’t want to be in the Lives of their Bio-Children…as I always tell People: Just because the Father wasn’t present doesn’t mean they wanted to be absent. It’s not always the Blame/Fault of the Father, as per how/why they’re absent. There’s Countless-Women (along with Court-Systems, their Relatives, Loved-Ones, Friends, etc.) whom’re literally the Human-Reasons how/why their Children didn’t have their Bio-Fathers.

Furthermore, 98% of Persons whom I’ve counseled as per Sexual-Identity Crisis and/or al-Liwāt were Victims/Survivors of al-Ightisāb/Sexual-Abuse at least once via their Lifetimes. And, 98% of Persons whom I’ve counseled pertaining to Suicide have been Victims/Survivors of al-Ightisāb, at least once via their Lifetimes. However, as to be expected: Persons whom’re Pro-Homo won’t take kindly to these Kinds/Types of Facts, because it completely debunks their “Born This-Way” Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative. It compromises the Pro-Homo Agenda to recognize/accept this as Truth/Honesty. To add to this: there’s been Confirmed-Reports via the Personal-Testimonies of Sexual-Abusers whom specifically target Children via Child-Molestation…they readily admit that their Main Targets-Of-Interests are Women whom’re Single-Mothers/Single Female-Parents whose Fathers of their Children aren’t present via the Lives of their Children.

These-Videos are very introspective & necessary to watch, pertaining to Boots on the Ground Realities as per how/why the Proliferation of al-Liwāt is what it is. Lack of Fatherhood/Male-Parenthood is an Undeniable-Piece to the Puzzle of al-Liwātiyyah/Homo-Culture spreading as it does. The Socio-Politically Engineered War against Patriarchy/Masculinity has been given a Greenlight to thrive via Feminism. This “Toxic-Masculinity” Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative is very destructive. And, it’s very Pharaonic/Draconian…just as Allah states about the Oppression of Fir`awn/Pharaoh against Banī-Isrā’īl/the Children-Of-Israel: destroy the Men but spare the Women.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.7, V.141)

It’s abundantly obvious, the Correlations&Connections. Yet, unfortunately, anyone whom expresses the Reality of these are subjected to Unjust-Ridicule/Ostracization, Unjust-Alienation, etc. only because they refuse to abide by this Agenda-Driven Trend. As Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Don’t be an Imma`ah/Trend-Follower”.

Gareth Bryant 1443, A.H./2022, C.E.